Reproduction in Flowering Plants MCQ with Answers

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MCQ on Reproduction in Flowering Plants for Students

In layering, girdling is done around the base of the stem to

1. Increase downward movement of food

2. Decrease downward movement of food

3. Increase upward movement of water

4. Decrease downward movement of water

Option 2 – Decrease downward movement of food

Differentiation of callus tissue into different parts in tissue culture method is on account of the choice of

1. Cells from parent plant

2. Plant growth substances in the medium

3. Containers used for the purpose

4. Tissue selection from the parent plant

Option 2 – Plant growth substances in the medium

The result of sexual reproduction cannot show the following :

1. recombination of genetic material

2. production of new characters in the offspring

3. production of identical offspring

4. occurrence of reduction division before gamete formation

Option 3 – production of identical offspring

Carpels are present in :

1. androecium

2. pistil

3. ovules

4. seeds

Option 2 – pistil

The most essential floral organs required for sexual reproduction

1. calyx and corolla

2. corolla and androecium

3. gynoecium & thalamus

4. gynoecium & androecium

Option 4 – gynoecium & androecium

In which precise area meiosis takes place :

1. stamen

2. anther lobe

3. pollen mother cell

4. pollen grains

Option 3 – pollen mother cell

The Cushion like part in the ovary where ovules arise is called ………

1. nucellus

2. chalaza

3. placenta

4. micropyle

Option 3 – placenta

At the time of fertilization diploid condition in embryo sac is seen in

1. egg

2. synergids

3. secondary nucleus

4. antipodals

Option 3 – secondary nucleus

The first-diploid condition in embryo sac after fertilization is seen in ………

1. secondary nucleus

2. zygote

3. endosperm

4. nucellus

Option 2 – zygote

Endosperm nucleus forms from the fusion of male gamete with ……….

1. egg

2. secondary nucleus

3. zygote

4. synergids

Option 2 – secondary nucleus

The parts of the flower which are still useful after fertilization are …………

1. ovule

2. androecium

3. style and stigma

4. calyx and corolla

Option 1 – ovule

Root part is represented in mature embryo by

1. plumule

2. radicle

3. chalaza

4. cotyledons

Option 2 – radicle

In sexual reproduction, one of the following does not occur.

1. Recombination of genetic material

2. Production of new characters in the offspring

3. Production of identical offspring

4. Gametes are not formed due to meiotic division

Option 3 – Production of identical offspring

Carpels are present in

1. Stamens

2. Pistil

3. Ovules

4. Seeds

Option 2 – Pistil

The important floral structures required for sexual reproduction are

1. Calyx and corolla

2. Colyx and stamens

3. Gynocium and thalamus

4. Gynoecium and androecium

Option 4 – Gynoecium and androecium

In which of the following meiotic division occurs?

1. Stamen

2. Filament

3. Pollen mother cells

4. Pollen grain

Option 3 – Pollen mother cells

The cushion like part in the ovary where ovules arises is called

1. Nucellus

2. Filament

3. Placenta

4. Micropyle

Option 3 – Placenta

At the time of fertilization one of the following in embryo sac is in diploid state

1. Egg

2. Synergid

3. Secondary nucleus

4. Antipodal cells

Option 3 – Secondary nucleus

One of the following in embryo sac is in diploid state after fertilization

1. Secondary nucleus

2. Zygote

3. Endosperm

4. Nucleus

Option 2 – Zygote

Endosperm nucleus formes from the fusion of male gamete with

1. Egg

2. Secondary nucleus

3. Zygote

4. Synergid

Option 2 – Secondary nucleus

The parts of the flower which are still useful after fertilization is

1. Ovules

2. Stamens

3. Style and stigma

4. Sepals and petals

Option 1 – Ovules

The part of the developed embroyo which indicates the root is

1. Plumule

2. Radicle

3. Chalaza

4. Cotyledons

Option 2 – Radicle

Organism that reproduces asexually :

1. protozoa

2. frog

3. lizard

4. housefly

Option 1 – protozoa

Male gametes are called :

1. milt

2. ova

3. spermatozoa

4. sperm mother cells

Option 3 – spermatozoa

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External fertilization occurs in :

1. frog, rat

2. crow, fish

3. snake, fish

4. frog, fish

Option 4 – frog, fish

Internal fertilization occurs in :

1. bird, fish

2. reptile, frog

3. mammal, frog

4. reptile, mammal

Option 4 – reptile, mammal

We covered all the reproduction in flowering plants MCQ with answers above in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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