Fats and Oils MCQ

Hydrogenation of cotton seed oil gives the ester of ? 1. Lauric acid 2. Stearic acid 3. Oleic acid 4. Linolieinic acid

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Cotton seed oil contains 1. Oleic acid ester 2. Stearic acid ester 3. Lauric acid ester 4. Linolinic acid ester

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The catalyst used in hydrogenation of oils is? 1. Al 2. Zn 3. Ni 4. Mg

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Detergents differ from soap in Their action with 1. Skin 2. Cloths 3. Hard water 4. None of these

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Good soap is that which gives the 1. Largest lather 2. Lowest lather 3. Both (1) and (2) 4. None of these

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Slow drying lathes soap contains excuss of : 1. Linoleinic acid 2. Stearic acid 3. Lauric acid 4. Oleic acid

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Which of the following can be used as a builder in soap 1. Sodium Chloride 2. Sodium Hydroxide 3. Soda ash 4. Sodium Nitrate

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Transparent soap contains : 1. lauric acid 2. glycerol 3. glycol 4. triethanolamine

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Shaving soap contains excess of 1. builders 2. perfume 3. glycerol 4. stearic acid

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