Chalukya Vansh

Chalukya Vansh. We covered all the Chalukya Vansh in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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Chalukya Vansh Objective for Students

Religious anthology 'Kural' composed in which language?

(A) Greek

(B) Tamil

(C) Telugu

(D) Pali

Option b - Tamil

Which one of the following Tamil Texts has been called Laghuveda?

(A) Nandhikalambagam

(B) Kalingattuparani

(C) Periyapuranam

(D) Kural

Option d - Kural

Who among the following was the author of the Tamil Ramayanam or Ramavataram?

(A) Kamban

(B) Kuttan

(C) Nannaya

(D) Tikkana

Option a - Kamban

Which one of the following was a corporation of merchants in ancient India?

(A) Chaturvedimangalam

(B) Parishad

(C) Ashtadiggaja

(D) Manigramam

Option d - Manigramam

Famous South Indian 'The Battle of Takkolam' was fought between

(A) Chola and North Chalukyas

(B) Chola and Rashtra-kutas

(C) Chola and Hoysala

(D) Chola and Pandya

Option b - Chola and Rashtra-kutas

Who devastated the Chola dynasty eventually?

(A) Mahmud Ghaznavi

(B) Bakhtiyar Khalji

(C) Muhammad Gauri

(D) Malik Kafur

Option d - Malik Kafur

Why was 'Uraiyur' famous in Sangam Era?

(A) An important trade center of spices

(B) An important trade center for cotton

(C) An important center of foreign trade

(D) An important center of domestic trade

Option b - An important trade center of cotton

Which river was the lifeline of Pandya state?

(A) Godavari

(B) Krishna

(C) Tungabhadra

(D) Vengi

Option d - Vengi

According to the Sangam texts, the terms Kon, Ko, and Mannan were attributed to which of the following?

(A) Prime Minister

(B) Revenue Minister

(C) Commander of the Army

(D) King

Option d - King

Which one of the following was not a ruling dynasty of the Tamil country during the Sangam Age?

(A) Chera

(B) Chola

(C) Pallava

(D) Pandya

Option c - Pallava

Tolkappiyam text deals with

(A) Administration

(B) Law

(C) Grammar and Poetry

(D) All of the above

Option c - Grammar and Poetry

In Sangam Literature Tolkappiyam' is a text of

(A) Tamil poetry

(B) Tamil grammar

(C) Tamil architecture

(D) Tamil polity

Option b - Tamil grammar

The author of the Silapadikaram was

(A) Ilango

(B) Parmara

(C) Karikala

(D) Vishnu Swami

Option a - Ilango

From the excavations of which ancient site, information has been gathered regarding brisk trade relations between India and Rome, during the early centuries of the Christian era

(A) Madurai

(B) Tamralipti

(C) Tondi

(D) Arikamedu

Option d - Arikamedu

Which one of the following ports was known as Poduke to the author The Periplus of the Erythrean Sea?

(A) Arikamedu

(B) Tamralipti

(C) Korkai

(D) Barbaricum

Option a - Arikamedu

The Roman settlement has been found?

(A) Kalibangan

(B) Arikamedu

(C) Rangpur

(D) Satara

Option b - Arikamedu

Amphora Jar is an

(A) Perforated Jar

(B) Tall double-handle jar

(C) Painted grey jar

(D) Black and red ware jar

Option b - Tall double-handle jar

Which of the following dynasties is not mentioned in Sangam literature?

(A) Kadamb

(B) Chera

(C) Chola

(D) Pandya

Option a - Kadamb

The Sanskrit poet and dramatist Kalidasa finds a mention in

(A) Aihole inscription of Pulakesin-II

(B) Gwalior inscription of Mihir Bhoja

(C) Karamdanda Sivalinga inscription of Kumargupta-I

(D) Mathura Pillar inscription of Chandragupta-II

Option a - Aihole inscription of Pulakesin-II

The term 'Yavanapriya' mentioned in ancient Sanskrit text denoted

(A) A fine variety of Indian Muslim

(B) Ivory

(C) Damsels sent to the Greek court for a dance performance

(D) Pepper

Option d - Pepper

We covered all the chalukya vansh mcqs above in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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