RRB PO Hindi Syllabus

RRB PO Hindi Syllabus. We covered all the RRB PO Hindi Syllabus in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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RRB PO Hindi MCQs from Syllabus for Students

Pick out the drug-alpha and beta adrenoreceptors blocker.

a) Labetalol

b) Verapamil

c) Nifedipine

d) Metoprolol

Option a - Labetalol

Which of the following antianginal agents is a calcium channel blocker?

a) Nitroglycerin

b) Diphyrldamole

c) Minoxidil

d) Nifedipine

Option d - Nifedipine

This drug reduces blood pressure by acting on vasomotor centers in the CNS.

a) Labetalol

b) Clonidine

c) Enalapril

d) Nifedipine

Option b - Clonidine

Which of the following drugs belongs to coumarin derivatives?

a) Clopidogrel

b) Enoxaparin

c) Dalteparin

d) Warfarin

Option d - Warfarin

Which drug is a selective beta-1 agonist?

a) Digoxin

b) Dobutamine

c) Amrinone

d) dopamine

Option b - Dobutamine

Which is a class II antiarrhythmic drug?

a) Flecainide

b) Proprnolol

c) Lidocaine

d) Verapamil

Option b - Proprnolol

Which drug is used in treating supraventricular tachycardias?

a) Digoxin

b) Dobutamine

c) Amrinone

d) dopamine

Option a - Digoxin

Duration of nitroglycerin action (sublingual) is.

a) 10-30 Min

b) 6-8 Hours

c) 3-5 Min

d) 1.5-2 Hours

Option a - 10-30 Min

Indicate the drug belonging to proton pump inhibitors.

a) Pirenzepine

b) Ranitidine

c) Omeprazole

d) Trimethaphan

Option c - Omeprazole

Indicate the drug that causes metabolic alkalosis.

a) Sodium bicarbonate

b) Cimetidene

c) Pepto-Bismol

d) Carbenoxolone

Option a - Sodium bicarbonate

The mechanism of stimulant purgatives is.

a) Increasing the volume of nonabsorbable solid residue

b) Increasing motility and secretion.

c) Altering the consistency of the feces

d) Increasing the water content

Option b - Increasing motility and secretion

Indicate the drug which increases absorption of iron from the intestine.

a) Cyanocobalamine

b) Folic acid

c) Ascorbic acid

d) Erythropoietin

Option c - Ascorbic acid

An adverse effect of oral iron therapy is.

a) Anemia

b) Thrombocytopenia

c) Headache

d) Constipation

Option d - Constipation

Pernicious anemia is developed due to deficiency.

a) Erythropoietin

b) Vitamin B12

c) Iron

d) Vitamin B6

Option b - Vitamin B12

Pick out the drug belonging to anticoagulants of direct action.

a) Aspirin

b) Heparin

c) Dicumarol

d) Phenprocoumon

Option b - Heparin

We covered all the rrb po hindi syllabus above in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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