Polynuclear Hydrocarbons MCQ

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MCQ on Polynuclear Hydrocarbons for NEET Students

The position of substituents in resorcinol is the same as in the case of ……….

(A) salicylic acid

(B) anisole

(C) p-toluidine

(D) m-xylene

Option d – m-xylene

The hydrocarbon producing OHC(CH2)4CHO on ozonolysis is ………..

(A) benzene

(B) hex-3-ene

(C) cyclohexene

(D) toluene

Option c – cyclohexene

Benzene -> Chlorobenzene Above conversion can be carried out in presence of ……..

(A) AICl3

(B) BCl3

(C) FeCl3

(D) all of these

Option d – all of these

Which among the following groups when attached to the benzene ring will direct the incoming electrophile predominantly to the meta position? i. -CH3 ii. -NR₂ iii. (CH3)3 N iv. -CC13 V. -NHCOCH3

(A) ii and v only

(B) i and iv only

(C) iii and v only

(D) iii and iv only

Option d – iii and iv only

Identify the INCORRECT statement from the following.

(A) Benzene undergoes electrophilic substitution reactions readily as compared to nucleophilic substitution reactions.

(B) Due to the absence of pure double bonds, benzene shows reluctance for addition reactions under normal conditions.

(C) Arenium ion produced during electrophilic substitution is aromatic in nature.

(D) During nitration, nitric acid serves as a base while sulphuric acid serves as an acid in order to produce nitronium ions.

Option c – Arenium ion produced during electrophilic substitution is aromatic in nature.

Benzene can be converted into maleic anhydride by using ………

(A) oxygen and V₂05/773 K

(B) KMnO4, KOH, 383 K/dil H₂SO4

(C) CrO₂Cl₂ + CS2, H₂O

(D) 303, CH₂Cl₂/196 K

Option a – oxygen and V₂05/773 K

Which of the following will undergo meta-substitution on monochlorination?

(A) Phenol

(B) Ethoxybenzene

(C) Ethylbezoate

(D) Chlorobenzene

Option c – Ethylbezoate

EXCEPT ………….. other heterocyclic compounds of nitrogen are aromatic in nature.

(A) pyrrole

(B) pyridine

(C) piperidine

(D) pyrimidine

Option c – piperidine

Which of the following compounds on nitration will NOT yield an m-substituted product?

(A) Acetophenone

(B) Acetanilide

(C) Benzaldehyde

(D) Nitrobenzene

Option b – Acetanilide

Which of the following is CORRECT about benzene?

(A) It can be regarded as [14]-annulene.

(B) It does not decolorize bromine in CCl4.

(C) It’s a non-planar molecule.

(D) Benzene is more reactive than alkenes and alkynes.

Option b – It does not decolorize bromine in CCl4.

Find the INCORRECT statement :

(A) Br is an electrophile.

(B) – Cl in the benzene nucleus is activating and o- and p- directing.

(C) Benzene is a planar molecule.

(D) Phenol is more reactive than benzene toward electrophilic substitution reactions.

Option b – – Cl in the benzene nucleus is activating and o- and p- directing.

Benzene →Glyoxal Above conversion is possible by ……..

(A) heating with hydrogen in presence of nickel under pressure

(B) reductive ozonolysis

(C) oxidation in presence of V₂O5 at 773 K

(D) Etard’s reaction

Option b – reductive ozonolysis

The most reactive compound towards sulphonation is ………

(A) nitrobenzene

(B) benzonitrile

(C) phenol

(D) benzoic acid

Option c – phenol

……….. on passing through a red hot iron tube at 873 K will form mesitylene.

(A) 3 Molecules of acetylene

(B) 3 Molecules of propyne

(C) 3 Molecules of 2-butyne

(D) 2 Molecules of propyne

Option b – 3 Molecules of propyne

Wurtz-Fitting reaction of chlorobenzene methyl chloride produces ‘X’. Which of the following is INCORRECT about “X”?

(A) It’s a benzenoid compound.

(B) On reaction with conc.HNO3 gives simple aromatic carboxylic acid.

(C) It can be prepared by the aromatization of n-hexane.

(D) The substituent group present in ‘X’ is the o and p-directing activating group.

Option c – It can be prepared by the aromatization of n-hexane.

IUPAC name of benzylamine is ………

(A) aminobenzene

(B) phenylmethanamine

(C) 2-aminotoluene

(D) N-phenylaniline

Option b – phenylmethanamine

Which of the following compounds has a double bond that is conjugated with the T-system of the benzene ring?

(A) 4-Benzyltoluene

(B) 2-Phenyl-1-butene

(C) 3-Phenylcyclohexene

(D) 3-Phenyl-1,4-pentadiene

Option b – 2-Phenyl-1-butene

Nitrobenzene reaction with conc.HNO3/H₂SO4 forms which one of the following products?

(A) 1,2-Dinitrobenzene

(B) 1,3-Dinitrobenzene

(C) 1,4-Dinitrobenzene

(D) 1,2,4-Trinitrobenzene

Option b – 1,3-Dinitrobenzene

Benzene can be obtained by heating either benzoic acid with X or phenol with Y. X and Y are ……… respectively.

(A) zinc dust and soda lime

(B) soda-lime and zinc dust

(C) zinc dust and sodium hydroxide

(D) soda-lime and copper

Option b – soda-lime and zinc dust

The compound lindane is also known as ……….



(C) hexadeuterobenzene

(D) trinitrotoluene

Option b – BHC

Find the CORRECT order of decreasing relative reactivity towards electrophilic substitution for the following set of compounds: i. 2,4-Dinitrochlorobenzene ii. p-Nitrochlorobenzene iii. Chlorobenzene

(A) Chlorobenzene > p-nitrochlorobenzene > 2,4-dinitrochlorobenzene

(B) 2,4-Dinitrochlorobenzene > p nitrochlorobenzene > chlorobenzene

(C) p-Nitrochlorobenzene > chlorobenzene > 2,4-dinitrochlorobenzene

(D) Chlorobenzene > 2,4-dinitrochlorobenzene > p-nitrochlorobenzene

Option a – Chlorobenzene > p-nitrochlorobenzene > 2,4-dinitrochlorobenzene

Which of the following is an example of a benzenoid aromatic compound which consists of two benzene rings connected via a single covalent bond?

(A) Diphenylmethane

(B) Diphenyl

(C) Naphthalene

(D) Azulene

Option b – Diphenyl

Assertion: Aromatic hydrocarbons liberate a higher amount of heat on combustion as compared to corresponding alkanes. Reason: Due to cyclic structure and conjugated system, aromatic compounds are more stable than alkanes.

(A) Assertion and Reason are true. The reason is the correct explanation of the Assertion.

(B) Assertion and Reason are true. The reason is not the correct explanation of the Assertion.

(C) The assertion is true. The reason is false.

(D) The assertion is false. The reason is true.

Option d – The assertion is false. The reason is true.

Identify the INCORRECT statement about the electrophilic substitution reaction mechanism from the following.

(A) Lewis acid/protonic acid is always required to generate the electrophile.

(B) The aromatic character of benzene is not preserved.

(C) Arenium ion is not aromatic in nature.

(D) Abstraction of a proton by a nucleophile occurs in the electrophilic substitution reaction mechanism.

Option b – The aromatic character of benzene is not preserved.

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Amongst the following compounds, more reactive and least reactive compounds towards electrophilic substitution are ………… respectively. (2-Nitrophenol, 4-bromophenol, nitrobenzene, phenol, 1,3-dinitrobenzene)

(A) nitrobenzene and 4-bromophenol

(B) 2-nitrophenol and 4-bromophenol

(C) 1,3-dinitrobenzene and 4-bromophenol

(D) phenol and 1,3-dinitrobenzene

Option d – phenol and 1,3-dinitrobenzene

Identify the INCORRECT statement from the following.

(A) Aromatic hydrocarbons burn with a sooty flame.

(B) Benzene decolourizes alkaline KMnO4.

(C) Benzene undergoes a halogenation reaction like alkanes.

(D) The percentage of carbon content in aromatic hydrocarbons is higher than the corresponding aliphatic hydrocarbons.

Option b – Benzene decolourizes alkaline KMnO4.

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