food quiz
When more than 20% of the body weight is due to fat the person is suffering from :
1. marasmus
2. kwashiorkor
3. scurvy
4. obesity
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Recent studies have shown that obesity is
1. not inheritable
2. contagious
3. inheritable
4. infective
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In the body excess fat is stored in :
1. Adipose tissue
2. Acrosome
3. Erythrocyte
4. bone morrow
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Rickets is caused due to the deficiency of :
1. carotene
2. calciferol
3. cyanocobalamine
4. thiamine
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Deficiency of thiamine causes :
1. glossitis
2. pellegra
3. scurvy
4. beri-beri
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Niacin is called as vitamin :
1. B₁
2. B6
3. B12
4. B3
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Vitamin B, deficiency causes :
1. beri-beri
2. scurvy
3. pellagra
4. sterility
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Glossitis is caused due to deficiency of vitamin :
1. B12
2. B₂
3. B6
4. B3
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Pyridoxine is the chemical name of vitamin :
1. C
2. A
3. D
4. B6
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Folic acid is a :
1. carbohydrate
2. mineral
3. fat
4. vitamin
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