Class 10 Tamil MCQ Questions

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Class 10 Tamil MCQ Objective Questions for Students

The Pokhran II test was conducted on

A) June 11th, 1998

B) June 9th, 1998

C) May 11th, 1998

D) May 29th, 1998

Option c - May 11th, 1998

In which state does Pokhran lie?

A) Gujarat

B) Rajasthan

C) Punjab

D) Himachal Pradesh

Option b - Rajasthan

The function of heavy water in a nuclear reactor is to

A) Slow down the speed of neutrons

B) Increase the speed of neutrons

C) Cool down the reactor

D) Stop the nuclear reaction

Option a - Slow down the speed of neutrons

Which one of the following is used as a moderator in the nuclear reactor?

A) Thorium

B) Graphite

C) Radium

D) Ordinary water

Option b - Graphite

Graphite is used in the nuclear reactor as

A) Fuel

B) Lubricant

C) Moderator

D) None of these

Option c - Moderator

Which one of the following is used as a moderator in a nuclear reactor?

A) Thorium

B) Heavy Water

C) Radium

D) Ordinary Water

Option b - Heavy Water

A fast breeder reactor is a nuclear reactor that produces electricity

A) By fusion process

B) With the help of solar cells

C) By burning phenyl substances used by it and by its reproduction

D) By using refined hard water

Option a - By fusion process

A breeder reactor is that which

A) Does not require fissionable material at all

B) Uses only heavy water

C) Produces more fissionable material than it burns

D) None of the above

Option c - Produces more fissionable material than it burns

Which of the following nuclear power plants has the highest total installed capacity?

A) Kakrapar

B) Kaiga

C) Kudankulam

D) Tarapur

Option d - Tarapur

The official code name of the Pokhran nuclear test in 1974, was

A) Smiling Buddha

B) Thunder Bolt

C) Flying Garud

D) Agni Pareeksha

Option a - Smiling Buddha

A computer virus is

A) A computer program that can replicate itself

B) A virus that affects the health of human beings

C) Both of the above

D) None of the above

Option a - A computer program that can replicate itself

A computer virus is a

A) Destructive program

B) Utility program

C) Firewall

D) None of the above

Option a - Destructive program

Computer virus means

A) A new virus

B) Plague virus

C) Destructive program

D) Hardware of the computer

Option c - Destructive program

A program that has the capability to infect other programs, make copies of itself, and spread into other programs is called

A) Worm

B) Virus

C) Trojan

D) None of these

Option b - Virus

Yahoo, Google, and MSN are

A) Internet sites

B) Computer brands

C) Watches manufactured in Switzerland

D) Rings of Saturn

Option a - Internet sites

Which web browser was developed by Google?

A) Internet Explorer

B) Firefox

C) Safari

D) Chrome

Option d - Chrome

Which of the following is not a Web browser?

A) Opera

B) Google Apps

C) Vivaldi

D) Mozilla Firefox

Option b - Google Apps

WiMAX is related to which one of the following?

A) Biotechnology

B) Space technology

C) Missile technology

D) Communication technology

Which one of the following is not a computer term?





Option c - SIM

A computer virus is a

A) Fungus

B) Bacterium

C) IC7344

D) Software program

Option d - Software program

What is the virus that spreads on the computer?

A) Hardware

B) Computer program

C) Ant

D) System software

Option b - Computer program

The body of the mouse used in computers was designed about 40 years back. Then, it was made of

A) Aluminium

B) Plastic

C) Steel

D) Wood

Option d - Wood

After a double click of the mouse, the information goes to

A) Documents

B) Video Card

C) CPU (Central Processing Unit)

D) Hard Drive

Option c - CPU (Central Processing Unit)

In which port do you plug in the 'cable of your keyboard?

A) VGA Port

B) Ethernet Port

C) USB Port

D) San Pedro Port

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Option c - USB Port

A network of networks is simply called

A) Extranet

B) Intranet

C) Webnet

D) Internet

Option d - Internet

What is the Internet?

A) A net for catching fish in the ocean.

B) Name of an international Basketball Championship

C) A system for tracking the movement of railway wagons on Railway lines

D) An international computer-based information network

Option d - An international computer-based information network

The slowest Internet connection service is

A) Digital Subscriber Line (DSL)

B) Dial-up Service

C) Leased Line

D) Cable Modem

Option b - Dial-up Service

The first page that you normally view on any website is known as

A) Home page

B) Master page

C) First page

D) Banner page

Option a - Home page

Which is the most common input device used today?

A) Motherboard

B) Central Processing Unit (CPU)

C) Keyboard

D) Semiconductor

Option c - Keyboard

The most common input device used today is

A) Trackball

B) Scanner

C) Mouse

D) None of these

Option c - Mouse

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