Potentiometer in Hindi

Potentiometer in Hindi. We covered all the Potentiometer in Hindi in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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Mock Test on Potentiometer for Students

If the length of the potentiometer wire is increased, then the accuracy in the determination of the null point :

(A) Increases

(B) Decreases

(C) Remain unaffected

(D) Either '2' or '3'

Option a - Increases

The best instrument for the accurate measurement of the emf of a cell is :

(A) Voltmeter

(B) Ammeter

(C) Potentiometer

(D) Wheatstone bridge

Option c - Potentiometer

Emf of a cell can be measured with a potentiometer but not with a voltmeter because :

(A) Potentiometer draws current from the cell

(B) Voltmeter does not draw current from the cell

(C) Potentiometer does not draw current from the cell

(D) Voltmeter is very compact

Option c - Potentiometer does not draw current from the cell

The internal resistance of the cell can be determined by :

(A) Ohm meter

(B) Galvanometer

(C) Voltameter

(D) Potentiometer

Option d - Potentiometer

The sensitivity of the potentiometer can be increased by :

(A) Increasing the length of the wire

(B) Increasing the emf of the battery

(C) Decreasing the length of the wire

(D) Decreasing emf of the battery

Option a - Increasing the length of the wire

An external resistance R is connected to a cell of internal resistance r. The power in the circuit is maximum when?

(A) R > r

(B) R <r

(C) R = r

(D) Cannot be predicted

Option c - R = r

The cells in addition balance a length of 4 m and in opposition balances the length of 2 m, then the ratio of emf of cells is :

(A) 2

(B) 3

(C) 4

(D) 5

Option b - 3

A potentiometer circuit has been set up for finding the internal resistance of a given cell. The main battery, used across the potentiometer wire, has an emf of 20 V and negligible internal resistance. The potentiometer wire itself is 4 m long. When the resistance, R, connected across the given cell, has values of (i) Infinity (ii) 9.5Ω, the balancing lengths', on the potentiometer wire are found to be 3 m and 2.85 m, respectively. The value of the internal resistance of the cell is :

(A) 0.25 Ω

(Β) 0.95 Ω

(C) 0.5 Ω

(D) 0.75 Ω

Option c - 0.5 Ω

A potentiometer wire of length L and resistance 10Ω is connected in series with a battery of e.m.f. 2.5 V and resistance in its primary circuit. The null point corresponding to a cell of e.m.f. 1 V is obtained at a distance of L/2. If the resistance in the primary circuit is doubled then the position of the new null point will be :

(A) 0.4 L

(B) 0.5 L

(C) 0.6 L

(D) 0.8 L

Option c - 0.6 L

A potentiometer wire of length 1 m is connected in series with 490Ω resistance and a 2V battery. If 0.2 mV/cm is the potential gradient, then the resistance of the potentiometer wire is :

(A) 4.9Ω

(Β) 7.9Ω

(C) 5.9Ω

(D) 6.9Ω

Option a - 4.9Ω

The length of a potentiometer wire is 5m. An electron experience a force of 4.8x 10-19 newton in this wire. The e.m.f. of the battery used in the potentiometer is :

(A) 1.5 V

(B) 15 V

(C) 3 V

(D) 4.5 V

Option b - 15 V

We covered all the potentiometer in Hindi above in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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