Reproduction in Lower and Higher Plants MCQ with Answers

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Reproduction in Lower and Higher Plants MCQ with Answers for Students

The micronucleus of paramecium controls :

1. respiration

2. digestion

3. excretion

4. reproduction

Option 4 – reproduction

The number of daughter individuals produced by a conjugant is :

1. 2

2. 3

3. 4

4. 8

Option 3 – 4

Exchange of nuclear material occurs in paramecium during ( Reproduction in Lower and Higher Plants MCQ with Answers )

1. binary fission

2. external fertilization

3. conjugation

4. internal fertilization

Option 3 – conjugation

In megascolex the testis are present in segment :

1. 8 & 9

2. 9 & 10

3. 10 & 11

4. 11 & 12

Option 3 – 10 & 11

The sperm mother cells in earthworm mature into spermatozoa in : ( Reproduction in Lower and Higher Plants MCQ with Answers )

1. vas deferens

2. spermathecae

3. seminal vesicles

4. testes

Option 3 – seminal vesicles

In earthworm the spermatozoa received from another worm are stored in : ( Reproduction in Lower and Higher Plants MCQ with Answers )

1. seminal vesicles

2. vas deferens

3. spermathecae

4. testes

Option 3 – spermathecae

In earth worm fertilization occur curs in :

1. testes

2. ovaries

3. seminal vesicles

4. cocoon

Option 4 – cocoon

The function of spermathecae in earthworm is storage of : ( Reproduction in Lower and Higher Plants MCQ with Answers )

1. food

2. ova

3. spermatozoa

4. sperm mother cells

Option 3 – spermatozoa

Cocoon of earthworm is formed by : ( Reproduction in Lower and Higher Plants MCQ with Answers )

1. spermathecae

2. seminal vesicles

3. clitellum

4. female earthworm

Option 3 – clitellum

Ampluxory pads that help in copulation are seen in :

1. male earthworm

2. female frog

3. male frog

4. female earth worm

Option 3 – male frog

Male reproductive system consists of ( Reproduction in Lower and Higher Plants MCQ with Answers )

1. umbilical cord

2. testes

3. fallopian tubes

4. placenta

Option 2 – testes

Seminiferous tubules occur in ……..

1. urethra

2. fallopian tubes

3. vasa efferentia

4. testis

Option 4 – testis

Spermatozoa from seminiferous tubules move into ……. ( Reproduction in Lower and Higher Plants MCQ with Answers )

1. epididymis.

2. vas deferens

3. vasa efferentia

4. urethra

Option 3 – vasa efferentia

A zygote divides by : ( Reproduction in Lower and Higher Plants MCQ with Answers )

1. only meiosis

2. only mitosis

3. both meiosis and mitosis

4. conjugation

Option 2 – only mitosis

When both the male and female sex organs are present in the same animal, the phenomenon in called :

1. sexual dimorphism

2. hermaphroditism

3. secondary sexual characters

4. unisexualism

Option 2 – hermaphroditism

The organism that reproduces by conjugation is : ( Reproduction in Lower and Higher Plants MCQ with Answers )

1. amoeba

2. euglena

3. paramecium

4. bacteria

Option 3 – paramecium

Conjugation is a type of :

1. a sexual reproduction

2. sexual reproduction

3. budding

4. binary fission

Option 2 – sexual reproduction

The strength lost by repeated binary fission is regained by : ( Reproduction in Lower and Higher Plants MCQ with Answers )

1. conjugation

2. budding

3. sporulation

4. internal fertilization

Option 1 – conjugation

The nucleus of paramecium that is responsible for vegetative functions is ( Reproduction in Lower and Higher Plants MCQ with Answers )

1. micro nucleus

2. migratory pro-nucleus

3. stationary pronucleus

4. macro nucleus

Option 4 – macro nucleus

New characters seen in the offsprings which are not present in either of the parents is due to : ( Reproduction in Lower and Higher Plants MCQ with Answers )

1. same genetic material of the parents in the off springs

2. vegetative reproduction

3. recombination of chromosomes

4. planting cuttings of a branch

Option 3 – recombination of chromosomes

Sexual reproduction mainly involves

1. single organism

2. only mitotic cell division

3. formation of gamets

4. production identical offsprings resembling parent

Option 3 – formation of gamets

Production (or) Fusion of gametes does not take place in …………….. kind of reproduction : ( Reproduction in Lower and Higher Plants MCQ with Answers )

1. sexual reproduction

2. asexual reproduction

3. (1) and (2)

4. none

Option 2 – asexual reproduction

In stem cuttings, a slanting cut is made in the stem

1. Below the node

2. Above the node

3. On the node.

4. Across the node

Option 1 – Below the node

All the events from the deposition of pollen grain on the stigma to the entry of pollen tube in the ovule are referred to as

(A) emasculation

(B) double fertilization

(C) pollen-pistil interaction

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(D) syngamy

Option c – pollen-pistil interaction

Which of the following statement is WRONG with respect to wind pollination? ( Reproduction in Lower and Higher Plants MCQ with Answers )

(A) Numerous flowers are packed into an inflorescence.

(B) Flowers possess a single ovule in each ovary.

(C) Pollen grains have mucilaginous covering.

(D) It is commonly found in grasses.

Option c – Pollen grains have mucilaginous covering.

In which of the following cases autogamy can occur?

(A) In Sunflowers, pollen grains are released much before the stigma becomes receptive.

(B) In Michelia, the stigma becomes receptive much before pollen grains are released.

(C) In Viola, flowers are bisexual and do not open at all.

(D) In Orchids, pollen germination on the stigma of the same flower is inhibited.

Option c – In Viola, flowers are bisexual and do not open at all.

Read the given statements and select the correct option. Statement I: When pollen grains are shed at celled condition, the generative cell of two carries two male gametes from the beginning, before germinating on stigma. Statement II: When pollen grains are shed at two-celled conditions, the generative cell divides and forms two male gametes during the growth of the pollen tube in the stigma.

(A) Statement I is correct, while statement II is incorrect

(B) Statement II is correct, while statement I is incorrect

(C) Both statements I and II are correct

(D) Both statements I and II are incorrect

Option b – Statement II is correct, while statement I is incorrect

Emasculation refers to ( Reproduction in Lower and Higher Plants MCQ with Answers )

(A) the removal of petals so as to prevent nectar robbers.

(B) removal of stigma to prevent self-pollination.

(C) removal of anthers to prevent self-pollination.

(D) a dusting of pollen grains on the stigma so as to bring about pollination.

Option c – removal of anthers to prevent self-pollination.

Select the INCORRECT step of artificial hybridization from the following.

(A) Emasculation is not required if the female parent produces hermaphrodite flowers.

(B) The female flower buds are bagged before the flower opens.

(C) The desired pollen grains are dusted on the receptive stigma of the female flower.

(D) After dusting pollen grain flowers are rebagged till fruit formation occurs.

Option a – Emasculation is not required if the female parent produces hermaphrodite flowers.

In double fertilization, triple fusion results in the formation of ( Reproduction in Lower and Higher Plants MCQ with Answers )

(A) zygote

(B) embryo

(C) primary endosperm nucleus

(D) pericarp

Option c – primary endosperm nucleus

Which of the following can be a floral reward in insect-pollinating flowers?

(A) Nectar

(B) Pollen grains

(C) Safe place to lay eggs

(D) All of these

Option d – All of these

Which of the following represents the correct sequence of microsporogenesis? ( Reproduction in Lower and Higher Plants MCQ with Answers )

(A) Microspore mother cell → sporogenous tissue → microspore tetrad → pollen grains

(B) Sporogenous tissue → microspore tetrad → microspore mother cell → pollen grains

(C) Sporogenous tissue – microspore mother cell → microspore tetrad → pollen grains

(D) Male gametophyte – microspore mother cell – generative cells – pollen grains

Option c – Sporogenous tissue – microspore mother cell → microspore tetrad → pollen grains

Select the INCORRECT statement from the following. ( Reproduction in Lower and Higher Plants MCQ with Answers )

(A) Self-incompatibility is a genetic mechanism.

(B) Self-incompatibility inhibits pollen germination or pollen tube growth in the pistil of the same flower or another flower of the same plant.

(C) The presence of both male and female flowers on the same plants prevents both autogamy as well as geitonogamy.

(D) Dioecious plants prevent autogamy as well as geitonogamy.

Option c – The presence of both male and female flowers on the same plants prevents both autogamy as well as geitonogamy.

Which of the following plant shows a mutual relationship with a species of moth, where the plant as well as the moth can not complete its life cycle? ( Reproduction in Lower and Higher Plants MCQ with Answers )

(A) Mango

(B) Zostera

(C) Vallisneria

(D) Yucca

Option d – Yucca

Continued self-pollination results in

(A) genetic variation

(B) inbreeding depression

(C) infertility

(D) self-incompatibility

Option b – inbreeding depression

The number of meiotic and mitotic divisions required to form an embryo sac from a megaspore mother cell is

(A) 1 meiosis and 3 mitosis

(B) 1 meiosis and 2 mitosis

(C) 2 meiosis and 2 mitosis

(D) 3 meiosis and 2 mitosis

Option a – 1 meiosis and 3 mitosis

In which of the following seeds endosperm is completely consumed by the developing embryo? ( Reproduction in Lower and Higher Plants MCQ with Answers )

(A) Maize

(B) Groundnut

(C) Barley

(D) Wheat

Option b – Groundnut

Select the INCORRECT pair from the following.

(A) Polyembryony – Occurrence of more than one embryo in an ovule

(B) Parthenocarpy – Production of seeds without fertilization

(C) Embryogeny – The development of an embryo

(D) Megasporogenesis – The formation of megaspore

Option b – Parthenocarpy – Production of seeds without fertilization

Which of the following adaptation is shown by insect-pollinated flowers? ( Reproduction in Lower and Higher Plants MCQ with Answers )

(A) Large and colorful flower

(B) Flowers rich in nectar

(C) When flowers are small, they are clustered into an inflorescence

(D) All of these

Option d – All of these

Which of the following statement is WRONG?

(A) In a few plants, floral parts like the thalamus also contribute to fruit formation. Such fruits are called false fruits.

(B) The fruits which develop only from ovaries are called true fruits.

(C) All the fruits that we eat are not real fruits.

(D) Mangos and oranges are examples of false fruit.

Option d – Mangos and oranges are examples of false fruit.

Read the given statements and select the correct option. (i) In the majority of flowering plants, the embryo sac is formed from a single functional megaspore. (ii) A typical angiosperm embryo sac is 7 nucleated and 8 celled. (iii) After the meiotic division of the megaspore mother cell, one megaspore degenerates while 3 functional megaspores take part in the formation of the embryo sac. The correct statement/s is/are

(A) (i) and (ii)

(B) only (i)

(C) (ii) and (iii)

(D) (i), (ii) and (iii)

Option b – only (i)

Read the given statements and select the correct option. Statement I: Vallisneria, Hydrilla, Zostera. water lilies and water hyacinths are examples of aquatic plants. Statement II: In all aquatic plants pollination occurs by water.

(A) Statement I is correct, while statement Il is incorrect

(B) Statement II is correct, while statement is incorrect

(C) Both statements I and II are correct

(D) Both statements I and II are incorrect

Option a – Statement I is correct, while statement Il is incorrect

There are some species of birds which consume nectar from flowers without bringing about pollination, such floral visitors are referred to as ( Reproduction in Lower and Higher Plants MCQ with Answers )

(A) true pollinators

(B) outbreeders

(C) nectar robbers

(D) none of these

Option c – nectar robbers

Which of the following statement is WRONG with respect to post-fertilization events? ( Reproduction in Lower and Higher Plants MCQ with Answers )

(A) Diploid zygote results in the formation of the embryo.

(B) Triploid primary endosperm nucleus results in the formation of the endosperm.

(C) Synergids and antipodals take part in formation of radicle and plumule.

(D) The ovary wall develops into a pericarp.

Option c – Synergids and antipodals take part in formation of radicle and plumule.

Identify the WRONG statement from the following. ( Reproduction in Flowering Plants Class 10 )

(A) The majority of plants use biotic agents for pollination.

(B) Bees are the dominant biotic pollinating agents.

(C) Wind pollination is quite common in grasses.

(D) Pollination by water is quite common In flowering plants.

Option d – Pollination by water is quite common In flowering plants.

The number of meiotic divisions required to form 4 functional megaspores and 4 microspores is……….. respectively.

(A) 4 and 4

(B) 4 and 1

(C) 2 and 4

(D) 1 and 1

Option b – 4 and 1

In which of the following plants, pollination does NOT occur with the help of water? ( Reproduction in Lower and Higher Plants MCQ with Answers )

(A) Vallisneria

(B) Hydrilla

(C) Zostera

(D) Yucca

Option d – Yucca

Read the given statements and select the correct option. Statement I: 60% of angiosperms shed their pollen grains at the 3-celled stage. Statement II: In 40% of angiosperms, the generative cell divides mitotically to give rise to the two male gametes before pollen grains are shed, thus pollen grains are shed at 3 celled stage.

(A) Statement I is correct, while statement II is incorrect

(B) Statement II is correct, while statement I is incorrect

(C) Both statements I and II are correct

(D) Both statements I and II are incorrect

Option b – Statement II is correct, while statement I is incorrect

In which of the following type of pollination are transferred from the anther to the pollen grains stigma of another flower of the same plant? ( Reproduction in Lower and Higher Plants MCQ with Answers )

(A) Autogamy

(B) Xenogamy

(C) Geitonogamy

(D) Cleistogamy

Option c – Geitonogamy

Which of the following gives the correct order of stages of embryogeny in a dicotyledonous embryo?

(A) zygote → proembryo → globular embryo → heart-shaped embryo →mature embryo

(B) PEN→ globular embryo → proembryo → horse-shoe-shaped embryo mature embryo

(C) zygote globular embryo →heart-shaped embryo→ proembryo-mature embryo

(D) embryo → proembryo → horse-shoe shaped embryo →→mature embryo

Option a – zygote → proembryo → globular embryo → heart-shaped embryo →mature embryo

Which of the following statement is NOT TRUE with respect to the generative cell of pollen grain? ( Reproduction in Lower and Higher Plants MCQ with Answers )

(A) It is small and floats in the cytoplasm of the vegetative cells.

(B) It is spindle-shaped.

(C) It contains dense cytoplasm.

(D) It is devoid of a nucleus.

Option d – It is devoid of a nucleus.

If in a dithecous anther, each pollen sac contains 200 microspore mother cells. What will be the total number of pollen grains produced by the anther?

(A) 16,000

(B) 3200

(C) 24,000

(D) 8,000

Option b – 3200

Select the INCORRECT pair from the following. ( Reproduction in Lower and Higher Plants MCQ with Answers )

(A) Funicle – Stalk of an ovule

(B) Integuments – Protective envelopes of ovule

(C) Chalaza – Small opening of the ovule where – integuments are absent

(D) Hilum – The region where the body of the ovule fuses with funicle

Option c – Chalaza – Small opening of the ovule where – integuments are absent

All the given below are part of an egg apparatus in an embryo sac, except ( Reproduction in Lower and Higher Plants MCQ with Answers )

(A) egg cell

(B) secondary nuclei

(C) synergids

(D) filiform apparatus

Option b – secondary nuclei

Read the given statements and select the correct option. Statement I: Geitonogamy is functionally cross-pollination involving a pollinating agent. Statement II: Geitonogamy is genetically similar to autogamy as pollen grains come from the same plant.

(A) Statement I is correct, while statement II is incorrect

(B) Statement II is correct, while statement I is incorrect

(C) Both statements I and II are correct

(D) Both statements I and II are incorrect

Option c – Both statements I and II are correct

…….. is the part of megasporangium which have abundant reserve food material. ( Reproduction in Lower and Higher Plants MCQ with Answers )

(A) Nucellus

(B) Micropyle

(C) Egg apparatus

(D) Funicle

Option a – Nucellus

Select the INCORRECT statement with respect to cleistogamous flowers.

(A) These flowers open only during the night.

(B) These flowers are invariably autogamous.

(C) These flowers do not open at all.

(D) These flowers produce an assured seed set.

Option a – These flowers open only during the night.

Pollen grains are well preserved as fossils because i. exine is made up of sporopollenin. ii. Sporopollenin can withstand high temperatures, strong acids, and alkalies. iii. exine has prominent apertures called germ pores.

(A) both i and iii

(B) Only I

(C) both i and ii

(D) all of these

Option c – both i and ii

In which of the following the number of ovules in an ovary is more than one?

(A) Watermelon

(B) Rice

(C) Wheat

(D) Mango

Option a – Watermelon

In an anatropous ovule, the body of an ovule fuses with a funicle in the region called

(A) micropyle

(B) hilum

(C) style

(D) nucellus

Option b – hilum

Which of the following statement is NOT true with respect to parthenocarpic fruits? ( Reproduction in Lower and Higher Plants MCQ with Answers )

(A) These fruits are formed without fertilization.

(B) These fruits are generally seedless.

(C) These fruits develop from any part of a flower other than the ovary.

(D) Banana is an example of natural parthenocarpic fruit.

Option c – These fruits develop from any part of a flower other than the ovary.

Which of the following is TRUE with respect to geitonogamy?

(A) It is the transfer of pollen grains from the anther to the stigma of another flower of the same plant.

(B) It is the transfer of pollen grains from the anther to the stigma of a flower which does not open at all.

(C) It is the transfer of pollen grains from the anther to the stigma of a flower produced on different plants belonging to the same species.

(D) It is the transfer of pollen grains from the anther to the stigma of the same flower.

Option a – It is the transfer of pollen grains from the anther to the stigma of another flower of the same plant.

Select the INCORRECT statement with respect to the structure of microsporangium.

(A) Endothecium is the innermost wall layer of microsporangium.

(B) Tapetum nourishes the developing pollen grains.

(C) In young anther, sporogenous tissue is diploid.

(D) The outer three wall layers of microsporangium help in the dehiscence of the anther.

Option a – Endothecium is the innermost wall layer of microsporangium.

Select the CORRECT statement with respect to megasporogenesis from the following.

(A) It results in information on numerous megaspores from a megaspore mother cell.

(B) During this process, MMC undergoes mitosis to form 4 functional megaspores.

(C) All the megaspores formed from a single MMC take part in the formation of the embryo sac.

(D) Meiotic division of a single MMC results in the formation of 4 haploid megaspores.

Option d – Meiotic division of a single MMC results in the formation of 4 haploid megaspores.

A typical angiosperm anther is

(A) bilobed and monothecous

(B) bilobed and dithecous

(C) monolobed and tetrathecous

(D) monolobed and dithecous

Option b – bilobed and dithecous

Select the INCORRECT statement from the following.

(A) Stigma serves as a landing platform for pollen grains.

(B) Style is the elongated slender part beneath the stigma.

(C) Locule is the basal bulged part of the pistil

(D) The placenta is located inside the ovarian cavity.

Option c – Locule is the basal bulged part of the pistil

Filiform apparatus is the characteristic feature of

(A) antipodal cells

(B) synergids

(C) generative cell

(D) free nuclear endosperm

Option b – synergids

Which of the following is FALSE with respect to pollination in Vallisneria? ( Reproduction in Lower and Higher Plants MCQ with Answers )

(A) Although it is an aquatic plant, pollination occurs with the help of insects.

(B) Pollen grains are released onto the surface of the water.

(C) The female flower reaches the water’s surface with the help of a long stalk.

(D) Pollen grains are carried passively to the stigma with the help of water currents.

Option a – Although it is an aquatic plant, pollination occurs with the help of insects.

We covered all the reproduction in lower and higher plants MCQ with answers above in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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