Wave Motion MCQ

Wave Motion MCQ. We covered all the Wave Motion MCQ in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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MCQ on Wave Motion for Students

An application of Bernoulli’s equation of fluid flow is found in the

1. dynamic lift of an airplane

2. capillary rise

3. hydraulic pressure

4. none of the above

Option 1 – dynamic lift of an airplane

A horizontal pipeline carries water in a streamlined flow. At a point along the pipe where the cross-sectional area is 10cm², the water velocity is 1m/s and the pressure is 2000 pa. The pressure of water at another point where the cross-sectional area is 5cm³ is

1. 1000 pa

2. 3500 pa

3. 500 pa

4. 2000 pa

Option 3 – 500 pa

The volume of liquid flowing through an orifice at the bottom of a tank does not depend upon

1. gravitational force

2. height of liquid above the orifice

3. area of the orifice

4. density of the liquid.

Option 4 – density of the liquid

The clouds float in the atmosphere because of

1. their low density

2. low viscosity

3. low temperature

4. low pressure

Option 1 – their low density

A capillary tube is attached horizontally to a constant head arrangement, if the radius of the capillary tube is increased by 10% then the rate of flow of liquid will change nearly by

1. -40%

2. -10%

3. 10%

4. 46%

Option 4 – 46%

When the velocity of the liquid flowing steadily through a tube increases, its pressure.

1. increases

2. decreases

3. remains constant

4. first decreases then increases

Option 2 – decreases

What is the mass of water flowing in 20 minutes through a tube at 0.2 cm diameter, 50 cm long if there is a constant pressure head of 25 cm of water? The coefficient of viscosity of water is 0.0089

1. 2595.6g

2. 2560.7g

3. 1563.7g

4. 3678.6g

Option 1 – 2595.6g

In a non-dispersive medium, the group velocity is

1. greater than the phase velocity

2. less than the phase velocity

3. independent of phase velocity

4. equal to the phase velocity

Option 3 – independent of phase velocity

What is the percentage of contraction in the length of a rod in a frame of reference moving with velocity 0.9c in a direction parallel to its length?

1. 60%

2. 55%

3. 57%

4. 88%

Option 3 – 57%

A plate of area 100 cm² is placed on the upper surface of castor oil, 2mm thick. Taking the coefficient of viscosity to be 15.5 poise. Calculate the horizontal force necessary to move the plate with a velocity of 3 cm/sec.

1. 0.232 newtons

2. 0.0232 newtons

3. 0.00232 newtons

4. 1.32 newtons

Option 1 – 0.232 newtons

Bernoulli’s theorem is based on

1. conservation of energy

2. conservation of mass

3. conservation of momentum

4. conservation of heat

Option 1 – conservation of energy

Bernoulli’s theorem is applicable to

1. turbulent flow of ideal liquid

2. streamline the flow of ideal liquid

3. for ideal gas

4. streamline the flow of actual liquid

Option 2 – streamline the flow of ideal liquid

The lift of an airplane is based on

1. Bernoulli’s theorem

2. Torricelli’s theorem

3. Gravitation laws

4. Conservation of linear momentum

Option 1 – Bernoulli’s theorem

A liquid is kept in a cylindrical vessel that is rotated along its axis. The liquid rises at the sides If the radius of the vessel is 0.05m and the speed of rotation is 2 rev/s. Find the difference in the height of the liquid at the center of the vessel and its sides.

1. 0.02m

2. 0.248m

3. 0.02cm

4. None of the above

Option 1 – 0.02m

One spherical ball of radius R, density p released in a liquid of density p/2 attains a terminal velocity v. Another ball of radius 2R and density (3/2)p. Released in the same liquid will attain a terminal velocity.

1. 2v

2. 8v

3. 4v

4. 1v

Option 2 – 8v

We covered all the wave motion mcq above in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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