Plains formed due to the filling up of lakes are called1. delta plains2. flood plains3. till plains4. lacustrine plains
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The theory suggesting that the continents of South America and Africa were once joined together was the1. continental drift theory2. tetrahedral theory3. Kant's theory4. Ritter's theory
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The crustal layer of the earth is also called1. sial2. sima3. moho4. nife
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The term 'nife' refers to1. earthquakes2. core of the earth3. crust of the earth4. ocean beds
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The hot winds blowing towards the Swiss valley are known as1. Chinook2. Sirocco3. Berg4. Foehn
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One of the warm currents in the Indian Ocean is the1. Labrador Current2. Agulhas Current3. Curoshio Current4. Humboldt Current
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Which continent has the highest density of population?1. Asia2. Europe3. Africa4. North America
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The best way to define rock types will be :1. igneous-carbonate-metamorphic2. sedimentary-igneous-limestone3. igneous-sedimentary-metamorphic4. igneous-metamorphic-marble
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What is measured on the Richter scale?1. wind velocity2. earthquakes3. depth4. heat