Stars and Solar System MCQ Practice Bits

Stars and Solar System MCQ Practice Bits. We covered all the Stars and Solar System MCQ Practice Bits in this post so that you can prepare for any competitive exam that covers the stars and solar system topic.

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01 Stars appear to move from

  1. north to south
  2. east to west
  3. south to north
  4. west to east
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Option 2 – east to west

02 Meteors are also known as

  1. pole star
  2. sirius
  3. ursa major
  4. shooting stars

Option 4 – shooting stars

03 Halley’s comet appears nearly after for every

  1. 76 years
  2. 72 years
  3. 100 years
  4. 87 years

Option 1 – 76 years

04 Which of the following is not a planet?

  1. jupiter
  2. saturn
  3. great bear
  4. mercury

Option 3 – great bear

05 Which of the following constellation looks like a distorted letter ‘M’?

  1. cassiopeia
  2. great bear
  3. leo major
  4. orion

Option 1 – cassiopeia

06 Great bear is an example of

  1. asteroid
  2. comet
  3. constellation
  4. galaxy

Option 3 – constellation

07 Which among the following heavenly object reaches on earth’s surface?

  1. comet
  2. meteor
  3. asteroid
  4. meteorite

Option 4 – meteorite

08 When the moon completely covers the sun as seen from the earth is known as

  1. partial solar eclipse
  2. total solar eclipse
  3. annular eclipse
  4. hybrid eclipse

Option 2 – total solar eclipse

09 The planet which is near to earth is

  1. mercury
  2. venus
  3. jupiter
  4. saturn

Option 2 – venus

10 The brightest planet among all the planets

  1. mercury
  2. venus
  3. jupiter
  4. saturn

Option 2 – venus

11 Orion is a

  1. star
  2. planet
  3. constellation
  4. satellite

Option 3 – constellation

12 The planet which is called as a morning or an evening star, is

  1. mercury
  2. venus
  3. saturn
  4. earth

Option 2 – venus

13 The brightest planet is

  1. venus
  2. saturn
  3. mars
  4. mercury

Option 1 – venus

14 Closest planet of solar system is

  1. jupiter
  2. mercury
  3. neptune
  4. venus

Option 2 – mercury

15 Farthest planet of solar system, is

  1. neptune
  2. jupiter
  3. venus
  4. mercury

Option 1 – neptune

We covered all the Stars and Solar System MCQ Practice Bits above so that you can practice well and prepare for the exam.

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