Social 10th Class Study Material

Social 10th Class Study Material. We covered all the Social 10th Class Study Material MCQs in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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These types of competitive MCQs appear in exams like SSC, Railway, Bank, Delhi Police, UPSSSC, UPSC (Pre), State PCS, CDS, NDA, Assistant Commandant, and other Competitive Examinations, etc. We created all the competitive exam MCQs into several small posts on our website for your convenience.

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Social 10th Class Study Material Objective for Students

If the insolation received at the equator (0°) is 100 units, then the number of units at 45° (Northern Japan)

A) 50

B) 40

C) 75

D) 100

Option c – 75

If the insolation received at the equator (0°) is 100 units, then the number of units at 66° (Arctic Circle)

A) 40

B) 50

C) 25

D) 45

Option b – 50

The angle of incidence increases in the north during the months of

A) May – June

B) November – December

C) September – October

D) June – July

Option b – November – December

The atmosphere or the air around us is heated by the sun rays in this way.

A) heated directly

B) not heated directly

C) mixes in the air

D) All the above

Option b – not heated directly

If the Earth radiates back more heat than it receives, then it changes like this.

A) cool

B) warm

C) temperate

D) All the above

Option a – cool

The gas that objects to the radiation of the earth.

A) O₂

B) Organ

C) CO₂

D) All the above

Option c – CO₂

The angle at which the sun’s rays fall on the earth’s surface.

A) Better angle

B) Angle of incidence

C) Increasing angle

D) None

Option b – Angle of incidence

We covered all the social 10th class study material mcqs above in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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