Revolt of 1857 UPSC

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MCQ on Revolt of 1857 for UPSC Students

Who among the following refused to allow Rani Lakshmibai’s son to succeed to the throne?

(a) General Dyer

(b) Lord Dalhousie

(c) Lord Wellington

(d) Lord Mountbatten

Option b – Lord Dalhousie

The ruler of which of the following states was removed from power by the British on the pretext of misgovernance?

(a) Awadh

(b) Jhansi

(c) Nagpur

(d) Satara

Option a – Awadh

Awadh was amalgamated into the British dominion in which year?

(a) 1853

(b) 1854

(c) 1855

(d) 1856

Option d – 1856

Which of the following started the revolt of 1857?

(a) Sepoys

(b) Zamindars

(c) Peasants

(d) Plantation workers

Option a – Sepoys

Who was the Governor-General of India during the revolt of 1857?

(a) Lord Dalhousie

(b) Lord Canning

(c) Lord Minto

(d) Lord Bentinck

Option b – Lord Canning

Who was the Prime Minister of Britain during the revolt of 1857?

(a) Churchill

(b) Palmerston

(c) Attlee

(d) Gladstone

Option b – Palmerston

When was the new Enfield rifle with greased cartridges introduced in the British Indian Army?

(a) November 1856

(b) December 1856

(c) January 1857

(d) February 1857

Option b – December 1856

The symbol of the 1857 independence struggle was

(a) Lotus and Chapatis

(b) Eagle

(c) Scarf

(d) Two sword

Option a – Lotus and Chapatis

The first event relating to the war of independence of 1857 was

(a) Kanpur’s Revolt and taking over the leadership of Nana Saheb

(b) Begum Hazrat Mahal’s leadership of Awadh.

(c) marching of Sepoys to Delhi’s Red Fort.

(d) a revolt by Rani of Jhansi.

Option c – marching of Sepoys to Delhi’s Red Fort.

Which one of the following was not a cause of the revolt of 1857?

(a) The rumor was that the British had mixed the bone dust of cows and pigs into the flour being sold in the market.

(b) The prophecy was that British rule would come to an end on the centenary of the Battle of Plassey on 23rd June 1857.

(c) Popular discontent with British rule

(d) The prophecy that the end of British rule would lead to the end of the Kali Yuga and the return of Ram Rajya.

Option b – The prophecy was that British rule would come to an end on the centenary of the Battle of Plassey on 23rd June 1857.

A certain measure of Dalhousie created serious discontent in India which were also responsible for the revolt of 1857. Which one of the following measures was not one of them?

(a) Doctrine of Lapse

(b) Introduction of Railways and Telegraph

(c) Abolition of Titles and Pensions of Several Rulers

(d) Educational Reforms

Option d – Educational Reforms

Who among the following formulated and implemented the Doctrine of Lapse?

(a) Wellesley

(b) Hastings

(c) Dalhousie

(d) Clive

Option c – Dalhousie

Which of the following was the first victim of Lord Dalhousie’s policy of Doctrine of Lapse?

(a) Jhansi

(b) Satara

(c) Karauli

(d) Sambalpur

Option b – Satara

Who among the following was the British residence in Awadh at the time of its annexation into the British Dominion?

(a) James Outram

(b) WH Sleeman

(c) Bishio R Heber

(d) General Lowe

Option a – James Outram

Which of the following Princely States was not annexed by the British?

(a) Sind

(b) Gwalior

(c) Awadh

(d) Satara

Option b – Gwalior

Which one of the following was the primary cause of the majority of civil rebellion against British rule, before 1857?

(a) The exploitation of the village artisans and farmers by money lenders along with Britishers.

(b) The rapid changes that the British introduced in the economy, administration, and land revenue system.

(c) The Colonial Policy of intensifying demands for land revenue and extracting as large an amount as possible.

(d) Not even a part of the enhanced revenue was spent on the development of agriculture or the welfare of the cultivator.

Option b – The rapid changes that the British introduced in the economy, administration, and land revenue system.

Which one of the following statements about the revolt of 1857 is correct?

(a) It was a revolt carefully organized and planned by the Rajas, Nawabs, and Taluqdars.

(b) Rumors and prophecies did not play any role in its outbreak and spread.

(c) The rebel proclamations in 1857 repeatedly appealed to all sections of the population irrespective of their caste and creed.

(d) The British succeeded in quickly and easily controlling the rebels

Option c – The rebel proclamations in 1857 repeatedly appealed to all sections of the population irrespective of their caste and creed.

Statement I In 1856, Nawab Wajid Ali Shah was dethroned and exiled to Calcutta on the plea that the region was being misgoverned. Statement II The Nawab was accused of being unable to control the rebellious chiefs and Taluqdars.

(a) Both the statements are individually true and statement II is the correct explanation of statement I.

(b) Both statements are individually true, but statement II is not the correct explanation of statement I.

(c) Statement I is true, but statement II is false.

(d) Statement I is false, but statement II is true.

Option a – Both the statements are individually true and statement II is the correct explanation of statement I.

Which among the following was not an economic cause of the revolt of 1857?

(a) Heavy taxation.

(b) Increased pressure on agricultural land.

(c) Increased availability of market for Indian cotton.

(d) None of the above

Option c – Increased availability of market for Indian cotton.

Which one of the following economic factors caused the 1857 Revolt?

(a) The exploitative policy of Britishers.

(b) Subsidiary Alliance of Wellesley.

(c) Religions Disabilities Act.

(d) Use of animal fat-greased cartridges.

Option a – The exploitative policy of Britishers.

Which of the underwritten pairs is correctly matched? ( Revolt of 1857 UPSC )

(a) 1849 AD – Merger of Satara

(b) 1848 AD – Merger of Punjab

(c) 1856 AD – Merger of Awadh

(d) 1855 AD – Merger of Jhansi

Option c – 1856 AD – Merger of Awadh

Which among the following is/are correct? I. Lakshmibai joined the revolt because of the Doctrine of Lapse. II. The doctrine of Lapse was coined by Lord Dalhousie. Choose the correct answer from the codes.

(a) Only I is Correct

(b) Only II is Correct

(c) Both (a) and (b) are correct

(d) None of the above

Option c – Both (a) and (b) are correct

Consider the following Princely States of the British rule in India. I. Jhansi II. Sambalpur III. Satara was arranged in the correct chronological order in which they were annexed by the British.

(a) I, II, III

(b) I, III, II

(c) III, II, I

(d) III, I, II

Option c – III, II, I

Consider the following statements regarding the causes of the Revolt of 1857. I. Denial of the adoption of a child by the childless king. II. The British Policy of looking down upon Indian subjects. III. Discrimination among English and Indian soldiers. IV. Social reform and conversion to Christianity. Which of the statements given above is/are incorrect?

(a) Only I

(b) Only II

(c) III and IV

(d) All of these

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Option d – All of these

Assertion (A) First War of Independence broke out in India in 1857, soon after the departure of Lord Dalhousie from India. Reason (R) Lord Dalhousie’s Annexati-onist policy had caused great discontent. Codes

(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A

(b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A

(c) A is true, but R is false

(d) A is false, but R is true

Option a – Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A

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