Ultrasonic Testing Requires MCQ

Ultrasonic Testing Requires MCQ. We covered all the Ultrasonic Testing Requires MCQ in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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These types of competitive MCQs appear in the exams like CSIR, NET, SET, FRO, JL, DL, APPSC, TSPSC Exams, etc. We created all the competitive exam MCQs into several small posts on our website for your convenience.

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MCQ on Ultrasonic Testing for Students

Ultrasonics can be heard by

1. bats

2. cats

3. cows

4. human beings

Option 1 – bats

The human ear can hear the frequency

1. 2-20 Hz

2. 20-20,000 Hz

3. less than 20,000 Hz

4. none of these

Option 2 – 20-20,000 Hz

Y-axis in the quartz crystal

1. mechanical axis

2. electric axis

3. electro-mechanical axis

4. optical axis

Option 1 – mechanical axis

The magnetostriction method is introduced by

1. Newton

2. Einstein

3. Sonar

4. Pious

Option 4 – Pious

The Z-axis in the quartz crystal

1. electric axis

2. optical axis

3. mechanical axis

4. electric mechanical axis

Option 2 – optical axis

A bat identifies obstacles in the nighttime by

1. intrasonics

2. audible sounds

3. ultrasonics

4. light waves

Option 3 – ultrasonics

Magnetostriction means

1. change in the magnet

2. change in length

3. change in the poles

4. change in the length of the magnetic field

Option 4 – change in the length of the magnetic field

The X-axis in the quartz crystal

1. optical axis

2. electric axis

3. mechanical axis

4. none of these

Option 2 – electric axis

We covered all the ultrasonic testing requires mcq above in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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