Structure of Atmosphere in Hindi

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Structure of Atmosphere in Hindi Objective for Students

Which one of the following greenhouse gases is in the largest concentration in the atmosphere?

(a) Chlorofluorocarbon

(b) Nitrous oxide

(c) Carbon dioxide

(d) Methane

Option c - Carbon dioxide

Which one of the following is a local wind that blows out from Siberia?

(a) Bora

(b) Purga

(c) Mistral

(d) Blizzard

Option b - Purga

The ozone layer in the stratosphere is affected by the increase in the atmospheric concentration of:

(a) O2

(b) NH3

(c) SO2

(d) CFC

Option d - CFC

Clouds are the result of:

(a) Evaporation

(b) Normal temperature lapse rate

(c) Catabatic lapse rate

(d) Condensation

Option d - Condensation

The amount of rain depends on:

(a) Air pressure

(b) Humidity in the atmosphere

(c) Water cycle

(d) Temperature

Option b - Humidity in the atmosphere

Which of the following is most important for the absorption of heat radiated from the Sun as well as from the Earth?

(a) Carbon dioxide

(b) Oxygen

(c) Carbon monoxide

(d) Nitrogen

Option a - Carbon dioxide

Which one of the following statements about temperature is correct?

(a) Temperature decreases with height in the stratosphere.

(b) Temperature is constant at different heights in the stratosphere.

(c) Temperature increases with height in the troposphere at an average rate of 6.5°C per km.

(d) Temperature decreases with height in the troposphere at an average rate of 6.4°C per km.

Option d - Temperature decreases with height in the troposphere at an average rate of 6.4°C per km

Which one of the following types of cloud is characterized by continuous precipitation?

(a) Cirrocumulus

(b) Cumulus

(c) Nimbostratus

(d) Cumulonimbus

Option c - Nimbostratus

Which one of the following layers of atmosphere has a high concentration of ions?

(a) Stratosphere

(b) Exosphere

(c) Thermosphere

(d) Troposphere

Option c - Thermosphere

The 'eye' of the cyclone has:

(a) Abnormally high temperature and lowest pressure

(b) Abnormally low temperature and pressure

(c) Clear sky and lowest temperature

(d) Dense cloud cover and low pressure

Option a - Abnormally high temperature and lowest pressure

Which instrument is used for measuring the altitude, direction, and velocity of clouds?

(a) Pyrgeometer

(b) Nephoscope

(c) Nephelometer

(d) Venturimeter

Option b - Nephoscope

The final boundary between the Earth and outer space is called ...

(a) Magnetosphere

(b) Ionosphere

(c) Mesopause

(d) Magnetopause

Option d - Magnetopause

Which of the following winds are hot, dust-laden, and blow from the Sahara desert towards the Mediterranean Region?

(a) Sirocco

(b) Loo

(c) Foehn

(d) Mistral

Option a - Sirocco

The Coriolis effect is the result of:

(a) Pressure gradient

(b) Earth's axis of inclination

(c) Earth's rotation

(d) Earth's revolution

Option c - Earth's rotation

Tropopause is:

(a) A region between the troposphere and the stratosphere.

(b) A natural umbrella above volcanic eruptions.

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) Neither (a) nor (b)

Option a - A region between the troposphere and the stratosphere

Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched?

(a) Fohn - Alps Mountain

(b) Bora - Poland

(c) Mistral - Rhine Valley

(d) Khamsin - Egypt

Option c - Mistral - Rhine Valley

Albedo effect would be relatively higher in:

(a) Early morning and late evening

(b) Early morning only

(c) Noon

(d) Late evening only

Option a - Early morning and late evening

Which one of the following is the pattern of circulation around a low-pressure area in the northern hemisphere?

(a) Counter-clockwise and away from the center

(b) Clockwise and away from the center

(c) Counter-clockwise and towards the center

(d) Clockwise and towards the center

Option c - Counter-clockwise and towards the center

Which of the following options correctly explains the term 'heat budget'?

(a) It is the amount of heat which the surface of Earth receives from the sun

(b) It is the radiation from the Earth in the form of long waves

(c) It is a mode of transfer of heat through matter by molecular activity

(d) It is the balance between incoming and outgoing radiation

Option d - It is the balance between incoming and outgoing radiation

Select the correct direction of the Sirocco storm:

(a) Sahara to the Mediterranean Sea

(b) North from USA

(c) West from Sahara

(d) Adriatic Sea to Italy

Option a - Sahara to the Mediterranean Sea

Harmattan blows in the Sahara desert from:

(a) South to North

(b) East to West

(c) West to East

(d) North to South

Option b - East to West

In the region of the eastern shore of the Adriatic Sea, a cold and dry wind blowing down from the mountain is known as:

(a) Mistral

(b) Bora

(c) Bise

(d) Blizzard

Option b - Bora

Without the greenhouse effect, the average temperature of Earth's surface would be:

(a) 0°C

(b) -18°C

(c) 5°C

(d) -20°C

Option b - -18°C

Smog is essentially caused by the atmospheric presence of:

(a) Oxygen and ozone

(b) Ozone and nitrogen

(c) Oxygen and nitrogen

(d) Oxide of nitrogen and sulfur

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Option d - Oxide of nitrogen and sulfur

In the Hadley cell thermal circulation, air rises up and finally descends at:

(a) Intertropical convergence zone

(b) Doldrums

(c) Subtropical high-pressure cells

(d) Equatorial troughs

Option c - Subtropical high-pressure cells

Which one of the following is not a form of condensation?

(a) Dew

(b) Fog

(c) Frost

(d) Sleet

Option b - Fog

Which one of the following clouds is a rain-bearing cloud?

(a) Cumulus cloud

(b) Stratus cloud

(c) Nimbus cloud

(d) Cirrus cloud

Option c - Nimbus cloud

The composition of gases in the exosphere is:

(a) Helium and Hydrogen

(b) Neon and Oxygen

(c) Neon and Hydrogen

(d) Helium and Neon

Option a - Helium and Hydrogen

Which one of the following statements with regard to ozone is not correct?

(a) Ozone is found mostly at 15-55 km in the atmosphere.

(b) Ozone is produced by gaseous chemical reactions.

(c) 16th November is celebrated as the International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer.

(d) Ozone is a form of oxygen in which three oxygen atoms are bound together.

Option c - 16th November is celebrated as the International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer

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