Urban Local Self Government Class 6 MCQ

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MCQ on Urban Local Self Government Class 6 for Students

What should be the number of members in Dharmapuram Grama Panchayat, the Population of which is 4387?

1. Ten

2. Eleven

3. Thirteen

4. Fifteen

Option 3 – Thirteen

The Local Self-Government system in vogue at present in our State is

1 Grama Panchayat, Zilla Parishat.

2. Grama Panchayat, Mandal Prajaparishat, Zilla Praja Parishad

3. Grama Panchayat, Mandal Praja Parishad, Zilla Praja Parishad

4. Grama Panchayat, Mandal Parishat, Zilla Parishat

Option 4 – Grama Panchayat, Mandal Parishat, Zilla Parishat

Local Self- Government institutions are of :

1. Two types

2. Three types

3. Five types

4. Four types

Option 1 – Two types

Age of a person to become a member of Grama Panchayat is

1. 18 years

2. 21 years

3. 25 years

4. 30 years

Option 1 – 18 years

Age of a person should be this number of years to become a Sarpanch

1. 18 years

2. 21 years

3. 25 years

4. 30 years

Option 2 – 21 years

The Head of the Municipal Corporation is the :

1. Mayor

2. Chairman

3. Corporater

4. Commissioner

Option 1 – Mayor

Number of villages placed under the jurisdiction of each mandal parishat is :

1. 10-20

2. 20-30

3. 30-45

4. 15-25

Option 2 – 20-30

Number of members co-opted from minorities for Mandal Parishat is :

1. 1

2. 2

3. 3

4. 4

Option 1 – 1

The most Important function of Zilla Parishat is :

1. collection of Land Revenue

2. promotion of a Sericulture

3. advise the State Government regarding the implementation of development schemes

4. None of these

Option 3 – advise the State Government regarding the implementation of development schemes

One of the discretionary functions of a Municipal Corporation Is :

1. Education

2. Street lighting

3. Survey of Lands

4. Water supply

Option 3 – Survey of Lands

The author of Artha Sastra was :

1. Valmiki

2. Koutilya

3. Chandra Gupta

4. Dandi

Option 2 – Koutilya

The Municipal Chairman is elected by :

1. the voters in the town

2. the Municipal Councillors

3. the members of the Standing Committees

4. the M.LAs in the district

Option 1 – the voters in the town

The village Panchayat Is generally elected for a term of :

1. 4 years

2. 3 years

3. 5 years

4. 6 years

Option 3 – 5 years

The third and the highest tier of Panchayat Raj system is :

1. Panchayat Samithi

2. Grama Panchayat

3. Zilla Parishat

4. Municipal Corporation

Option 3 – Zilla Parishat

The books that tell us that Local – self Government institutions existed In ancient India are :

1. The Indica and the Kadambari

2. The Meghasandesa and the Ramayana

3. The Ramayana and the Mahabharata

4. The Manusmriti and the Arthasastra

Option 4 – The Manusmriti and the Arthasastra

During the period of these kings it seemed Local self Government institutions flourished it India :

1. the Cholas

2. the Hala

3. the Guptas

4. the Rajaputs

Option 1 – the Cholas

The Governor General who revived the Local – self Government institutions was :

1. Lord William Bentinck

2. Lord Dalhousie

3. Lord Canning

4. Lord Rippon

Option 4 – Lord Rippon

The importance of the revival of Grama panchayats you was stressed by :

1. Jawaharlal Nehru

2. Indira Gandhi

3. Mahatma Gandhi

4. Rajiv Gandhi

Option 3 – Mahatma Gandhi

AndlrraPradesh introduced Parchayat Raj system in the year :

1. 1956

2. 1959

3. 1962

4. 1965

Option 2 – 1959

The three tier Panchayat Raj system was Introduced in Andhra Pradesh as per the recommendations of :

1. Balwanth Rai Mehata Committee

2. Ashok Mehata Committee

3. B.P.R. Vital Committee

4. Vengala Rao Committee

Option 1 – Balwanth Rai Mehata Committee

Which one of the following committees is not associated with Panchayati Raj in India

(a) Sadia Ali Committee

(b) Dinesh Goswami Committee

(c) L M Singhvi Committee

(d) P K Thungan Committee

Option b – Dinesh Goswami Committee

Which of the following is the basic features Constitution (73 Amendment) Act? I. Provides for a 3-tier structure of Panchayats at the village, intermediary, and district levels. II. Reservation of seats for scheduled castes and scheduled tribes and women in all the tiers of Panchayats. III. Election of Panchayats under the supervision of State Election Commissions. IV. Introduction of the 11 schedules of the Constitution. Select the correct answer using the codes given below.

(a) I, II, and III

(b) III and IV

(c) II and IV

(d) All of these

Option c – II and IV

Which of the following statements about the 73rd and 74th Constitution Amendment Act is/are correct? I. It makes it mandatory for all States to establish a three-tier system of Government. II. Representatives should be directly elected for five years. III. There should be mandatory reservation of one-third of all seats in all Panchayats at all levels for women. Select the correct answer using the codes given below.

(a) I and II

(b) II and III

(c) I, II, and III

(d) Only Ill

Option b – II and III

The Constitution (Seventy-Third Amendment) Act, 1992, which aims at promoting the Panchayati Raj Institution in the country, provides for which of the following? I. Constitution of District Planning Committees. II. State Election Commission to conduct all Panchayat elections. III. Establishment of State Finance Commission. Select the correct answer using the codes given below.

(a) Only I

(b) I and II

(c) II and III

(d) All of these

Option d – All of these

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The Ashok Mehta Committee laid greater emphasis on

(a) Gram Sabha

(b) Mandal Panchayat

(c) Taluka Panchayat Samiti

(d) Zila Parishad

Option d – Zila Parishad

The three-tier system of Panchayati Raj was initially recommended by

(a) Balwant Rai Mehta Committee

(b) Ashok Mehta Committee

(c) LM Singhvi Committee

(d) GVK Rao Committee

Option a – Balwant Rai Mehta Committee

Which of the following is not a recommendation of the Ashok Mehta Committee on Panchayati Raj?

(a) Open participation of political parties in Panchayati Raj affairs.

(b) Creation of a three-tier system.

(c) Reservation of seats for scheduled castes and scheduled tribes.

(d) Compulsory powers of taxation to Panchayati Raj institution.

Option b – Creation of a three-tier system

Name the Committee which was set up by the NDC in 1957 for the reorganization of CDP and NES, which suggested a three-tier system of rural local government.

(a) Balwant Rai Metha Committee

(b) Ashok Mehta Committee

(c) Maharashtra Committee on Democratic Decentralisation

(d) Rural-Urban Relationship Committee

Option a – Balwant Rai Metha Committee

Arrange the following Committee on Panchayati Raj in chronological order I. Rao Committee II. L M Singhvi Committee III. B R Mehta Committee IV. Ashok Mehta Committee Select the correct answer from the codes given below Codes

(a) II, III, I and IV

(b) I, III, IV, and II

(c) III, IV, I and II

(d) IV, III, II, and I

Option c – III, IV, I and II

The committee which recommended that the Panchayati Raj Institutions should be Constitutionally recognized was

(a) Ashok Mehta Committee

(b) K Santhanam Committee

(c) LM Singhvi Committee

(d) GVK Rao Committee

Option c – LM Singhvi Committee

Which one of the following committees is not concerned with Panchayati Raj Institution?

(a) PVN Rao Committee

(b) L M Singhvi Committee

(c) Ashok Mehta Committee

(d) Balwant Rai Mehta Committee

Option a – PVN Rao Committee

Who was the Chairman of the Committee which proposed Democratic Decentralisation and Panchayati Raj?

(a) K M Pannikar

(b) H N Kunjru

(c) Mahatma Gandhi

(d) Balwant Rai (BR) Mehta

Option d – Balwant Rai (BR) Mehta

Who is considered the “Architect of Panchayati Raj” in India?

(a) Acharya Narendra Deo

(b) G VK Rao

(c) BR Mehta

(d) L M Singhvi

Option c – BR Mehta

The nomenclature of rural local governments as Panchayati Raj was the result of the suggestion of which Indian leader?

(a) Jawaharlal Nehru

(b) Dr. Rajendra Prasad

(c) Sardar Patel

(d) M K Gandhi

Option d – M K Gandhi

The number of States covered under the provisions of the Panchayats (Extension to Scheduled Area) Act, 1996 are

(a) 14

(b) 10

(c) 6

(d) 12

Option b – 10

Panchayati Raj System was first introduced in October 1959 in

(a) Rajasthan

(b) Tamil Nadu

(c) Kerala

(d) Karnataka

Option a – Rajasthan

Which one of the following Amendments of the Constitution of India deals with the issue of strengthening the Panchayati Raj?

(a) 42nd

(b) 44th

(c) 73rd

(d) 86th

Option c – 73rd

The first State to Implement the 73rd Constitutional Amendment is ( urban local self government class 6 mcq )

(a) Madhya Pradesh

(b) Punjab

(c) Andhra Pradesh

(d) Rajasthan

Option a – Madhya Pradesh

The 73rd Amendment of the Indian Constitution deals with

(a) Panchayati Raj

(b) Compulsory primary education

(c) Nagar Palika

(d) Minimum age of marriage

Option a – Panchayati Raj

Which one of the following statements with regard to the functioning of the Panchayats is not correct?

(a) Panchayats may levy, collect, and appropriate taxes, duties, tolls, etc.

(b) A person who has attained the age of 25 years will be eligible to be a member of a Panchayat.

(c) Every Panchayat shall ordinarily continue for five years from the date of its first meeting.

(d) A Panchayat reconstituted after premature dissolution shall continue only for the remainder of the full period.

Option b – A person who has attained the age of 25 years will be eligible to be a member of a Panchayat

Who amongst the following is considered to be the “Father of Local Self Government in India?

(a) Lord Dalhousie

(b) Lord Canning

(c) Lord Curzon

(d) Lord Ripon

Option d – Lord Ripon

In which part of the Constitution Panchayati Raj-related provisions have been implemented?

(a) Part-6

(b) Part-7

(c) Part-8

(d) Part-9

Option d – Part-9

When was the third tier added to Indian Federal System?

(a) 1990

(b) 1991

(c) 1992

(d) 1993

Option c – 1992

Local self-government can be best explained as an exercise in

(a) Federalism

(b) Democratic decentralization

(c) Administrative delegation

(d) Direct democracy

Option b – Democratic decentralization

Panchayati Raj’s subject falls under which list of the Constitution?

(a) Union List

(b) State List

(c) Concurrent List

(d) None of these

Option b – State List

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