Socialism MCQ

Socialism MCQ. We covered all the Socialism means MCQ in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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MCQ on Socialism for Students

Workers should be provided…….. in the management.

1. Participation

2. Work

3. Ownership

4. None of the above

Option 1 – Participation

The right withdrawn from the Fundamental Rights in order to achieve the goals of socialism is

1. Right to property

2. Right to equality

3. Right to freedom

4. Right to religious freedom

Option 1 – Right to property

This party has declared socialism as its goal in 1955

1. Congress

2. BJP

3. CPI-M

4. CPI

Option 1 – Congress

…….. constitute half of the population in our society :

1. Children

2. Workers

3. Farmers

4. Women

Option 4 – Women

Jawahar Rozgar Yojana (JRY) Programme was implemented since

1. 1989

2. 1999

3. 2009

4. 2011

Option 1 – 1989

We follow…….. method in implementing socialism in India

1. Rigid

2. Radical

3. Democratic

4. Dictatorial

Option 3 – Democratic

Manavendra Nath (M.N.Roy) Roy tried to establish this party

1. Naxalites

2. Radical Democratic

3. Socialists

4. People’s war group

Option 2 – Radical Democratic

The inclusion of the term “socialistic state” in the preamble of the constitution, through …… amendment shows India’s firm commitment to socialism.

1. 42nd

2. 44th

3. 41st

4. 46th

Option 1 – 42nd

The socialist who has collected the excess land voluntarily from the landlords and distributed it among the poor :

1. Vinoba Bhave

2. Jaya Prakash Narayan

3. S.M. Joshi

4. Mahatma Gandhi

Option 1 – Vinoba Bhave

The year of Nationalisation of Banks :

1. 1985

2. 1975

3. 1970

4. 1969

Option 4 – 1969

The main basis for production in public sector :

1. Earning high profits

2. Need-based production

3. Nationalisation

4. Encouraging private sector

Option 2 – Need-based production

These were nationalised by Nehru’s government and established the life insurance com panies in 1957 :

1. Banks

2. Road Transport

3. Electricity-producing units

4. Life Insurance Companies

Option 4 – Life Insurance Companies

A Public sector organisation under the state government

1. Road Transport Corporation

2. Vijaya Finance Corporation

3. Air Lines Corporation

4. Oil & Natural Gas Commission

Option 1 – Road Transport Corporation

The chair-person of the Planning Commission

1. Chief Minister

2. Finance Minister

3. Prime Minister

4. President of India

Option 3 – Prime Minister

The chair-person of the National Development Council

1. Prime Minister

2. Home Minister

3. Foreign Minister

4. Chief Minister

Option 1 – Prime Minister

These are provided one-third reservation under Panchayat Raj System

1. Backward Classes

2. Women

3. Minorities

4. Educated Persons

Option 2 – Women

The basis of Production in the private sector ……

1. Earning high profits

2. Need-based production

3. Nationalisation

4. Earing high losses

Option 1 – Earning high profits

Nationalisation has been taken up in Independent India in order to implement the objectives of

1. Capitalism

2. Socialism

3. Naxalism

4. None of the above

Option 2 – Socialism

The profits gained in the public sector are utilised for

1. Welfare Programmes

2. Reserve Bank development

3. Commercial activities

4. Defence forces

Option 1 – Welfare Programmes

In…. the means of production should be owned and controlled by society and used for social welfare.

1. Capitalism

2. Socialism

3. Monarchy

4. None of the above

Option 2 – Socialism

The country in which socialistic ideas developed as communistic ideas and were implemented first, in the 20th century

1. India

2. France

3. America

4. Russia

Option 4 – Russia

The socialistic ideas were developed in ….. during the period between the two world wars :

1. America

2. Russia

3. England

4. India

Option 4 – India

An Indian, who is a close friend of the famous English socialist Mr. Hindman

1. Lala Lajapat Roy

2. Motilal Nehru

3. Dadabhai Nauroji

4. Bal Gangadhar Tilak

Option 3 – Dadabhai Nauroji

Russian Socialist Revolution took place in the year

1. 1916

2. 1918

3. 1919

4. 1917

Option 4 – 1917

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