Sriram IAS Book

Sriram IAS Book. We covered all the Sriram IAS Book MCQs in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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These types of competitive MCQs appear in the PCS exams like GPSC, TPPSC, TNPSC, APPSC, HPPSC, HPSC, SPSC, TPSC, PPSC, KPSC, State PCS, UPSC, IAS, IPS, BPSC, JPSC, UPPCS, MPPSC, CGPSC, RAS, RTS, OPSC, WBPSC, MPSC, UKPSC, and other Competitive Examinations, etc. We created all the competitive exam MCQs into several small posts on our website for your convenience.

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Sriram IAS Book Objective for Students

Which one of the following pairs is correctly matched?

(A) Battle of Buxar: Mir Jafar vs. Clive

(B) Battle of Wandiwash: French vs. East India Company

(C) Battle of Chilianwala: Dalhousie vs. Marathas

(D) Battle of Khurda: Nizam vs. East India Company

Option b – Battle of Wandiwash: French vs. East India Company

Which of the following opposed the British in India vigorously?

(A) Maratha

(B) Mughal

(C) Rajputana

(D) Sikh

Option a – Maratha

The capital of the Kingdom of Maharaja Ranjit Singh was

(A) Amritsar

(B) Patiala

(C) Lahore

(D) Kapurthala

Option c – Lahore

Ranjit Singh got the famous Kohinoor diamond from

(A) Shah Suza

(B) Zaman Shah

(C) Dost Mohammad

(D) Sher Ali

Option a – Shah Suza

Which one of the following is the correct chronological order of the battles fought in India in the 18th Century?

(A) Battle of Wandiwash, Battle of Buxar, Battle of Ambur, Battle of Plassey

(B) Battle of Ambur, Battle of Plassey, Battle of Wandiwash, Battle of Buxar

(C) Battle of Wandiwash, Battle of Plassey, Battle of Ambur, Battle of Buxar

(D) Battle of Ambur, Battle of Buxar, Battle of Wandiwash, Battle of Plassey

Option b – Battle of Ambur, Battle of Plassey, Battle of Wandiwash, Battle of Buxar

Name the French Commander who was defeated in the battle of Wandiwash in 1760.

(A) Count Lally

(B) Francis Martin

(C) Dupleix

(D) None of the above

Option a – Count Lally

In the Battle of Wandiwash (1760)

(A) French defeated the British

(B) British defeated the British

(C) British defeated the French

(D) Dutch defeated the British

Option c – British defeated the French

We covered all the sriram ias book mcqs above in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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