Biology Chapter Wise MCQ for NEET
Insects belong to the phylum
1. Insecta
2. Arthropoda
3. Annelida
4. Chordata
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Diatoms belong to the phylum
1. Chlorophyta
2. Metaphyta
3. Metazoa
4. Bryophyta
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Sponges belong to the phylum
1. Chordata
2. Protozoa
3. Porifera
4. Metaphyta
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Distribution of animals on earth is studied under
1. Pathology
2. Zoo geography
3. Anatomy
4. All
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Branch of biology dealing with micro organ isms, bacteria and viruses is
1. Ecology
2. Genetics
3. Anatomy
4. Microbiology
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Branch of biology dealing with fossils is
1. Ecology
2. Genetics
3. Palaeontology
4. All the above
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Branch of biology that deals with inheritance is
1. Anatomy
2. Genetics
3. Ecology
4. Taxonomy
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Interaction between biology and chemistry is studied in
1. Bio chemistry
2. Anatomy
3. Pathology
4. Ecalogy
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NBRI conducts research on
1. Animals
2. Plants
3. Eggs
4. Fishes
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ICRISAT is located at
1. Hyderabad
2. Pune
3. Delhi
4. Jaipur
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