Shelter Environmental Studies Pedagogy CTET MCQ

Shelter Environmental Studies Pedagogy CTET MCQ

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01 Which of the following is not a temporary shelter?

  1. kutcha house
  2. tent house
  3. migratory bird nest
  4. caravan

Option 1 – kutcha house

02 Which of the animal does not live on trees?

  1. sloth
  2. monkey
  3. bat
  4. honey bees
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Option 4 – honey bees

03 Which of the animal lives in a sty?

  1. pig
  2. hen
  3. dog
  4. sheep

Option 1 – pig

04 Consider the following and which among them is incorrect?

  1. lion-den
  2. dog-kennel
  3. hen-coop
  4. donkey-pen

Option 4 – donkey-pen

05 Which of the following statements is/are incorrect?

  1. sloth spends most of the time on trees
  2. pigs shelter is called sty or pigsty
  3. earthworm is called friend of farmer and it lives in burrows
  4. spider lives in a colony and its shelter is called hive

Option 4 – spider lives in a colony and its shelter is called hive

06 Houses made of concrete are called

  1. pucca houses
  2. kutcha houses
  3. bunglows
  4. makeshift houses

Option 1 – pucca houses

07 A house made up of mud, bamboo and straw is called

  1. pucca house
  2. slum
  3. kutcha house
  4. bunglow

Option 3 – kutcha house

08 A place where there is too much of heat and temperature, the houses are made up of

  1. mud
  2. plastic
  3. cement
  4. none of the above

Option 1 – mud

09 The place where it rains too much, there the houses are made up of

  1. stones
  2. ice
  3. bamboo
  4. plastic

Option 3 – bamboo

10 House boats are seen at

  1. dal lake
  2. Thar desert
  3. both (1)and (2)
  4. none of the above

Option 1 – dal lake

11 Kalyani tells story to students about a place. ” Houses were made up of stone with sloping roof, wood were used for purpose of designing ceiling, floor and walls. Design were in pattern of jigsaw puzzle. In village, houses are made up of stone and coated with mud”. About which place kalyani is referring to

  1. ladakh
  2. kashmir
  3. kerala
  4. jammu

Option 2 – kashmir

12 Which of the following statements is incorrect?

  1. In rajasthan, mud houses are made as an adaptation to heat
  2. mud walls are painted with soil and crow dung to prevent wall from breaking and prevent the growth of insect
  3. accacia tree trunk are used to prevent growth of infection
  4. In Assam, houses are made few feets higher from the ground and house stands on stone pillar

Option 4 – In Assam, houses are made few feets higher from the ground and house stands on stone pillar

13 Kalyani was telling students ” It is hilly region here rainfall and snowfalls are quite common and as an adaption to weather roof are made sloping so that water or snow does not stay. In house, wood were used abundantly”. Kalyani was telling students about

  1. manali
  2. ladakh
  3. tibet
  4. nainital

Option 1 – manali

14 Anuvan was telling his experiences about the place he visited. He said ” In northern most region very cold dry desert is present and yak is found here. Then I visited a place where Jhelum river flows and many house boat and donga were there. Beautiful design and pattern made of wood were used in houses. Then finally, I visited a place where houses were similar to our houses in plain region.” Now consider the following options and decide the sequence of place he visited during his tour

  1. ladakh, manali, kashmir
  2. ladakh, kashmir, jammu
  3. manali, kashmir, jammu
  4. tibet, kashmir, jammu

Option 2 – ladakh, kashmir, jammu

15 In rural areas, cow dung is used to coat the floor and walls of huts to

  1. give a natural colour to the floor
  2. keep the insects away
  3. make them smooth and clean
  4. make them rough to increase friction

Option 2 – keep the insects away

16 A bird makes its nest high up on a tree. This bird could be

  1. sunbird
  2. Indian robin
  3. crow
  4. dove

Option 3 – crow

17 Read the following paragraph written by a student about his house in a village. ” I have come from a village. It rains heavily at our place. Hence, our houses are made almost 10 to 12 feet (3 to 3.5 m) above the ground. They are made on bamboo pillars. The inner sides of our houses are also made of wood “. This village must be in

  1. andhra pradesh
  2. assam
  3. tamil nadu
  4. uttarakhand

Option 2 – assam

18 The Eskimo makes his house i.e. Igloo from ice. What is the reason for this?

  1. ice does not allow cold air and water to come inside
  2. the air between the ice walls prevents the inside heat from escaping
  3. ice is available free of cost, other material will cost a lot
  4. only ice is available in polar regions

Option 2 – the air between the ice walls prevents the inside heat from escaping

19 Which one of the following places in our country is a ‘ cold desert ‘?

  1. jaisalmer
  2. ladakh
  3. meghalaya
  4. darjeeling

Option 2 – ladakh

20 Study the following: Crows make their nests high up on a tree using all kinds of things, even pieces of wood and wires. A clever bird who does not make its own nest lays eggs in a crow’s nest. The poor crow hatches them along with its own eggs. Which bird is this?

  1. Indian robin
  2. barbet
  3. koel
  4. sunbird

Option 3 – koel

21 Which of the following birds makes its nest among the thorns of a cactus plant? ( Shelter Environmental Studies Pedagogy CTET MCQ )

  1. sunbird
  2. weaverbird
  3. robbin bird
  4. dove

Option 4 – dove

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