South Indian History MCQ

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South Indian History MCQ for Students

Who is said to have started what is known as the Saka era in 78 AD?

1. Nahapana

2. Rudraman I

3. Vikramaditya

4. Kanishka

Option 4 – Kanishka

The earliest stratum of the history of the Tamils is known as the :

1. Chola Age

2. Pallava Age

3. Pandyan Age

4. Sangam Age

Option 4 – Sangam Age

Which of the following is considered a classic of the Sangam literature?

1. Tirrukkural

2. Silappadikaram

3. Tolkappiyam

4. Pattupattu

Option 2 – Silappadikaram

Which Gupta king has been called ‘an Indian Napoleon’ for having brought under his Sway a considerable portion of Indian territory?

1. Chandragupta

2. Samudragupta

3. Chandragupta

4. Skandagupta

Option 2 – Samudragupta

Who of the following was the foremost astronomer and mathematician of the Gupta period?

1. Varahamihira

2. Brahmagupta

3. Vagaghata

4. Aryabhata

Option 4 – Aryabhata

Which Gupta ruler’s court was adorned by numerous scholars including Kalidasa?

1. Chandragupta

2. Chandragupta II

3. Sri Gupta

4. Samudragupta

Option 2 – Chandragupta II

Which among the following is not a work of Kali dasa?

1. Sankhya Karika

2. Ritusamhara

3. Meghduta

4. Malavik agnimitra

Option 1 – Sankhya Karika

Harsha wrote all the following except :

1. Ratnavali

2. Nagananda

3. Kadambari

4. Priyadarshika

Option 3 – Kadambari

Who among the following was a poet at Harsha’s court?

1. Harisena

2. Banabhatta

3. Bhasa

4. Dandin

Option 2 – Banabhatta

The Chinese pilgrim who visited India during Harsha’s reign was :

1. Hiuen

2. I-tsing

3. Fa-hien

4. All three

Option 1 – Hiuen

When did Christianity come to India?

1. First century AD

2. Third century AD

3. Sixth century AD

4. Seventh century AD

Option 1 – First century AD

When was zero discovered by the Indians?

1. Second century BC

2. Sixth century BC

3. Second century BC

4. Fifth century BC

Option 1 – Second century BC

The first Muslim person to conquer Indian was

1. Ghori

2. Balban

3. Md.bin Kasim

4. Babar

Option 3 – Md.bin Kasim

Which is one of the earliest examples of a residential-cum-teaching Institution?

1. Kanchi

2. Taxila

3. Vikramsil

4. Nalanda

Option 4 – Nalanda

Which book is known as the encyclopedia of Indian medicine”?

1. Charakasamhita

2. Abhidarma Hridaya

3. Sushrutasamhita

4. Ashtangahridaya samhita

Option 1 – Charakasamhita

Which king founded the Vikramasila University?

1. Dhruva

2. Devapala

3. Dharmapala

4. Bhoja

Option 3 – Dharmapala

Where was the capital of the Rashtrakutas?

1. Vatapi

2. Malwa

3. Manyakhet

4. Vengi

Option 3 – Manyakhet

Kalhana’s Rajatarangini is a work on the history of :

1. Malwa

2. Gujarat

3. Kashmir

4. Vijayanagar

Option 3 – Kashmir

What was the main feature of Dravida style of temple architecture?

1. Mandapa

2. Gopuram

3. Vimana

4. Shikhara

Option 3 – Vimana

Kautilya’s Arthasastra has been compared to :

1. Karl Marx’s Das Kapital

2. Machiavelli’s Prince

3. Plato’s Dialogues

4. Hitler’s Mein Kampf

Option 2 – Machiavelli’s Prince

In his inscriptions Ashoka calls himself :

1. Priyadarshini

2. Dhammasoka

3. Daivaputra

4. Devanampriya Priyadarsin

Option 4 – Devanampriya Priyadarsin

Kautilya’s Arthasastra deals with :

1. Principles and practice of statecraft

2. Economic relations

3. Functions of the king

4. Foreign policy

Option 1 – Principles and practice of statecraft

Megasthenes visited India during the reign of :

1. Ashoka

2. Bindusara

3. Chandragupta II

4. Chandragupta Maurya

Option 4 – Chandragupta Maurya

Milinda-panho is the Pali work in the form of a dialogue between Menander and the Buddhist monk :

1. Nagabhushan

2. Nagasena

3. Asvaghosha

4. Ananda

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Option 2 – Nagasena

Which implication was taken in the Lucknow Session of Congress in 1916?

(a) Separate electorate demand of the Muslim League was accepted.

(b) A temporary merger of the Muslim League and Congress occurred.

(c) A Muslim person was elected as President of Congress.

(d) None of the above

Option a – Separate electorate demand of the Muslim League was accepted

Who launched the first Home Rule League Movement?

(a) Annie Besant

(b) Sarojini Naidu

(c) Surendranath Banerjee

(d) Tilak

Option a – Annie Besant

Annie Besant formed the Home Rule League in India based on the pattern of the Home Rule Movement in

(a) Ireland

(b) Scotland

(c) England

(d) Eastern Europe

Option a – Ireland

Annie Besant is mostly associated with

(a) Civil Disobedience Movement

(b) Home Rule Movement

(c) Khilafat Movement

(d) Non-Co-operation Movement

Option b – Home Rule Movement

Who amongst the following continuously emphasized giving self-rule to India in 1904, 1905, and 1906?

(a) Surendranath Banerjee

(b) Pherozeshah Mehta

(c) Bal Gangadhar Tilak

(d) Dadabhai Naoroji

Option c – Bal Gangadhar Tilak

The Home Rule Leagues were started in 1915-16 under the leadership of

(a) Tilak and Annie Besant

(b) Tilak and Aurobindo Ghosh

(c) Tilak and Lajpat Rai

(d) Tilak and Vipin Chandra Pal

Option a – Tilak and Annie Besant

The revolutionary association ‘Abhinav Bharat’ was set up in 1905 in

(a) Odisha

(b) Bengal

(c) Uttar Pradesh

(d) Maharashtra

Option d – Maharashtra

Who among the following started the ‘Mitra Mela’ union?

(a) Shyamji Krishna Verma

(b) VD Savarkar

(c) Lala Hardayal

(d) Sohan Singh Bhakana

Option b – VD Savarkar

The Anushilan Samiti was

(a) dedicated to the upliftment of women.

(b) promoting widow remarriage.

(c) interested in labor welfare.

(d) a revolutionary organization.

Option d – a revolutionary organization

The first indication of the revolutionary movement in India was seen in

(a) Maharashtra

(b) Bengal

(c) Punjab

(d) Rajasthan

Option b – Bengal

Who among the following leaders founded the revolutionary organization, Abhinav Bharat Society?

(a) Bhagat Singh

(b) Vinayak Damodar Savarkar

(c) Barindar Kumar Ghosh

(d) Pulin Bihari

Option b – Vinayak Damodar Savarkar

Who founded Anushilan Samiti of Dacca?

(a) Prafulla Chaki

(b) Pulin Das

(c) SN Sanyal

(d) Jatindra Nath Mukherjee

Option b – Pulin Das

Who established a branch of Anushilan Samiti at Patna in 1913?

(a) Rewati Nag

(b) Yadunath Sarkar

(c) Sachindra Nath Sanyal

(d) Mazharul Haque

Option c – Sachindra Nath Sanyal

The Barrah dacoity was the first major venture of the revolutionary terrorists of the freedom movement in

(a) Bombay-Karnataka

(b) Punjab

(c) East Bengal

(d) The Madras Presidency

Option c – East Bengal

When did the attempt of Murder of Kingsford was made at Muzaffarpur?

(a) 1908

(b) 1909

(c) 1907

(d) 1911

Option a – 1908

Which two revolutionaries were involved in the Muzaffarpur Murder (1908)?

(a) Binoy Bose, Badal Gupta

(b) Surya Sen, Loknath Bal

(c) Damodar and Balkrishna Chapekar

(d) Prafulla Chaki, Khudiram Bose

Option d – Prafulla Chaki, Khudiram Bose

Muzaffarpur Bomb Case (1908) is associated with

(a) Savarkar

(b) Ajit Singh

(c) Prafulla Chaki

(d) Bipin Chandra Pal

Option c – Prafulla Chaki

Who had founded the Anushilan Samiti?

(a) Pramath Nath Mitra

(b) Varindra Ghosh

(c) V D Savarkar

(d) Narendra Gosain

Option a – Pramath Nath Mitra

Activities of Barindra Kumar Ghosh had given birth to a secret revolutionary organization named as

(a) Anushilan Samiti

(b) Swadeshi Bandhawa Samiti

(c) Brati Samiti

(d) Sadhawa Samaj

Option a – Anushilan Samiti

Barindra Ghosh was associated with

(a) Anushilan Samiti

(b) Sadhawa Samiti

(c) Abhinav Bharat

(d) Swadesh Bandhawa Samiti

Option a – Anushilan Samiti

Who defended Aurobindo Ghosh in the ‘Alipore Bomb Case’?

(a) WC Bonerjee

(b) Surendranath Banerjee

(c) Bipin Chandra Pal

(d) Chittaranjan Das

Option d – Chittaranjan Das

Who led the attack on the European Club at Pahartali in Chittagong?

(a) Pritilata Waddedar

(b) Surya Sen

(c) Anant Singh

(d) Loknath Bal

Option a – Pritilata Waddedar

The most important external event that greatly influenced the course of the Indian National Movement during the early twentieth century was

(a) the Russian Revolution, in 1917.

(b) the Russo-Japanese War, 1904-05.

(c) the outbreak of the First World War, in 1914.

(d) Boer War, 1899.

Option b – the Russo-Japanese War, 1904-05

Who founded Swadesh Bandhaw Samiti?

(a) Pulin Das

(b) Surya Sen

(c) Barindra Ghosh

(d) Ashwin Kumar Dutt

Option d – Ashwin Kumar Dutt

Where and when was the Ghadar Party founded?

(a) America, 1913

(b) England, 1917

(c) Denmark, 1921

(d) Scotland, 1925

Option a – America, 1913

Who among the following founded the ‘Ghadar Party’?

(a) VD Savarkar

(b) Rash Behari Ghosh

(c) Madan Lal Dhingra

(d) Lala Hardayal

Option d – Lala Hardayal

Shyamji Krishna Verma established the Indian Home Rule Society in

(a) London

(b) Paris

(c) Berlin

(d) San Francisco

Option a – London

The ‘Indian Home Rule Society’ was founded in

(a) 1900 AD

(b) 1901 AD

(c) 1902 AD

(d) 1905 AD

Option d – 1905 AD

Who was the founder of the ‘Indian House’ in London?

(a) Shyamji Krishna Verma

(b) Rash Behari Bose

(c) Ramchandra

(d) Taraknath Das

Option a – Shyamji Krishna Verma

What was the cause of the outbreak of the Ghadar Revolution?

(a) Arresting of Lala Hardayal.

(b) Kamagata Maru incident.

(c) Beginning of the First World War.

(d) Hanging of Kartar Singh Sarabha.

Option b – Kamagata Maru incident

What was Kamagata Maru?

(a) A political party based in Taiwan.

(b) Peasant Communist leader of China.

(c) A naval ship on a voyage to Canada.

(d) A Chinese village where Mao Tse Tung began his long march.

Option c – A naval ship on a voyage to Canada

Who among the following established a Republican Government abroad?

(a) Raja Mahendra Pratap

(b) Subhash Chandra Bose

(c) Ras Behari Bose

(d) None of the above

Option a – Raja Mahendra Pratap

A provisional Government of India with Raja Mahendra Pratap as its President was established during the First World War in?

(a) Afghanistan

(b) Germany

(c) Singapore

(d) Turkey

Option a – Afghanistan

The Silk Letter Conspiracy (1916) was organized by

(a) Obaidullah Sindhi and Maulana Barakatulla.

(b) Maulana Abdul Ban and Maulana Muhammad Ali.

(c) Obaidullah Sindhi and Maulana Mahmud Hasan.

(d) Raja Mahendra Pratap and John Henting.

Option c – Obaidullah Sindhi and Maulana Mahmud Hasan

What is the meaning of ‘Ghadar’?

(a) Revolt

(b) Independence

(c) Swaraj

(d) Liberation

Option a – Revolt

The Ghadar was a

(a) revolutionary association of Indians with Headquarters in San Francisco.

(b) Nationalist organization operating from Singapore.

(c) Militant organization with Headquarters in Berlin

(d) Communist Movement for India’s Freedom with Headquarters at Tashkent.

Option a – revolutionary association of Indians with Headquarters in San Francisco

Who amongst the following was the first Chairman of the Ghadar party?

(a) Lala Hardayal

(b) Sohan Singh Bhakna

(c) Pandit Kashi Ram

(d) Kesar Singh

Option b – Sohan Singh Bhakna

Who is regarded as the Mother of the Indian Revolution?

(a) Annie Besant

(b) Snehlata Wadekar

(c) Sarojini Naidu

(d) Madam Bhikhaiji Rustam Cama

Option d – Madam Bhikhaiji Rustam Cama

Among the following women who were the first to unfurl the Indian tricolor?

(a) Aruna Asaf Ali

(b) Bhikaiji Cama

(c) Durga Bhabhi

(d) Kamla Devi Chattopadhyay

Option b – Bhikaiji Cama

Where did Madam Cama hoist the first tricolor in 1907?

(a) London

(b) Paris

(c) Moscow

(d) Stuttgart

Option d – Stuttgart

Which of the following pairs got sentenced to be hanged for the assassination of the British officers in England?

(a) Rajguru and Sukhdev

(b) Khudiram Bose and Surya Sen

(c) Madan Lal Dhingra and Udham Singh

(d) Kartar Singh Sarabha and Ashfaqulla Khan

Option c – Madan Lal Dhingra and Udham Singh

What was common among Bhikaiji Cama, M Barkatulla, VVS Lyer, and MN Roy?

(a) All of them were leading members of the International Communist Movement.

(b) M Barkatulla was the Prime Minister and the rest were Ministers in the Provisional Government of free India established by a group of revolutionaries at Kabul.

(c) All of them were among the prominent revolutionaries outside India operating in different countries during the freedom movement.

(d) All of them were accused in the case relating to the throwing of the bomb on Lord Hardinge.

Option c – All of them were among the prominent revolutionaries outside India operating in different countries during the freedom movement

Who had established the ‘Indian Independence League’?

(a) Motilal Nehru

(b) Mahatma Gandhi

(c) Rash Behari Bose

(d) Lala Lajpat Rai

Option c – Rash Behari Bose

Who was the first Indian to be elected to the British Parliament?

(a) Ras Behari Bose

(b) Surendranath Banarjee

(c) Dadabhai Naoroji

(d) Vithalbhai Patel

Option c – Dadabhai Naoroji

Which one of the following statements is not correct about Dadabhai Naoroji?

(a) He wrote a book ‘Poverty and Un-British Rule in India.

(b) He worked as a Professor of Gujarati at the University College, London.

(c) He laid the foundation of Women’s Education in Bombay.

(d) He was elected as a Member of the British Parliament on the ticket of the conservative party.

Option d – He was elected as a Member of British Parliament on the ticket of the conservative party

The first leader to use the word ‘Swaraj’ was

(a) Bal Gangadhar Tilak

(b) Lala Lajpat Rai

(c) SC Bose

(d) Mahatma Gandhi

Option a – Bal Gangadhar Tilak

Congress passed the ‘Swaraj’ resolution in the year 1905. The purpose of the resolution was

(a) the right to make a constitution for themselves but it was not done.

(b) to secure self-rule.

(c) responsible government.

(d) self-government

Option b – to secure self-rule

Swaraj as a national demand was first made by

(a) BG Tilak

(b) CR Das

(c) Dadabhai Naoroji

(d) Mahatma Gandhi

Option c – Dadabhai Naoroji

In which of the following sessions of the Indian National Congress, the word ‘Swaraj’ was uttered for the first time?

(a) Banaras Session, 1905

(b) Calcutta Session, 1906

(c) Surat Session, 1907

(d) None of the above

Option b – Calcutta Session, 1906

Dadabhai Naoroji was formally known as

(a) Punjab Kesari

(b) Gujarat Ratna

(c) Guru Dev

(d) Grand old man of India

Option d – Grand old man of India

Gopal Krishna Gokhale presided over the session of Congress in

(a) 1902

(b) 1905

(c) 1906

(d) 1909

Option b – 1905

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