Water CTET Pedagogy MCQ

Water CTET Pedagogy MCQ

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01 Manish is saying to his students. ” It forms main constituent of the body approximately to 80% of our human body is made out of it. It plays an important role in maintaining temperature balance and electrolytic balance in the body. It also forms 80% of our blood “. Manish is referring to

  1. protein
  2. minerals
  3. water
  4. blood plasma

Option 3 – water

02 Garima is telling to students. ” Female anopheles mosquitoes can causes this specific disease and dengue can be caused by bite of aedes aegypti. These mosquitoes caused disease can be prevented by not allowing them to breed. Symptom of this specific mosquito caused disease is fever with shivering, headache, and naurea alternatively followed by profuse sweating. For treatment of diseases medicine made up of cinchona is taken “. Garima is referring to which disease in the class?

  1. chikungunya
  2. falaria
  3. malaria
  4. plague
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Option 3 – malaria

03 The difference between boiling and evaporation is that

  1. boiling causes reduction in volume of liquid while evaporation does not
  2. changing of boiling liquid into vapour can be seen but evaporation cannot be seen
  3. boiling causes a change of state of water while evaporation does not
  4. evaporation can take place at any temperature while boiling cannot

Option 4 – evaporation can take place at any temperature while boiling cannot

04 A lemon sinks in normal water floats in salty water because the density of

  1. lemon increases in salt water
  2. lemon decreases in salt water
  3. salt water is more than normal water
  4. normal water is more than salt water

Option 3 – salt water is more than normal water

05 Malaria can be detected by testing the blood for the presence of

  1. eggs of mosquito in red blood cells
  2. plasmodium is red blood cell
  3. ruptured liver cells in blood
  4. larvae of mosquito in blood

Option 2 – plasmodium is red blood cell

06 While performing experiments with water, jyoti observed that an empty steel bowl floats but a small iron nail sinks in water. This can be explained by the fact that

  1. iron is lighter than water and steel is heavier than water
  2. force on a steel bowl is more than its weight whereas force on an iron nail is less than its weight
  3. force on an iron nail is more than its weight whereas force on a steel bowl is lesser than its weight
  4. iron is heavier than water and steel is lighter than water

Option 4 – iron is heavier than water and steel is lighter than water

07 Rekha’s mother adds phitkari (alum) to water collected from the pond every day in order to

  1. decolourise water
  2. sediment light suspended impurities
  3. change hard water into soft water
  4. kill germs in water

Option 2 – sediment light suspended impurities

08 An air-pump is kept in an aquarium in order to

  1. make water cleaner
  2. provide more carbon dioxide to water plants
  3. allow more oxygen to dissolve in water
  4. enhance the beauty of the aquarium

Option 3 – allow more oxygen to dissolve in water

09 A fish dies when it is put in an aquarium filled with previously boiled water but cooled to room temperature. This happens because the water in the aquarium is

  1. unfit for swimming by fish
  2. depleted in oxygen
  3. unfit for drinking by fish
  4. depleted in minerals

Option 2 – depleted in oxygen

10 Select from the following a group of diseases caused by mosquitoes

  1. dengue, malaria, chikungunya
  2. malaria, cholera, typhoid
  3. malaria, dengue, cholera
  4. malaria, chikungunya, typhoid

Option 1 – dengue, malaria, chikungunya

11 The group called Tarun Bharat Sangh is associated with

  1. providing cooked mid-day meal in schools
  2. running free coaching classes for the children belonging to EWS
  3. rebuilding old lakes
  4. helping specially abled children in learning

Option 3 – rebuilding old lakes

12 The name of the scientist who first peeped into a mosquito stomach and proved that mosquitos spread malaria and for his research was awarded Nobel Prize in medicine in December 1902 is

  1. ronald ross
  2. charles darwin
  3. gregor mendel
  4. george mistral

Option 1 – ronald ross

13 Rajat said to his friend, ” I cannot play because I am down with fever. I pass through a cycle of shivering, fever and headache and finally sweating. After my blood test, doctor prescribed me a bitter medicine. ” Rajat might be suffering from

  1. malaria
  2. typhoid
  3. diarrhea
  4. cholera

Option 1 – malaria

14 What is the Dead Sea?

  1. A sea whose water is poisonous
  2. A sea which is saltiest of all oceans and seas
  3. A sea in which high and low tides are very frequent
  4. A sea in which it is dangerous to sail ships

Option 2 – A sea which is saltiest of all oceans and seas

15 Which one of the following diseases may be caused by stagnant water?

  1. malaria
  2. polio
  3. pneumonia
  4. chiken pox

Option 1 – malaria

16 It is advised to put oil on stagnant water to prevent breeding of mosquitoes. This is because

  1. oil cuts off oxygen supply, thereby stops the breeding of mosquitoes
  2. mosquitoes are repelled by oil
  3. mosquitoes are killed by oil
  4. mosquitoes get stuck in the layer of oil

Option 4 – mosquitoes get stuck in the layer of oil

17 Water is found in which of the following in a natural way?

  1. lakes
  2. bukets
  3. tanks
  4. matkas

Option 1 – lakes

18 Which of the following statements is incorrect?

  1. ocean constitute largest amount of water on the earth approximately 97% of total water
  2. ground water forms the source of fresh water
  3. glacier and ice caps constitutes 1% of all fresh water present on the earth
  4. mostly the river drains into ocean or sea

Option 3 – glacier and ice caps constitutes 1% of all fresh water present on the earth

19 Which of the following statements regarding water is correct?

  1. boiling point of water is 100 C at very specific pressure
  2. freezing point of water is 0 C at any pressure
  3. density of water is maximum when it is form of ice
  4. water is made up of hydrogen, oxygen and helium

Option 1 – boiling point of water is 100 C at very specific pressure

20 Main source of fresh water on the earth is

  1. glacier
  2. river-water
  3. ground-water
  4. ponds and tanks

Option 1 – glacier

21 Ground water level is continuously decreasing which of the following can be reason for it?

  1. afforestation as more trees consume more water so ground water level is decreasing
  2. construction of large number of water bodies
  3. large number of tube-wells and hand pumps are extracting water from ground
  4. excessive rainfall

Option 3 – large number of tube-wells and hand pumps are extracting water from ground

22 Which of the following is the main cause of rainfall?

  1. filteration
  2. evaporation
  3. condensation
  4. both evaporation and condensation

Option 4 – both evaporation and condensation

23 Water is earthen pot remains cool due to

  1. condensations
  2. evaporation
  3. sedimentation
  4. sublimation

Option 2 – evaporation

24 The water level …….. when a pinch of salt is dissolved in a glass of water?

  1. increases
  2. decreases
  3. remains the same
  4. none of the above

Option 3 – remains the same

25 Which of the following statements is correct?

  1. density of water remain unchanged when something dissolves in water completely
  2. petrol and water mixes completely and they are difficult to separate
  3. dissolution process is enhanced when sugar is stirred while dissolving in water
  4. If oil and water is vigorously shaken both will mix together completely

Option 3 – dissolution process is enhanced when sugar is stirred while dissolving in water

26 Which of the following substance will sink in water?

  1. plank made up of wood
  2. plastic bucket full of water
  3. a small sheet of glass
  4. plastic soap case with soap in it

Option 3 – a small sheet of glass

27 Which of the following statement is incorrect?

  1. salt increases the density of water
  2. in a dead sea no human can drown
  3. when kerosene is mixed with water it will float on the surface of water
  4. substance which will be lighter than water can sink in water

Option 4 – substance which will be lighter than water can sink in water

28 Which of the following statements is incorrect? ( Water CTET Pedagogy MCQ )

  1. evaporation takes at all temperature
  2. boiling takes at specific temperature
  3. condensation is a process which converts the water vapour into liquid
  4. evaporation and boiling both are very fast process

Option 4 – evaporation and boiling both are very fast process

29 Which of the following is/are functions of water? ( Water CTET Pedagogy MCQ )

  1. it maintains proper shape of cell
  2. plant provide oxygen by breaking water during photosynthesis
  3. it is universal solvent
  4. all of the above

Option 4 – all of the above

30 What substance do we get from the oceanic water? ( Water CTET Pedagogy MCQ )

  1. water
  2. salt
  3. chilli powder
  4. sea weed powder

Option 2 – salt

31 Mohan tells students that there is water body which has extremely salty water, density of salt present in that water body is approximately 300 grams per litre. Another specific feature of this water body is that nobody can drown in it. Mohan is refering to which of the water body?

  1. black sea
  2. red sea
  3. salty sea
  4. dead sea

Option 4 – dead sea

32 People, as a custom still gather around lake for

  1. to celebrate
  2. to give sacrifice
  3. to quench the thirst
  4. all of above

Option 4 – all of above

33 Water is used for washing the cattles and utensils. What effect do it have? ( Water CTET Pedagogy MCQ )

  1. water gets contaminated
  2. water gets purified
  3. water gets colourful
  4. water gets the taste

Option 1 – water gets contaminated

34 Alum is used for

  1. cleaning turbid water
  2. making water muddy
  3. making water tasty
  4. none of the above

Option 1 – cleaning turbid water

35 The wells having steps for going down and coming up are known as

  1. artisen’s wells
  2. tubewells
  3. step wells
  4. all of these

Option 3 – step wells

36 Which of the following measure is most appropriate to restore the underground water in its natural stage? ( Water CTET Pedagogy MCQ )

  1. sowing of traditional crops
  2. increases the area of paddy and sugarcane cultivation
  3. construction of more water bodies
  4. enhancement of industrialization

Option 3 – construction of more water bodies

37 Drinking water if contaminated gives a free invitation to

  1. friends
  2. family members
  3. diseases
  4. none of the above

Option 3 – diseases

38 Malaria is caused by

  1. plasmodium falciparum
  2. entamoeba
  3. retrovirus
  4. salmonella

Option 1 – plasmodium falciparum

39 Malarial parasite is found in the

  1. salivary glands of female anopheles
  2. stomach of male anopheles
  3. mouth of male culex
  4. human blood

Option 4 – human blood

40 Carrier of dengue disease is

  1. mosquito
  2. housefly
  3. virus
  4. virus and mosquito

Option 1 – mosquito

41 Malaria can be confirmed in patient by

  1. blood test-checking presence of parasite in blood
  2. looking at the symptom i.e fever with shiver
  3. rashes on the body
  4. by checking the presence of female anopheles in the surrounding

Option 1 – blood test-checking presence of parasite in blood

42 There is a place where fishermen have to break an upper layer of ice in order to catch a fish. From above statements which of the following thing can be concluded?

  1. fishes are trapped in lower layer of ice
  2. fishes have freezed in the cold weather
  3. below the layer of ice water is present and fishes are present in those water
  4. all of the above

Option 3 – below the layer of ice water is present and fishes are present in those water

43 Riya tells her students ” It is very essential component of life of every living organism, elephants enjoy playing with it very much. Sometimes excess of it can cause flood and scarcity of it causes drought. Pollution of it can cause various diseases in humans “. Riya is referring to which of the following thing?

  1. water
  2. oxygen
  3. food
  4. food and water

Option 1 – water

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