Physics Chapter wise Weightage Class 12 HSC

Physics Chapter wise Weightage Class 12 HSC. We covered all the Physics Chapter wise Weightage Class 12 HSC in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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Physics Chapter wise Weightage Class 12 HSC Mock Test for Students

If n₁ is the fundamental frequency of open pipe at both ends and no is that of pipe closed at the one end of the same length, the ratio n₁ : n₂ is :

(A) 1 : 2

(B) 2 : 1

(C) 4 : 1

(D) 1 : 4

Option b – 2 : 1

An air column in a pipe, which is closed at one end, will be in resonance with a vibrating tuning fork of frequency 264 Hz, if the length of the column is (v = 330 m/s) :

(A) 31. 25 cm

(B) 93.75 cm

(C) 62.50 cm

(D) 125.75 cm

Option a – 31. 25 cm

Two open organ pipe of length 50 cm and 50.5 produces 0.3 beats per second, then the cm velocity of sound is :

(A) 3030 m/s

(B) 30.30 m/s

(C) 303 m/s

(D) 3.03 m/s

Option b – 30.30 m/s

When an open pipe is produced a third harmonic number of nodes is :

(A) 1

(B) 2

(C) 3

(D) 4

Option c – 3

In the case of a pipe closed at one end, the frequency of the Pth overtone is(n = Fundamental frequency)

(A) (P+ 1) n

(B) (2P +1) n

(C) (2P – 1}n

(D) (P-1) n

Option b – (2P +1) n

What is the effect of an increase in temperature on the frequency of the sound produced by an organ pipe?

(A) Increases

(B) Décreases

(C) No effect

(D) Erratic change

Option a – Increases

The fundamental frequency of a closed organ pipe is 50 Hz. The frequency of the third overtone is :

(A) 200 Hz

(B) 150 Hz

(C) 250 Hz

(D) 350 Hz

Option d – 350 Hz

A pipe open at both ends gives frequencies which are :

(A) Only even a multiple of the fundamental frequency

(B) Only the odd multiple of the fundamental frequency

(C) All integral multiple of the fundamental frequency

(D) All fractional multiple of the fundamental frequency

Option c – All integral multiple of the fundamental frequency

An open pipe of length 33 cm resonates to a frequency of 1000 Hz. It is the :

(A) First harmonic of the pipe

(B) Second harmonic of the pipe

(C) Fourth harmonic of the pipe

(D) Fundamental frequency of the pipe

Option b – Second harmonic of the pipe

If n₁ is the resonance frequency of a pipe open at both ends and n₂ the resonance frequency of a pipe open at one end only is in fundamental mode and the pipes are of the same length, then :

(A) n₁ = 2n₂

(B) n₁ = n₂

(C) 2n₁ = n₂

(D) 3n₁ = 4n₂

Option a – n₁ = 2n₂

An open pipe produces a fundamental note. All of a sudden one of its ends is closed. If again a fundamental note is emitted, the frequency of the note will be :

(A) Double

(B) Half

(C) Same

(D) Quarter

Option b – Half

In the case of a pipe open at both ends, the frequency of the pth overtone is (n = fundamental frequency) :

(A) (P+1) n

(B) (2P + 1) n

(C) (2P −1)n

(D) (P-1) n

Option a – (P+1) n

If an open pipe of length l vibrates in fundamental mode, then pressure variation is maximum at

(A) End of pipe

(B) Middle of pipe

(C) One-fourth from the ends of the pipe

(D) One-third from the ends of the pipe

Option b – Middle of pipe

We covered all the physics chapter wise weightage class 12 hsc above in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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