Life Process MCQ Ed.Cet
08 Tissue associated with water transport
1. mesophyll
2. phloem
3. xylem
4. parenchyma
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09 Soil water enter into root hair by process called ......
1. diffusion
2. filtration
3. boot pressure
4. osmosis
10 How does the water reach 180 meters high to the top of a tree like eucalyptus
1. transpiration
2. root pressures
3. continuous column of water is xylem
4. all the above
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11 Food transported through
1. xylem
2. phloem
3. bark
4. chlorenchyma
12 We will find vocal cords in
1. larynx
2. pharynx
3. nasal cavity
4. trachea
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13 Cluster of air sacs in lungs are called
1. alveolus
2. bronchi
3. bronchioles
4. air spaces
14 Which of the following is correct
1. the diaphragm contracts - volume of chest cavity increased
2. the diaphragm contracts - volume of chest cavity decreased
3. the diaphragm expands - volume of chest cavity increased
4. the diaphragm expands - volume of chest cavity decreased
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