The World of Micro Organisms TS TET MCQ. We covered all The World of Micro Organisms TS TET MCQ in this post so that you can practice well for the exam.
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01 Viruses can be observed through
- simple microscope
- compound microscope
- electron microscope
- none
Option 3 – electron microscope
02 Microbiology is the science of
- fungi
- algae
- virus
- microorganisms
Option 4 – microorganisms
03 spirulina is used in the preparation of
- medicines
- proteins
- carbohydrates
- both a and b
Option 4 – both a and b
04 Microorganisms were first studied by
- jenner
- ross
- leeuwenhoek
- Robert hooke
Option 3 – leeuwenhoek
05 Which converts milk into curd?
- e – coli
- yeast
- rhizobium
- lactobacillus
Option 4 – lactobacillus
06 Umbrella like growth over rotten materials of dumped wastes
- rhizopus
- azolla
- nostoc
- mushroom
Option 4 – mushroom
07 Microorganisms grow on other organisms are
- parasites
- saprophites
- autotrophs
- heterotrophs
Option 1 – parasites
08 Animalcule is nothing but
- virus
- bacteria
- fungus
- algae
Option 2 – bacteria
09 This will happen if butter milk is added to luke warm milk
- milk would be spoiled
- curd would be formed in 2 or 3 hours
- curd would be formed in a long time
- curd would not be formed
Option 2 – curd would be formed in 2 or 3 hours
10 This chemical is used in bacterial staining
- methyle blue
- iwethyl orange
- janus green
- crystal violet
Option 4 – crystal violet
11 For the observation of fungi, we use this
- rotten bread
- pond water
- grape juice
- buttermilk
Option 1 – rotten bread
12 Lactobacillus can be seen in
- water
- rotten vegetable
- buttermilk
- bread
Option 3 – buttermilk
13 Protozoans can be observed in
- pond water
- hay decoction
- bread
- potato
Option 2 – hay decoction
14 Disease causing microbes spread through
- air
- water
- vectors
- above all
Option 4 – above all
15 We should clean our hands with soap before eating because
- washing is our body
- washing makes our hands hygenic
- washing makes our hands perfume
- we eat more food
Option 2 – washing makes our hands hygenic
16 Microbiology as a science born in
- 1674
- 1686
- 1574
- 1474
Option 1 – 1674
17 Single lens microscope magnifies …….. times
- 3
- 300
- 3000
- 30
Option 2 – 300
18 Animalcules are
- bacteria
- fungi
- algae
- all of these
Option 1 – bacteria
19 Green strands of pond water are
- bacteria
- fungi
- algae
- all of these
Option 3 – algae
20 Bacteria in buttermilk is
- lactobacillus
- nitro bacter
- e.coli
- all of the above
Option 1 – lactobacillus
We covered all of The World of Micro Organisms TS TET MCQ above so that you can practice well for the exam.
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