Reading and Analysis of Maps MCQ

Reading and Analysis of Maps MCQ. We covered all the Reading and Analysis of Maps MCQs in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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These types of competitive MCQs appear in exams like SSC, Railway, Bank, Delhi Police, UPSSSC, UPSC (Pre), State PCS, CDS, NDA, Assistant Commandant, and other Competitive Examinations, etc. We created all the competitive exam MCQs into several small posts on our website for your convenience.

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Reading and Analysis of Maps Objective for Students

………… is a Collection of Maps

A) Mapbook

B) Atlas

C) Textbook

D) Notebook

Option b – Atlas

The ………. established a Department called “Survey of India”

A) Dutch

B) French

C) British

D) Polish

Option c – British

In ………. William Hambton began one of the most important Geographical Survey in the world

A) 1802

B) 1702

C) 1902

D) 1752

Option a – 1802

Babylonians and Sumerians’ belonged to the Present Day ………

A) Iran

B) Iraq

C) Russia

D) America

Option b – Iraq

Anaximander’s Geographical Background

A) Greek

B) Italian

C) Indian

D) Canadian

Option a – Greek

Al Idrisi’s prepared a ……… Map for his king

A) Arab

B) Indian

C) World

D) Australia

Option c – World

Father of Cartography

A) Iran

B) Indian

C) Greek

D) Dutch

Option d – Dutch

Relief Features means the high and low places on the Surface of a ……….

A) Planet

B) Star

C) Ocean

D) Core of a star

Option a – Planet

We covered all the reading and analysis of maps mcq above in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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