Carbohydrates Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

Which of the following is not Sugar 1. Glucose 2. Starch 3. Fructose 4. Sucrose

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Give an example for Carbohydrate 1. Glucose 2. Fructose 3. Sucrose 4. All the above

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In photosynthesis plants prepare Carbohydrates with help of 1. Fe 2. Zn 3. Chlorophyll 4. Myophyll

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Plants prepare Carbohydrates by : 1. Hydrolysis 2. Electrolysis 3. Combustion 4. Photo synthesis

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Starch is a ...... 1. mono saccharide 2. oligo saccharide 3. tri saccharide 4. poly saccharide

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Fructose is a ....... 1. poly saccharide 2. tri saccharide 3. oligo saccharide 4. ketose

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What is called glucose 1. Aldose 2. Disaccharide 3. Ketose 4. Oligo saccharide

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Maltose is a ...... 1. Mono saccharide 2. Oligo saccharide 3. Tri saccharide 4. Poly saccharide

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Carbohydrates are naturally prepared by 1. Animals 2. Birds 3. Plants 4. Soil

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