Teaching Learning Materials Pedagogy CTET MCQ

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Teaching Learning Materials Pedagogy CTET MCQ for Students

01 One of the following qualities is not expected of a good teacher

  1. communicating freely with students
  2. teaching without using any audio-visual aids
  3. acquiring knowledge about student’s background
  4. sharing warmth, enthusiasm, and caring

Option 2 – teaching without using any audio-visual aids

02 Audio-visual aids should not ( Teaching Learning Materials Pedagogy CTET MCQ )

  1. be helpful in achieving objectives of teaching
  2. be attractive and full of illustrations
  3. disturb the child mentally
  4. make learners interested towards learning

Option 3 – disturb the child mentally

03 Which of the following is not true in the context of teaching learning materials?

  1. a blackboard can be used for putting the cut outs of newspapers and magazines
  2. teaching can be effective through the use of audio-visual aids
  3. audio-visual aids help comprehend difficult or monotonous content
  4. textbooks are one of the main teaching learning materials used in classrooms

Option 1 – a blackboard can be used for putting the cut outs of newspapers and magazines

04 Teaching learning materials should be selected according to

  1. their availability in respective areas
  2. the objectives of teaching
  3. their cost
  4. none of the above

Option 2 – the objectives of teaching

05 Leena uses big reading books in her language classes to ( Teaching Learning Materials Pedagogy CTET MCQ )

  1. use these illustrated colorful books for reading together
  2. use them for big students of different ages
  3. allow students to read at home
  4. ensure books carry a lot of information

Option 1 – use these illustrated colorful books for reading together

06 Lalita, a teacher of young learners, provides them with opportunities to play with clay, water and sand, so as to

  1. please them and make them happy
  2. dirty their hands so that they may learn to wash them
  3. build fine motor skills, especially of the fingers and thumb
  4. encourage play with no other objective

Option 3 – build fine motor skills, especially of the fingers and thumb

07 An effective language teacher ( Teaching Learning Materials Pedagogy CTET MCQ )

  1. will make children learn all the answers to the questions given in the textbook
  2. will use the textbook as well as other material as resources for teaching
  3. will prepare question papers using only the questions given in the textbook
  4. will rely entirely on the prescribed textbook

Option 2 – will use the textbook as well as other material as resources for teaching

08 A good introduction to a text should be

  1. telling the students anything that they can find out for themselves by reading the text
  2. a detailed explanation of the meaning of the text
  3. blocking the student’s active involvement by means of questioning
  4. short and to the point

Option 4 – short and to the point

09 Use of the medium of motion pictures offers a/an …….. experience for the student ( Teaching Learning Materials Pedagogy CTET MCQ )

  1. abstract
  2. indirect
  3. concrete
  4. vicarious

Option 4 – vicarious

10 According to the recommendations of NCF 2005, technology could be integrated

  1. with the larger goals and processes of Educational Programmes
  2. with revisions to meet current developmental policies of the Central Government
  3. as an add-on to the main educational goals
  4. used only judiciously subject to the economic and social goals of a community

Option 1 – with the larger goals and processes of Educational Programmes

11 Types of ‘text media’ are ( Teaching Learning Materials Pedagogy CTET MCQ )

  1. audio discs and tapes
  2. illustrations and diagrams
  3. motion pictures and documentaries
  4. digital e-books, e-journals

Option 4 – digital e-books, e-journals

12 For students to gain language skills from text books, the text book learning should

  1. correlate with assessment and achievement
  2. lead to using the text book sparingly
  3. expose them to more literary reading
  4. become more cost-effective compared to technologically supported courses

Option 1 – correlate with assessment and achievement

13 A teacher is reading a lesson from class III textbook about a girl, Nina, who is not interested in attending a marriage party as she does not want to leave the sparrow alone locked in her house. Suddenly a boy, Ali stands up and tells the teacher how one day, he saved an injured pigeon which was lying on his balcony. Ali’s reaction to the story can be described as

  1. interrupting the teacher in between
  2. an opportunity to use oral language in the class
  3. his attention seeking nature in the class
  4. connecting the text with his personal experience

Option 4 – connecting the text with his personal experience

14 Dictionary is a very important tool for learning a language. Which of the following is least important about the use of dictionary?

  1. looking the meaning of a word
  2. check the passive voice of a word
  3. check the part of speech of a word
  4. check the spelling of a word

Option 2 – check the passive voice of a word

15 Teaching Learning Material (TLM) should be used by teacher as it ( Teaching Learning Materials Pedagogy CTET MCQ )

  1. is not very expensive
  2. motivates learners to further prepare such material at home
  3. supplements teaching-learning process
  4. prepares students mentally to sit in the class

Option 3 – supplements teaching-learning process

16 Which one of the following is an essential characteristic of a good textbook in English?

  1. The maximum number of textual exercises should be given to practice at the end of the lesson
  2. Every lesson should have a proper introduction at the beginning and a conclusion at the end
  3. It should be based on the guiding principles of curriculum and syllabus
  4. No difficult words should be given in the textbook at primary level

Option 2 – Every lesson should have a proper introduction at the beginning and a conclusion at the end

17 Which of the following is not a form of literature? ( Teaching Learning Materials Pedagogy CTET MCQ )

  1. Travelogue
  2. One-Act Play
  3. Dictionary
  4. Memoir

Option 3 – Dictionary

18 Which of the following is true in the context of teaching learning materials?

  1. photos and charts enable students to use their sense of sight and hearing to learn in the classroom
  2. Films are only a source of recreation and have no educational value
  3. Audio-visual aids have no value in the teaching/learning process
  4. stories can be taught using pictures with the help of a flannel board

Option 4 – stories can be taught using pictures with the help of a flannel board

19 Visual aids used in teaching/learning process help in the attainment of which of the following objectives of teaching?

  1. cognitive, affective and psychomotor
  2. only cognitive and affective
  3. only cognitive
  4. only affective

Option 1 – cognitive, affective and psychomotor

20 Which of the following aids help a student to hear the correct pronunciation, get the latest news, and develop his/her comprehension ability?

  1. chalk-board
  2. textbooks
  3. radio
  4. flashcards

Option 3 – radio

21 A good textbook at elementary level must have ( Teaching Learning Materials Pedagogy CTET MCQ )

  1. instructions clearly provided for all types of exercises
  2. illustrations should be attractive
  3. pictures should be cleanly drawn and realistically colored
  4. all of the above

Option 4 – all of the above

22 A teacher is reading a lesson about wildlife in class V when suddenly a child, Vineet, gets up and says that tigers should not be killed as they are becoming extinct. The learner’s reaction to the lesson can be described as

  1. seeking attention of the whole class
  2. interrupting the lesson
  3. relating text content with his own knowledge about wildlife
  4. trying to show his superiority of knowledge

Option 3 – relating text content with his own knowledge about wild life

23 Some qualities of a good English text book are

  1. good printing with no spelling mistakes
  2. suitable font size
  3. realistic and interesting subject matter
  4. all of the above

Option 4 – all of the above

24 Language lab is more helpful for the ( Teaching Learning Materials Pedagogy CTET MCQ )

  1. pronunciation correction
  2. understanding spoken English
  3. innovative teaching
  4. all of the above

Option 4 – all of the above

25 According to an old Chinese proverb, ‘A ………. is worth ten thousand words’.

  1. computer
  2. radio
  3. map
  4. picture

Option 4 – picture

26 Identify the false assumption Language course books prescribed for students should provide

  1. detailed lesson plans for the teachers
  2. suggested sequence of teaching procedures
  3. balanced presentation of information
  4. organized units of learning experiences

Option 1 – detailed lesson plans for the teachers

27 The teacher’s role is shifting from ‘sage on the stage’ to ‘guide on the side’, Technology integration helps this process when

  1. systems store more data and administer tests individually to students
  2. students actively search for and explore answers instead of receiving standard inputs
  3. easy retrieval of large quantities of stored data is used to facilitate preparation of notes
  4. assessment of students online inputs is done quickly without supervision at any time

Option 2 – students actively search for and explore answers instead of receiving standard inputs

28 Motivation is an important factor in language learning. For example in class VI …….. may be done

  1. memorization and use of necessary vocabulary
  2. systematic analysis and use of structures
  3. use of visual devices and game like exercises
  4. use of the mother tongue as the medium

Option 3 – use of visual devices and game like exercises

29 Learning can be enriched if ( Teaching Learning Materials Pedagogy CTET MCQ )

  1. teachers use different types of lectures and explanation
  2. due attention is paid to periodic tests in the class
  3. situations from the real world are brought into the class in which students interact with each other and the teacher
  4. more and more teaching aids are used in the class

Option 3 – situations from the real world are brought into the class in which students interact with each other and the teacher

30 ” A young child responds to a new situation on the basis of the response made by him/her in a similar situation as in the past.” This is related to

  1. ‘Law of attitude’ of learning process
  2. ‘law of readiness’ of learning
  3. ‘law of analogy’ of learning
  4. ‘law of effect’ of learning

Option 3 – ‘law of analogy’ of learning

31 ‘Self-regulation’ of learners refers to

  1. their ability to monitor their own learning
  2. creating regulations for student behavior
  3. rules and regulations made by the student body
  4. self-discipline and control

Option 1 – their ability to monitor their own learning

32 Which of the following is an instance of formal learning?

  1. children learning through correspondence lessons
  2. children learning to draw from their art teacher
  3. children learning to cook from their parents
  4. children learning a new game from friends

Option 2 – children learning to draw from their art teacher

33 Every learner is unique means that

  1. no two learners are alike in their abilities, interests and talents
  2. learners do not have any common qualities nor do they share common goals
  3. a common curriculum for all learners is not possible
  4. it is impossible to develop the potential of learners in a heterogeneous class

Option 1 – no two learners are alike in their abilities, interests and talents

34 Changes in the behaviour due to experience is called

  1. learning
  2. understanding
  3. Both 1 and 2
  4. None of the above

Option 3 – Both 1 and 2

35 Which of the following statements is correct?

  1. learning starts from infant stage
  2. training and practice helps in developing particular skill
  3. due to learning, there is no change in behavior of child
  4. Both 1 and 2

Option 4 – Both 1 and 2

36 To examine the children about their knowledge of environment which among the following will be most appropriate?

  1. tell children to write an essay on an environment
  2. ask question about types of pollution and their effect on environment
  3. ask some question about air, water, land, etc and their uses to child
  4. children of this age cannot understand concept of EVS

Option 3 – ask some question about air, water, land etc and their uses to child

37 Which of the following statements cannot be considered as a feature of the process of learning?

  1. learning is goal-oriented
  2. unlearning is also a learning process
  3. educational institutions are the only place where learning takes place
  4. learning is a comprehensive process

Option 3 – educational institutions are the only place where learning takes place

38 Which of the following statements cannot be considered as a feature of ‘learning’?

  1. learning is a process that mediates behavior
  2. learning is something that occurs as a result of certain experiences
  3. study of behavior is learning
  4. unlearning is also a part of learning

Option 3 – study of behavior is learning

39 Mary, a young teacher, believes in personalised learning because she thinks that

  1. every person must be exposed to learning
  2. every learner is unique and needs to be given a chance to develop to the best of their ability
  3. all learners must learn on their own
  4. children must enjoy their learning

Option 2 – every learner is unique and needs to be given a chance to develop to the best of their ability

40 Theory of learning, which totally and only depends on ‘observable behaviour’ is associated with …… theory if learning

  1. cognitivist
  2. developmental
  3. behaviourist
  4. constructivist

Option 3 – behaviourist

41 Individual learners differ from each other in

  1. principles of growth and development
  2. rate of development
  3. sequence of development
  4. general capacity for development

Option 2 – rate of development

42 Which of the following statements is true? ( Learning Principles Pedagogy MCQ )

  1. while all formative tasks are meant for improving teaching-learning, some are used for assessment too
  2. formative assessment helps us to grade students into good, average and poor
  3. all formative tasks are meant for assessment
  4. formative assessment, to be effective, must be conducted only after teaching a lesson

Option 1 – while all formative tasks are meant for improving teaching-learning, some are used for assessment too

43 Giving importance to individual experiences of child will help teacher in EVS classroom

  1. In knowing some special experience of child
  2. Help in improving language and communication skill of child
  3. Helps them in maintaining discipline in class
  4. helps them in connecting with the children and enable them in teaching EVS by relating it with their experiences

Option 4 – helps them in connecting with the children and enable them in teaching EVS by relating it with their experiences

44 According to principal of meaningful learning, it should include

  1. interest and attention
  2. definite aim
  3. application
  4. all of the above

Option 4 – all of the above

45 Which among the following is not a component of Thorndike’s law of learning? ( Learning Principles Pedagogy MCQ )

  1. law of exercise
  2. law of proximity
  3. law of effect
  4. law of readiness

Option 2 – law of proximity

46 Which among the following is not a part of Gestalt law of learning? ( Learning Principles Pedagogy MCQ )

  1. law of similarity
  2. law of closure
  3. law of continuity
  4. law of multiple response

Option 4 – law of multiple response

47 Giving importance to individual experience of children in an EVS class will benefit the teacher

  1. to connect the subject to the learners experiential world and promote reflection and learning
  2. to save her energy as children enjoy talking
  3. to know the unique experiences of children
  4. to help and improve the language and communication skills of the children

Option 1 – to connect the subject to the learners experiential world and promote reflection and learning

48 The major purpose of periodic parent-teacher interaction is to

  1. share the information about ongoing events in the school
  2. discuss the child’s strengths and weaknesses for reinforcement and improvement
  3. develop a social relationship with each other
  4. highlight each other’s shortcomings

Option 2 – discuss the child’s strengths and weaknesses for reinforcement and improvement

49 After having been taught about the rich flora and fauna in India, the students of primary classes were taken to Ranthambhore national park by the school. This would help the students to

  1. develop respect for nature
  2. co-relate classroom learning to real life situations
  3. develop skills for environmental protection
  4. have fun and enjoy with friends on an outdoor trip

Option 2 – co-relate classroom learning to real life situations

50 There are four below average students in a class. Which one of the following strategies will be most effective to bring them at par with the other students?

  1. make them sit in the front row and supervise their work constantly
  2. identify their weak areas of learning and provide remedial measures accordingly
  3. ensure that they attend the school regularly
  4. give them additional assignments to do at home

Option 2 – identify their weak areas of learning and provide remedial measures accordingly

51 An effective teaching-learning will happen in the class when a teacher helps or facilities to link the knowledge a student has with the new concept to be taught. The objective behind this is to promote

  1. learner autonomy
  2. reinforcement
  3. correlation and transfer of knowledge
  4. individual differences

Option 3 – correlation and transfer of knowledge

52 Seema learns every lesson quickly by rote method, whereas Leena understands each lesson after discussion and brainstorming. It denotes the development principle of

  1. general to specific
  2. continuity
  3. inter-relationship
  4. individual differences

Option 4 – individual differences

53 Which one of the following teaching strategies will be more effective for maximum involvement of students in teaching the topic of ‘Games we play’?

  1. take the students to the play-field and make them play different games on different days
  2. make play-cards of different games and show it to students
  3. ask the students to learn the names of different indoor and outdoor games
  4. ask the students to watch sports programs on television and prepare a simple project on the same

Option 1 – take the students to the play-field and make them play different games on different days

54 After teaching the lesson on animals, Sheetal arranged a visit of her class IV students to the zoo. This would help the students to

  1. develop skills to animal protection
  2. have a change in the daily time-table routine
  3. co-relate classroom learning to real-life situations
  4. develop sensitization about how to domesticate animals

Option 3 – co-relate classroom learning to real-life situations

55 Out of the following, the most effective way to arouse curiosity in class V students is to

  1. provide more hands-on experiences
  2. give them more practice in written work
  3. conduct frequent unit tests
  4. ask probing and imaginative questions

Option 4 – ask probing and imaginative questions

56 As a newly appointed EVS teacher in a school your foremost priority before beginning to teach would be to

  1. identify the slow learners in the class
  2. prepare detailed chapter wise notes for learners
  3. prepare socio, cultural profiles of the learners
  4. prepare lesson plans in advance

Option 3 – prepare socio, cultural profiles of the learners

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