chemistry mcq
The compound used in face-powder for adherence
1. Calcium stearate
2. Zinc stearate
3. Magnesium stearate
4. All the above
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Which of the following substance is used for absorbency in face-powder
1. Zinc oxide
2. Calcium carbonate
3. Calcium stearate
4. Zinc stearate
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Which of the following is used in face-powder for slip
1. Magnesium oxide
2. Magnesium silicate
3. Lakes
4. Calcium stearate
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Which of the following makes powder "opacitic"?
1. Red clay
2. Calcium carbonate
3. Magnesium
4. Titanium dioxide
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The largest selling cosmetic item is
1. cold-cream
2. nail polish
3. face-powder
4. all of these
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Low boiling solvents consist
1. Alcohols
2. Aliphatic hydrocarbons
3. Alcohol and Aliphatic hydrocurbons
4. Alcohol and alipatic and aromatic hydrocarbons
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Which of the following is used as plasticizer in Nail polish
1. coconut-oil
2. ground nut-oil
3. castor-oil
4. alcohol
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Pyroxylin is used in Nail polish as
1. polymeric resin
2. plasticizer
3. colour pigment
4. perfume
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1. soaks the fibre
2. binds the dye to fibre
3. impart colour to the fibre
4. intensifies the colour of the dye
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Perkin voilet dye commonly known as
1. Mauve
2. Martius yellow
3. Methyl orange
4. Aniline yellow
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