Punjab University Previous Year Question Papers

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Punjab University Previous Year Question Papers Objective for Students

With which of the following regions did India have the closest contact during the Gupta period?

(a) South-East Asia

(b) Central Asia

(c) Iran

(d) Western Asia

Option a – South-East Asia

Which one of the following most suitably defines the term shreni? ( Punjab University Previous Year Question )

(a) An organization of people of one caste following the same vocation

(b) An organization of people of one caste following different vocations

(c) An organization of people of one or more castes following one vocation

(d) An organization of people of different castes following different vocations

Option a – An organization of people of one caste following the same vocation

Which of the following was not characteristic of the period that followed the Gupta rule?

(a) Decrease in trade

(b) Increase in the use of coins

(c) Increase in the use of local weights and measures

(d) Multiplication of feudatories

Option b – Increase in the use of coins

Choose the incorrect statement

(a) Bhagavatism advocates devotion to God

(b) Bhagavatism looks upon ascetic life as very paramount for salvation

(c) Bhagavatism stresses devotion to one’s duty

(d) Bhagavatism shuns the caste distinctions in society

Option d – Bhagavatism shuns the caste distinctions in society

Which of the following is related to the main Bhagavata deity ‘Vasudeva Krishna’? ( Punjab University Previous Year Question )

(a) Warrior God

(b) Philosopher and Preacher

(c) Protector of the cattle world

(d) All of the above

Option d – All of the above

Which one of the following is not related to the feudal formation in the Gupta and post-Gupta times?

(a) Emergence of landed intermediaries

(b) Growth of a class of subject peasantry

(c) Localized village economy developed with little scope for the functioning of the market system

(d) Emergence of strong centralized political authority

Option d – Emergence of strong centralized political authority

Which is a celestial phenomenon occurring due to stars? ( Punjab University Previous Year Question )

A. Ozone hole

B. Black hole

C. Rainbow

D. Comet

Option b – Black hole

The ‘Black Hole’ theory was propounded by

A. C.V. Raman

B. H.J. Bhabha

C. S. Chandrashekhar

D. Hargovind Khurana

Option c – S. Chandrashekhar

A ‘black hole’ is a body in space that does not allow any type of radiation to come out. This property is due to its ( Punjab University Previous Year Question )

A. Very small size

B. Very large size

C. High-density

D. Very low density

Option c – High-density

The time taken by the Sun to revolve around the center of our galaxy is

A. 2.5 crore years

B. 10 crore years

C. 25 crore years

D. 50 crore years

Option c – 25 crore years

The color of a star indicates its ( Punjab University Previous Year Question )

A. Distance from Sun

B. Lighting or glow

C. Distance from Earth

D. Temperature

Option d – Temperature

‘Big Bang theory is related to

A. Continental Drifts

B. Origin of the Universe

C. Origin of the Himalayas

D. Eruption of Volcanoes

Option b – Origin of the Universe

The Milky Way is classified as ( Punjab University Previous Year Question )

A. Spiral Galaxy

B. Electrical Galaxy

C. Irregular Galaxy

D. Round Galaxy

Option a – Spiral Galaxy

The limit beyond which stars suffer internal collapse is called

A. Chandrashekhar limit

B. Eddington limit

C. Hoyle limit

D. Fowler limit

Option a – Chandrashekhar limit

The party system is part of which larger system among the following? ( Punjab University Previous Year Question )

(A) Social system

(B) Economic system

(C) Political system

(D) International system

Option c – Political system

Inner-Party Democracy stands for

(A) A Government formed by several parties with a common program

(B) a Party closest to the party or parties forming the Government

(C) Periodical elections within the party to elect the office bearers of the party

(D) Secrets of Government are shared by parties in power

Option c – Periodical elections within the party to elect the office bearers of the party

What was the date when the Anti defection Bill was passed? ( Punjab University Previous Year Question )

(A) 17 February 1985

(B) 15 February 1985

(C) 30 March 1985

(D) 21 April 1985

Option b – 15 February 1985

Which one of the following is not covered by the Anti-Defection Law?

(A) An-bloc defections in a Party

(B) Large defections in a Party in various spells

(C) Smaller defection in a single spell

(D) Party members in Parliament casting votes either to topple or support a Government

Option b – Large defections in a Party in various spells

The political parties got Constitutional recognition for the first time in the year. ( Punjab University Previous Year Question )

(A) 1975

(B) 1977

(C) 1985

(D) 1995

Option c – 1985

Which of the following is not true about the Anti-Defection Bill?

(A) An M.P. or an M.L.A. will be disqualified if he has voluntarily given up the membership of the party to which he belonged

(B) In the event of a member’s absence from voting in the House on a particular issue, an M.P. or M.L.A. will be disqualified

(C) A member shall not be disqualified if there is a merger of political parties

(D) The Speaker of the Lok Sabha will not be disqualified if he becomes a member of another political party later on

Option d – The Speaker of the Lok Sabha will not be disqualified if he becomes a member of another political party later on

Who is empowered to recognize various political parties in India as National or Regional Parties? ( Punjab University Previous Year Question )

(A) The Parliament

(B) The President

(C) The Election Commission

(D) The Supreme Court

Option c – The Election Commission

Who among the following scholars described the party system prevailing in India in the early years of Independence as one party dominant system?

(A) Myron Weiner

(B) Rajni Kothari

(C) Austin

(D) Bhikhu Parikh

Option b – Rajni Kothari

The Nationalist Congress Party was formed in 1999 following the split in ( Punjab University Previous Year Question )

(A) Shiv Sena

(B) Congress Party



Option b – Congress Party

After the formation of the Bhartiya Janta Party, who became its first President?

(A) L.K. Advani

(B) A.B. Vajpayee

(C) M.M. Joshi

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(D) Sikandar Bakht

Option b – A.B. Vajpayee

Which of the following is a Regional Political Party?

(A) Congress



(D) Akali Dal

Option d – Akali Dal

Which one of the following parties is not a National Political Party?

(A) Communist Party of India

(B) Bhartiya Janta Party

(C) Telugu Desham

(D) Indian National Congress

Option c – Telugu Desham

Which one of the following has been recognized as National Party in 2016?

(A) IN.L.D.

(B) Akali Dal

(C) T.M.C.

(D) A.LA.D.M.K.

Option c – T.M.C.

Who was the founder of the ‘Independent Labour Party’?

(A) R. Srinivasan

(B) B.R. Ambedkar

(C) C. Rajagopalachari

(D) Lala Lajpat Rai

Option b – B.R. Ambedkar

In which year was the Communist Party of India divided into two parties CPI and CPIM?

(A) 1962

(B) 1964

(C) 1966

(D) 1969

Option b – 1964

In which of the following state a regional party is not in power?

(A) Tamil Nadu

(B) Andhra Pradesh

(C) Jammu and Kashmir

(D) Kerala

Option d – Kerala

A political party in India can be recognized as National Party if it has state party status in at least

(A) Three States

(B) Four States

(C) Five States

(D) Seven States

Option b – Four States

A political party is recognized as a regional party, if

(A) It gets 4% votes in the State either in Lok Sabha or the Assembly election

(B) It gets 6% votes in the State either in Lok Sabha or the Assembly election

(C) It gets 8% votes in the State either in Lok Sabha or the Assembly election

(D) None of the above

Option c – It gets 8% votes in the State either in Lok Sabha or the Assembly election

Who recognizes the political parties in India?

(A) President of India

(B) Election Commission of India

(C) Ministry of Law and Justice

(D) Speaker of Lok Sabha

Option b – Election Commission of India

Which of the following does not constitute the social base of the communist party in India?

(A) Agriculture and Industrial working class

(B) Business class

(C) The educated

(D) Youth

Option b – Business class

The word ‘National in Indian National Congress was influenced by

(A) Ancient Indian precedents

(B) the Reaction against British rule

(C) European Precedents

(D) the Freedom Struggle of America

Option b – the Reaction against British rule

One end of a towel dips into a bucket full of water and the other end hangs over the bucket. It is found that after some time the towel becomes wet. It happens :

(A) Because the viscosity of water is high

(B) Because of the capillary action of cotton threads

(C) Because of gravitational force

(D) Because of the evaporation of water

Option b – Because of the capillary action of cotton threads

In a surface tension experiment with a capillary tube, the water rises up to 0.1 m. If the same experiment is repeated in an artificial satellite which is revolving around the earth, water will rise in the capillary tube up to a height of. :

(A) 0.1 m

(B) 0.2 m

(C) 0.98 m

(D) Full length of the tube

Option d – Full length of the tube

The excess pressure inside a drop or bubble is :

(A) Directly proportional to the mass

(B) Directly proportional to its radius

(C) Inversely proportional to its radius

(D) Inversely proportional to its surface tension

Option c – Inversely proportional to its radius

Two capillary tubes of different diameters are dipped in water. The rise of water is :

(A) Greater in tubes of smaller diameter

(B) Greater in tubes of larger diameter

(C) Same in both

(D) Zero in both

Option a – Greater in tubes of smaller diameter

Water rises to a height of 16.3 cm in a capillary of height 18 cm. If the tube is cut at a height of 12 cm :

(A) Water will come as a fountain from the capillary

(B) Water will stay at a height of 12 cm in the capillary tube

(C) The height of water in the tube will be 10.3 cm

(D) Water will flow down the sides of the capillary tube

Option b – Water will stay at a height of 12 cm in the capillary tube

A capillary is dipped vertically in a liquid. The level in the capillary will be the same as outside the capillary if the angle of contact is :

(A) Zero

(B) 90°

(C) Acute

(D) obtuse

Option b – 90°

Water from inside the earth rises through the trunk of a big tree to leaves high up. The main reason for this is :

(A) Capillary action

(B) High viscosity of water

(C) Gravitational force

(D) Evaporation of water

Option a – Capillary action

Two soap bubbles of different radii are in communication with each other. :

(A) Air flows from the larger bubble into the smaller one until the two bubbles are of equal size

(B) The size of the bubbles remains the same.

(C) Air flows from the smaller bubble into the larger one and the larger bubble grows at the expense of the smaller one

(D) Air flows from the larger bubble into the smaller one and the smaller bubble grows at the expense of the larger one

Option c – Air flows from the smaller bubble into the larger one and the larger bubble grows at the expense of the smaller one

The quantity on which the rise of liquid in a capillary tube does not depend is :

(A) Density of the liquid

(B) Atmospheric pressure

(C) Radius of the capillary

(D) Angle of contact

Option b – Atmospheric pressure

If two identical mercury drops are combined to form a single drop, then its temperature will :

(A) Decrease

(B) Increase

(C) Remains the same

(D) Increase or decrease

Option b – Increase

The angle of contact between glass and mercury is :

(A) 0°

(B) 30°

(C) 90°

(D) 135°

Option d – 135°

The angle of contact is :

(A) Constant for a particularly solid and liquid pair

(B) Acute for mercury and glass

(C) Obtuse for water and glass

(D) Obtuse for kerosine and glass

Option a – Constant for a particularly solid and liquid pair

For mercury and glass pair if Fc and FA are cohesive and adhesive forces then :

(A) FC < FA

(B) FC > FA

(C) FC = FA

(D) Not certain

Option b – FC > FA

If we draw a graph between the height of liquid in a capillary tube against the reciprocal of the radius of the tube for a given liquid then we get :

(A) A straight line

(B) Hyperbola

(C) Circle

(D) Parabola

Option a – A straight line

The pressure just below the meniscus of water :

(A) Is greater than just above it

(B) Is less than just above it

(C) Is the same as just above it

(D) Is always equal to atmospheric pressure

Option b – Is less than just above it

A square frame of side I is dipped in liquid soap. When it is taken out of the liquid a film is formed on it. If the surface tension is T then the force acting on it is :

(A) 2 Tl

(B) 4 TI

(C) 8 TI

(D) 16 TI

Option c – 8 Tl

A rectangular frame of thin wire of length 4 cm and breadth 3 cm just rests on the surface of the water of surface tension 72 dyne/cm. The force due to surface tension acting on the frame is

(A) 2016 dyne

(B) 1008 dyne

(C) 201.6 dyne

(D) 100.8 dyne

Option a – 2016 dyne

A soap film is formed on a rectangular frame of a length of 7 cm and breadth of 3 cm dipping in a soap solution. The framework hangs from a balance and an extra weight of 0.4 g is placed in the opposite pan to balance the pull of the film. The surface tension of the soap solution is (g= 1000 cm/s²) :

(A) 10 dyne/cm

(B) 5 dyne/cm

(C) 15 dyne/cm

(D) 20 dyne/cm

Option a – 10 dyne/cm

Insects can move on the surface of the water without sinking due to :

(A) Hydrostatic upthrust

(B) Dynamic lift

(C) Viscosity of water

(D) The surface tension of water

Option d – The surface tension of water

Surface tension is the force per unit length on an imaginary line at the surface of liquid directed :

(A) Normal to the line and normal to the surface

(B) Normal to the line but along the surface

(C) Parallel to the line and along the surface

(D) Parallel to the line but normal to the surface

Option b – Normal to the line but along the surface

The surface tension of boiling water is :

(A) 72 dyne/cm

(B) 0.072 N/m

(C) Infinite

(D) Zero

Option d – Zero

The light thread is loosely bound along the diameter of the metal ring. If the metal ring is dipped in soap solution and taken out. The thread rests in a zigzag way. If the film on the right side is pricked with a pin. Then the thread :

(A) Is pulled to right and takes a curve shape

(B) Is pulled to left and takes a curve shape

(C) Will still remain zigzag

(D) Will also break down

Option b – Is pulled to left and takes a curve shape

We covered all the Punjab University previous year question papers above in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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