Plant Kingdom MCQ for NEET

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Plant Kingdom MCQ for NEET Students

The body is divisible into holdfast, stipe, and frond in which of the following algae?

(A) Porphyra

(B) Chara

(C) Laminaria

(D) Polysiphonia

Option c – Laminaria

……. life cycle occurs in alga Fucus.

(A) Haplontic

(B) Diplontic

(C) Haplo-diplontic

(D) Either (A) or (C)

Option b – Diplontic

The event precursor to the seed habit in pteridophytes is

(A) germination of pollen grains on stigma.

(B) development of zygotes into young embryos takes place within the female gametophyte.

(C) entry of pollen tubes into the embryo sac.

(D) transfer of antherozoid to archegonium through the water.

Option b – development of zygotes into young embryos takes place within the female gametophyte.

Pyrenoids are

(A) commonly found in the members of Phaeophyceae

(B) associated with the storage of starch and proteins

(C) sexual reproductive structures in pteridophytes

(D) asexual reproductive structures in thallophytes

Option b – associated with the storage of starch and proteins

Asexual reproduction in green algae takes place by

(A) non-motile zoospores

(B) motile ascospores

(C) flagellated zoospores

(D) biflagellated aplanospores

Option c – flagellated zoospores

Food is stored as mannitol and laminarin in

(A) Rhodophyceae

(B) Chlorophyceae

(C) Phaeophyceae

(D) All of the above

Option c – Phaeophyceae

Which of the following is INCORRECT regarding mosses?

(A) The leafy stage formed in mosses develops from the secondary protonema.

(B) Protonema in mosses develops from spores.

(C) They are attached to the substratum by multicellular and branched rhizoids.

(D) They cannot reproduce by vegetative

Option d – They cannot reproduce by vegetative

Which amongst the following is an example of red algae?

(A) Volvox

(B) Ulothrix

(C) Porphyra

(D) Chlorella

Option c – Porphyra

Identify the INCORRECT statement.

(A) Mosses help prevent soil erosion.

(B) Mosses along with lichens are the first organisms to colonize rocks.

(C) During sexual reproduction in liverworts, male and female sex organs are produced either on the same or on different thalli.

(D) The main plant body of bryophyte is diploid.

Option d – The main plant body of bryophyte is diploid.

Assertion: Bryophytes are known as the amphibians of the plant kingdom. Reason: These plants can live in soil but are dependent on water for sexual reproduction.

(A) Both assertion and reason are true and the reason is the correct explanation of assertion.

(B) Both assertion and reason are true but the reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.

(C) Assertion is true but the reason is false.

(D) Both assertion and reason are false.

Option a – Both assertion and reason are true and the reason is the correct explanation of assertion.

…….. is the leaf-like photosynthetic organ found in the algae.

(A) Stipe

(B) Frond

(C) Seta

(D) Holdfast

Option b – Frond

…… has high water retention capacity is used as and packing material for trans-shipment living material of

(A) Funaria

(B) Selaginella

(C) Salvinia

(D) Sphagnum

Option d – Sphagnum

Algin is obtained from

(A) red algae

(B) brown algae

(C) green algae

(D) both (A) and (B)

Option b – brown algae

Which of the following is an INCORRECT pair?

(A) Oogamous: Volvox

(B) Isogamous: Spirogyra

(C) Anisogamous: Eudorina

(D) Isogamous: Fucus

Option d – Isogamous: Fucus

Identify ‘X’ and ‘Y’ with reference to double fertilization in Angiosperms. Male gamete + Egg cell ‘X’ Male gamete + Secondary nucleus ‘Y’ ->

(A) X-haploid zygote, Y- diploid PEN

(B) X-diploid zygote, Y- triploid PEN

(C) X-haploid zygote, Y- diploid endosperm

(D) X-diploid zygote, Y- diploid embryo

Option b – X-diploid zygote, Y- triploid PEN

Identify the algae used to obtain Agar.

(A) Chlorella

(B) Chara

(C) Gelidium

(D) Spirulina

Option c – Gelidium

Which of the following statement(s) is/are INCORRECT with respect to the haplo diplontic life cycle in plants?

(A) All seed-bearing plants follow this life cycle pattern

(B) Both phases are multicellular

(C) Polysiphonia and kelps follow this life cycle.

(D) All of the above

Option a – All seed-bearing plants follow this life cycle pattern

Cycas belongs to the group

(A) Thallophyta

(B) Bryophyta

(C) Angiosperms

(D) Gymnosperms

Option d – Gymnosperms

The male sex organ in Funaria is

(A) antheridium

(B) archegonium

(C) setae

(D) microsporangia

Option a – antheridium

In which of the following plants, does alternation between diploid and haploid plant structure occurs?

(A) Bryophytes

(B) Pteridophytes

(C) Gymnosperms

(D) Both (A) and (B)

Option d – Both (A) and (B)

…… is the predominant phase in the life cycle of the moss.

(A) Microsporophyll

(B) Sporophyte

(C) Gametophyte

(D) Prothallus

Option c – Gametophyte

The asexual reproductive structure called gemmae is found in

(A) Liverworts

(B) Angiosperms

(C) Pteridophytes

(D) Algae

Option a – Liverworts

Which one of the following statements about blood elements is correct?

(a) Red blood cell numbers are the same as that of white blood cells and platelets.

(b) The number of white blood cells is more than red blood cells.

(c) The number of red blood cells is the highest.

(d) The number of red blood cells is lower than platelets.

Option c – The number of red blood cells is the highest

Red blood cells do not have a nucleus in

(a) fishes

(b) tadpoles

(c) birds

(d) mammals

Option d – mammals

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Which of the following parts of blood carries out the function of body defense?

(a) Red blood cells

(b) White blood cells

(c) Platelets

(d) Hemoglobin

Option b – White blood cells

Tendons through which muscles are connected to bones are tightly compacted bundles of which one of the following long fibrous proteins?

(a) Fibrin

(b) Collagen

(c) Elastin

(d) Cellulose

Option b – Collagen

White blood cells act

(a) as a defense against infection.

(b) as a source of energy.

(c) for clotting blood.

(d) as a medium for oxygen transport from the lung to tissues

Option a – as a defense against infection

Which among the following is not a connective tissue?

(a) Blood

(b) Bone

(c) Skin

(d) Cartilage

Option c – Skin

Dictyota and Gracilaria are examples of

(A) Chlorophyceae and Phaeophyceae respectively

(B) Chlorophyceae

(C) Phaeophyceae and Rhodophyceae respectively

(D) Rhodophyceae

Option c – Phaeophyceae and Rhodophyceae respectively

In bryophytes, the female sex organ called archegonium produces ___________eggs.

(A) 1

(B) 2

(C) 3

(D) 4

Option a – 1

Read the following statements and select the correct option. Statement I: Gymnosperms are further divided into four classes Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Sphenopsida, and Pteropsida. Statement II: Equisetum is included under the class Lycopsida.

(A) Statement I is correct, and statement II is incorrect.

(B) Statement I is incorrect, and statement II is correct.

(C) Both statements I and II are correct.

(D) Both statements I and II are incorrect.

Option d – Both statements I and II are incorrect.

Identify the ODD one.

(A) Eucalyptus

(B) Ginkgo

(C) Cycas

(D) Pinus

Option a – Eucalyptus

Flagella is absent in which of the following algae?

(A) Red algae

(B) Brown algae

(C) Green algae

(D) Both (B) and (C)

Option a – Red algae

Assertion: The members of class Phaeophyceae are commonly called red algae. Reason: These algae show pre-dominance of the red pigment – fucoxanthin in their body.

(A) Both assertion and reason are true and the reason is the correct explanation of assertion.

(B) Both assertion and reason are true but the reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.

(C) Assertion is true but the reason is false

(D) Both assertion and reason are false.

Option d – Both assertion and reason are false.

Read the following statements and select the correct option. Statement I: Gymnosperms are heterosporous. Statement II: The plant’s Selaginella and Salvinia are homosporous.

(A) Statement I is correct, and statement II is incorrect.

(B) Statement I is incorrect, and statement II is correct.

(C) Both statements I and II are correct.

(D) Both statements I and II are incorrect.

Option a – Statement I is correct, and statement II is incorrect.

The primary endosperm nucleus develops into

(A) endosperm

(B) ovaries

(C) rhizoids

(D) flowers

Option a – endosperm

In gymnosperms, after fertilization, the ovules develop into

(A) seeds

(B) embryo

(C) sepal

(D) calyx

Option a – seeds

Flowers of dicotyledonous plants are

(A) trimerous

(B) tetramerous

(C) pentamerous

(D) either (B) or (C)

Option d – either (B) or (C)

Which of the following includes pteridophytes?

(A) Cycas, Pinus, Cedrus and Wolffia

(B) Pinus, Cedrus, Sequoia, and Equisetum

(C) Selaginella, Equisetum, Fern and Salvinia

(D) Cedrus, Pinus, Ulothrix, and Sequoia

Option c – Selaginella, Equisetum, Fern and Salvinia

Double fertilization occurs in

(A) thallophytes

(B) angiosperms

(C) gymnosperms

(D) pteridophytes

Option b – angiosperms

Carrageenan is obtained from

(A) brown algae

(B) red algae

(C) green algae

(D) both (A) and (C)

Option b – red algae

Which one of the following is a green alga?

(A) Spirogyra

(B) Fucus

(C) Ectocarpus

(D) Porphyra

Option a – Spirogyra

The synergids and antipodals haploid

(A) divide meiotically to form haploid gametes after fertilization.

(B) form plumule and radicle after fertilization

(C) degenerate after fertilization.

(D) degenerate even before fertilization occurs.

Option c – degenerate after fertilization.

Which of the following exhibit a haplo-diplontic life cycle?

(A) Angiosperms

(B) Gymnosperms

(C) Pteridophytes

(D) Thallophytes

Option c – Pteridophytes

Which of the following is INCORRECT regarding angiosperms?

(A) In angiosperms, microsporangium is a part of the embryo sac.

(B) They are divided into two classes dicotyledons and monocotyledons.

(C) These plants follow the diplontic pattern of the life cycle.

(D) In these plants the seeds are enclosed in fruits.

Option a – In angiosperms, microsporangium is a part of the embryo sac.

The female sex organ in a flower is

(A) stamen

(B) anther

(C) pistil

(D) filament

Option c – pistil

……. is a flagellated algae.

(A) Ulothrix

(B) Chlamydomonas

(C) Spirogyra

(D) both (A) and (B)

Option d – both (A) and (B)

Bryophytes include

(A) Ulothrix

(B) Chlamydomonas

(C) Sellaginella

(D) Polytrichum

Option d – Polytrichum

Identify the CORRECT statement.

(A) In gymnosperms, the seeds are covered by a single ovary wall.

(B) The stems of Cycas are branched and possess pinnate leaves.

(C) In Cycas, female and male cones are borne on the same tree.

(D) The cones bearing megasporophylls with ovules are called female strobili.

Option d – The cones bearing megasporophylls with ovules are called female strobili.

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