ICSE History Class 7 MCQ

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ICSE History Class 7 MCQ Objective for Students

The God Kabir worshipped was

(a) Substanceless

(b) Anthromorphic

(c) Animistic

(d) Formless

Option a – Substanceless

Ramanuja founded a new school of Vaishnavism against the increasing cult of ( ICSE History Class 7 MCQ )

(a) Formalism

(b) Romanticism

(c) Mysticism

(d) Solipcism

Option a – Formalism

Which of the following Sufi saints propounded that the knowledge of God can be attained through faith, meditation, and devotion?

(a) Ibn Arabi

(b) Abdul Karimal Jili

(c) Baba Farid

(d) Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti

Option a – Ibn Arabi

Which of the following Sufi doctrines implied the annihilation of human attributes through union with God? ( ICSE History Class 7 MCQ )

(a) Fana

(b) Sama

(c) Zikr

(d) Tauhid

Option a – Fana

The monism preached by which of the following Bhakti saints is known as Shuddh advait or pure non-duality?

(a) Narsi Mehta

(b) Nanak

(c) Kabir

(d) Vallabhacharya

Option d – Vallabhacharya

The famous work of Dara Shikoh in which he proved that Islamic concepts were identical to those of the Hindus was ( ICSE History Class 7 MCQ )

(a) Sakinatul-Awliya

(b) Majma-ul-Bahrain

(c) Sirr-i-Akbar

(d) Futuhat-al-Makkiyya

Option b – Majma-ul-Bahrain

The Islamic Sultanates of the Deccan (Ahmednagar, Bijapur, Golconda, Berar, Bidar) combined in 1565 to inflict a crushing defeat on the ruler of the Hindu Vijaynagar empire in the Battle of Talikota. Who was the king of Vijayanagar at this time?

A) Rama Raya

B) Satyaki

C) Tirumala

D) Sadashiva Raya

Option a – Rama Raya

The idea of ‘Farr-i Izadi’ on which the Mughal kingship was based, was first developed by which one of the following Sufi saints? ( ICSE History Class 7 MCQ )

A) Shihabuddin Suhrawardi

B) Nizamuddin Auliya

C) Ibn al-Arabi

D) Bayazid Bistami

Option d – Bayazid Bistami

During the tenure of which king of Ratanpur, Maratha Commander Bhaskar Pant had attacked?

A) Ratnaraj

B) Raghunath Singh

C) Prithvi Dev I

D) Amar Singh

Option b – Raghunath Singh

When did Ranjit Singh sign a treaty of perpetual friendship with the British at Amritsar? ( ICSE History Class 7 MCQ )

A) 1799

B) 1805

C) 1806

D) 1809

Option d – 1809

The Nawab of Awadh who was appointed the Wazir of the Mughal Empire was

A) Sadat Khan

B) Safdar Jang

C) Asaf ud Daula

D) Nasiruddin

Option b – Safdar Jang

During which of the following Mughal emperor’s time did Nadir Shah attack and loot Delhi and take the Peacock Throne with himself? ( ICSE History Class 7 MCQ )

A) Ahmed Shah

B) Mohammad Shah

C) Jahandar Shah

D) Shah Alam

Option b – Mohammad Shah

Which of the following ladies wrote a historical account of Humanyunama during the Mughal Period?

A) Gulbadan Begum

B) Noor Begum

C) Zebunnissah Begum

D) Jahanara

Option a – Gulbadan Begum

The term used for the measurement of land during the Sultanate period was : ( ICSE History Class 7 MCQ )

(a) Batai

(b) Muqtai

(c) Kankut

(d) Masahat

Option d – Masahat

Which of the following measures was not associated with Mohammad-bin Tughlaq?

(a) Introduction of token currency

(b) Shifting of capital from Delhi to Daulatabad

(c) Introduction of Famine Code in Doab

(d) Re-imposition of Jaziya on Brahmins

Option d – Re-imposition of Jaziya on Brahmins

Which of the following was not a chronicler of the history of the Sultanate? ( ICSE History Class 7 MCQ )

(a) Malik Ambar

(b) Amir Khusrau

(c) Ziauddin Barani

(d) Minhaj us Siraj

Option a – Malik Ambar

Which of the following military officers of the Sultanate was the highest in military gradation?

(a) Khan

(b) Malik

(c) Naib

(d) Wali

Option a – Khan

Who was the founder of the second Afghan Empire in India? ( ICSE History Class 7 MCQ )

(a) Bahlol Lodhi

(b) Ibrahim Lodhi

(c) Islam Shah

(d) Sher Shah Suri

Option d – Sher Shah Suri

Why is the term ‘Slave Dynasty’ regarded as a misnomer?

(a) Except for Qutb-ud-din Aibak, no other ruler was a slave

(b) Only three rulers of this dynasty were slaves and even they were manumitted by their masters

(c) Technically only Qutb-ud-din Aibak and his immediate descendants were slaves

(d) All the rulers of this dynasty did not belong to one family

Option b – Only three rulers of this dynasty were slaves and even they were manumitted by their masters

Which Sultan added the Alai Darwaza to the Qutab Minar?

(a) Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq

(b) Firoz Tughlaq

(c) Iltutmish

(d) Alauddin Khalji

Option d – Alauddin Khalji

‘Arhai-Din-Ka Jhonpara’ built by Qutbuddin Aibak, is located in:

(a) Delhi

(b) Ajmer

(c) Badayun

(d) None of these

Option b – Ajmer

Who wrote Tughluqnamah?

(a) Raskhan

(b) Amir Khusrau

(c) Isami

(d) Malik Mohammad Jaisi

Option b – Amir Khusrau

India was invaded by Timur Lame in:

(a) 1335

(b) 1385

(c) 1389

(d) 1398

Option d – 1398

The rulers of the Lodi dynasty were:

(a) pure Afghans

(b) pure Turks

(c) Timurid Turks

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(d) Turks settled in Afghanistan

Option a – pure Afghans

The medieval ruler who was the first to establish a ministry of agriculture was:

(a) Alauddin Khalji

(b) Mohammad Bin Tughlaq

(c) Sher Shah

(d) Akbar

Option b – Mohammad Bin Tughlaq

The main basis of social organization in India during the early medieval period was:

(a) clan

(b) caste

(c) gotra

(d) religion

Option b – caste

Gujarat was traditionally known as :

(a) Konkan

(b) Rann of Kutch

(c) Saurashtra

(d) Telangana

Option c – Saurashtra

In which of the following early Medieval states did women play a leading role in the history?

(a) Malwa

(b) Kashmir

(c) Bengal

(d) Kerala

Option b – Kashmir

Which of the following statements is wrong?

(a) Kingdom of Gujarat was founded by Zafar Khan

(b) Ahmed Shah I shifted the capital from Patan to Ahmedabad

(c) Mustafabad was founded by Muzaffar Shah

(d) The court poet of Mahmud Begarha was Udayaraja

Option c – Mustafabad was founded by Muzaffar Shah

Harihara and Bukka, the founders of the Vijayanagara kingdom, shaped the course of their conduct on the advice of :

(a) Tukaram

(b) Ramdas

(c) Tulsidas

(d) Vidyaranya

Option d – Vidyaranya

Which of the following was not written by Krishnadeva Raya?

(a) Ushaparinayam

(b) Kumarasambhava

(c) Amuktamalyada

(d) Jambavatikalyanam

Option b – Kumarasambhava

Which one of the following monuments has a dome that is said to be one of the largest in the world?

(a) Gol Gumbaz, Bijapur

(b) Tomb of Sher Shah, Sasaram

(c) Jama Masjid, Delhi

(d) Tomb of Ghiyas-ud-din Tughlaq, Delhi

Option a – Gol Gumbaz, Bijapur

With reference to the economy of Indus Valley Civilisation (IVC), consider the following statements:

  1. IVC economy was completely dependent on trade and commerce.
  2. They neglected internal trade and were mostly involved in external trade with other contemporary civilizations outside India.
  3. The art of bronze-casting using the lost wax technique was practiced on a wide scale by the Harappans.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

a) 1 and 2 only

b) 2 only

c) 1 and 3 only

d) 3 only

Option d – 3 only

Which of the following was the principal tool used during the Middle Palaeolithic age?

a) Flake tools

b) Bone tools

c) Choppers and cleavers

d) Blade tools

Option a – Flake tools

With reference to Indus Valley Civilisation (IVC), consider the following statements:

  1. R.E.M. Wheeler was one of the proponents of the theory of foreign origin for IVC.
  2. Amalananda Ghosh propounded the theory of Indian origin for IVC.
  3. Walter A. Fairservis argued that the IVC was a highly centralised empire ruled by autocratic priest-kings from the twin capitals of Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa.
  4. As per George F. Dales, the decline of external trade was the major cause for the decline of IVC.

Which of the statements given above are correct?

a) 1 and 4 only

b) 2 and 3 only

c) 1 and 2 only

d) 3 and 4 only

Option c – 1 and 2 only

Consider the following statements regarding the Upper Palaeolithic age:

  1. The Upper Palaeolithic sites are found in all parts of India except the foothills of the Himalayas.
  2. The Upper Palaeolithic people primarily used blades and bone tools.
  3. This period marks the appearance of modern humans (Homo sapiens sapiens) for the first time.

How many of the statements given above are correct?

a) Only one

b) Only two

c) All three

d) None

Option b – Only two

Who among the following sultans was advised by Qazi Mughisuddin to act according to the laws of Shariat, but the Sultan rejected his advice?

(a) Jalaluddin Khalji

(b) Alauddin Khalji

(c) Mohd.-Bin-Tughlaq

(d) Firoz Tughlaq

Option b – Alauddin Khalji

In the Delhi Sultanate, an administrative unit called ‘paragana’ was headed by an official known as:

(a) Shiqdar

(b) Barid

(c) Ariz

(d) Amil

Option d – Amil

The mughal dynasty was to Bahadur Shah Zafar as the Lodhi dynasty was to:

(a) Bahalol Lodhi

(b) Daulat Khan Lodhi

(c) Ibrahim Lodhi

(d) Sikandar Lodhi

Option c – Ibrahim Lodhi

Which of the following regions of northern India was not included in the empire of Ala-ud-din Khalji?

(a) Kashmir

(b) Sindh

(c) Punjab

(d) Malwa

Option a – Kashmir

Who among the following destroyed the group of Forty Nobles?

(a) Bahram Shah

(b) Iltutmish

(c) Razia

(d) Balban

Option d – Balban

Mohammad-bin Tughlaq’s experiment of producing token currency failed on account of the:

(a) rejection of token coins for purchases by foreign merchants

(b) melting of token coins

(c) large-scale minting of spurious coins

(d) poor quality of token currency

Option c – large-scale minting of spurious coins

Which of the following was not a result of Mahmud of Ghazni’s invasion of India?

(a) For 150 years, Punjab remained a part of the Ghazni empire

(b) His invasion led to permanent conquest of India

(c) It exposed the weaknesses of Rajputs

(d) It destabilized the politics of North India

Option b – His invasion led to permanent conquest of India

The battle at Waihind in 1008-09 was fought between:

(a) Mahmud of Ghazni and Anandapala

(b) Mahmud of Ghazni and Jayapala

(c) Muhammad Ghori and Prithviraj

(d) Muhammad Ghori and Jaichandra

Option a – Mahmud of Ghazni and Anandapala

Which Delhi sultan did not make any fresh conquests after assuming the reins of power?

(a) Qutubuddin Aibak

(b) Ghiasuddin Balban

(c) Alauddin Khilzi

(d) Muhammad bin-Tughlaq

Option a – Qutubuddin Aibak

With reference to social life during the Gupta period, consider the following statements:

  1. During the Gupta period, there was an improvement in the social and economic position of Shudras.
  2. The status of women deteriorated in the Gupta period but they were allowed to inherit property rights and ‘streedhan’.
  3. Being staunch followers of Bhagavtism, Gupta kings started persecuting Buddhist and Jain monks.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

a) 1 only

b) 2 only

c) 1 and 2 only

d) 2 and 3 only

Option a – 1 only

Consider the following statements:

  1. Gupta ruler Chandragupta Vikramaditya II started a new era known as Vikram-Samvat to commemorate his victory over Sakas in 57 BC.
  2. Saka ruler Rudradaman started a new era known as the Saka era to mark his ascendency to the throne in 78 AD.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

a) 1 only

b) 2 only

c) Both 1 and 2

d) Neither 1 nor 2

Option d – Neither 1 nor 2

‘Pundravardhanbhukti’, ‘Dandabhukti’, and ‘Vardhamanbhukti’ are the terms related to which one of the following?

a) Officials appointed by the State

b) Names of territorial units

c) Title of the Samantas

d) Taxes imposed on trade and commerce

Option b – Names of territorial units

Consider the following statements about the ‘Pushyabhuti dynasty’:

  1. The Pushyabhuti dynasty was founded at Kannauj.
  2. The Pushyabhutis were initially feudatories of the Maukharis, but later gained independence after the Huna invasion.
  3. Harshavardhan inherited a stable empire from his forefathers.

How many of the statements given above are not correct?

a) Only one

b) Only two

c) All three

d) None

Option c – All three

With reference to the history of India, the terms “kulyavapa” and “dronavapa” denote:

a) Measurement of land

b) Coins of different monetary value

c) Classification of urban land

d) Religious rituals

Option a – Measurement of land

Which one of the following statements about Sangam literature in ancient South India is correct?

a) Sangam poems are devoid of any reference to material culture.

b) The social classification of Varna was known to Sangam poets.

c) Sangam poems have no reference to warrior ethics.

d) Sangam literature refers to magical forces as irrational.

Option b – The social classification of Varna was known to Sangam poets

During the rule of the Pandyan dynasty, poets were organized into three Sangams. In which one of the following cities was the first Sangam held?

a) Madurai

b) Kapatapuram

c) Kanchipuram

d) Kaveripattinam

Option a – Madurai

With reference to the characteristics of Megaliths of South India, consider the following statements:

  1. Megaliths are graves encircled by large pieces of stones and mud.
  2. Megalithic graves contain skeletons of men as well as pots and metal objects.
  3. The megalithic culture of South India is generally associated with Black and Red Ware pottery belonging to the early Iron Age.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

a) 1 only

b) 1 and 2 only

c) 3 only

d) 1, 2 and 3

Option d – 1, 2 and 3

Which of the following statements is/are correct regarding the Sangam literature?

  1. Tamil epic Silappadikaram deals with the subject matter of how a royal dignitary named Kovalan falls in love with his wife named Kannagi after marriage.
  2. The daughter of the two lead characters in Silappadikaram is the main protagonist in the Tamil epic Manimekalai.
  3. The Tamil text Thirukkural deals with Tamil grammar.

Select the correct answer using the codes given below:

a) 1 only

b) 2 and 3 only

c) 2 only

d) 1 and 3 only

Option c – 2 only

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