Periodic Classification of Elements MCQ Neet

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MCQ on Periodic Classification of Elements for Students

Mendeleef arranged the elements in a table in the order of

1. Decreasing atomic weights

2. Increasing atomic weights

3. Decreasing atomic numbers

4. Increasing atomic numbers

Option 2 – Increasing atomic weights

Li, Be, B, C, N, O, F, Na, In this arrangement which elements have similar properties according to Newlands concept

1. Li, F

2. Be, Na

3. Li, Na

4. C, N

Option 3 – Li, Na

Newlands concept actaves failed when carried further to include

1. Lower elements

2. Higher elements

3. Gasious elements

4. None

Option 2 – Higher elements

Mn does not resemble

1. Cl

2. P

3. S

4. Cr

Option 2 – P

Who proposed periodic law which is the basis of modern system of classification of elements

1. Mendeleef

2. Lother Meyar

3. (1) and (2)

4. None

Option 3 – (1) and (2)

Who believed that “atomic property should be the basis for classification

1. Mendeleef

2. Mosley

3. De Chacourtois

4. Pettenkofer

Option 1 – Mendeleef

Who used atomic weights as the basis of classification

1. Mendeleef

2. Lother mayer

3. Mosley

4. (1) and (2)

Option 4 – (1) and (2)

While doing the classification Mendeleef gave more consideration to

1. The Chemical properties

2. The physical properties

3. The atomic sizes

4. The atomic orbitals

Option 1 – The Chemical properties

While doing the classification Lother meyer gave more consideration to

1. The chemical properties

2. The atomic numbers

3. The physical properties

4. The atomic Nucleus

Option 3 – The physical properties

According Mendeleef periodic law the properties of elements are the periodic functions of their ……

1. Atomic numbers

2. Atomic weights

3. Atomic sizes

4. Atomic volumes

Option 2 – Atomic weights

The first classification of elements is attempted by

1. Dobereiner

2. Mendeleff

3. Mosley

4. John A.R. Newlands

Option 1 – Dobereiner

Triads means

1. Small groups of Three elements

2. Small groups of Four elements

3. Small groups of Five elements

4. Small groups of Six elements

Option 1 – Small groups of Three elements

Dobereiner arranged elements as

1. groups

2. periods

3. triads

4. All the above

Option 3 – triads

In Doberiener traid the atomic weight of middle element is

1. The Sum of the atomic weights of first and third elements

2. The product of the atomic weights of First and Third elements

3. The ratio of the atomic weights of First and Third elements

4. The mean of the atomic weights of first and third elements

Option 4 – The mean of the atomic weights of first and third elements

Which of the following group of elements are triad

1. Na, Ne, k

2. Cl, Br, I

3. Li, Fe, Ni

4. C, N, O

Option 2 – Cl, Br, I

Group of Li, Na, K are called

1. Metals

2. Alkaline earth metals

3. Inactive metals

4. Triad

Option 4 – Triad

Which of the following is not a triad

1. S, Se, Te

2. Fe, Co, Ni

3. Li, Na, k

4. Na, Mg, Al

Option 4 – Na, Mg, Al

Concept of actaves was proposed by

1. Mosley

2. Mendeleef

3. Newlands

4. Pettenkofer

Option 3 – Newlands

According to Newlands concept of actaves if elements are arranged sequentially in the increasing order of their atomic weights

1. Every sixth element is having similar properties

2. Every eighth element is having similar properties

3. Every eighteenth element is having similar properties

4. Every fourth element is having similar properties

Option 2 – Every eighth element is having similar properties

Elements from atomic number 89 (Actinium) to 102 (Nobelium) are known as

1. Lanthanoids

2. Actinoids

3. Inertgases

4. Representative elements

Option 2 – Actinoids

Based on the electronic configuration, the elements are classified into….. classes

1. Two

2. Three

3. Four

4. Five

Option 3 – Four

All the inert gases are placed in

1. Zero group

2. First group

3. Second group

4. Third group

Option 1 – Zero group

Each period in the periodic table ends with an

1. Halogen

2. Chalkogen

3. Inert gas element

4. None of these

Option 3 – Inert gas element

Fourth and Fifth periods consist of …. elements each




4. 28

Option 3 – 18

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Sixth period has

1. 18 elements

2.8 elements

3.32 elements

4. In complete

Option 3 – 32 elements

Seventh Period is …

1. Small period

2. Long period

3. Incomplete

4. None

Option 3 – Incomplete

Which of the following elements are known as Lanthanoides

1. Elements from atomic number 51 (Lanthanum) to 70 (Herbium)

2. Elements from atomic number 89 (Actinium) to 102 (Nobelium)

3. Elements from atomic number 11 (Sodium) to 18 (Argon)

4. Elements from atomic number 37 (Rubedium to 54 (Xenon)

Option 1 – Elements from atomic number 51 (Lanthanum) to 70 (Herbium)

We covered all the periodic classification of elements mcq neet above in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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