neet 2021 ug result

Identify the algae used to obtain Agar. (A) Chlorella (B) Chara (C) Gelidium (D) Spirulina

Identify 'X' and 'Y' with reference to double fertilization in Angiosperms. Male gamete + Egg cell 'X' Male gamete + Secondary nucleus 'Y' -> (A) X-haploid zygote, Y- diploid PEN (B) X-diploid zygote, Y- triploid PEN (C) X-haploid zygote, Y- diploid endosperm (D) X-diploid zygote, Y- diploid embryo

Which of the following is an INCORRECT pair? (A) Oogamous: Volvox (B) Isogamous: Spirogyra (C) Anisogamous: Eudorina (D) Isogamous: Fucus

Algin is obtained from (A) red algae (B) brown algae (C) green algae (D) both (A) and (B)