Principles Of Language Teaching MCQ

41 Which of the following statements is incorrect? 1. Language has three constituents-sound, vocabulary, and structure 2. The main focus of teaching English is passing the examination through cramming 3. Regional speech habits do not influence the pronunciation of English words 4. None of the above

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40 In learning a new language 1. the knowledge of mother tongue is helpful 2. the use of mother tongue interferes rather than facilities 3. the mother tongue should not be used at all by the learners 4. None of the above

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39 Before coming to school children are 1. fully aware of all the grammatical rules related to language 2. do not know anything about the second language 3. well equipped in their native language to understand and explain 4. well versed in more than one languages

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38 Which of the following statements is/are not correct? ( Principles Of Language Teaching MCQ ) 1. Language helps in uniting thoughts and identities of the individual 2. In India, language diversity poses a complex problem 3. Language is one of the most important form of communication among humans 4. In India, English language is spoken by 80% of population

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37 Which of the following is not a language component? 1. Sound 2. Symbols 3. Vocabulary 4. Structures

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36 Which of the following is not a characteristic of a language? ( Principles Of Language Teaching MCQ ) 1. A vital part of the growth process 2. Has its own set of grammatical rules 3. It is productive and creative 4. It is spontaneous, not a result of evolution

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35 Which is no longer a position of English language in India? 1. Link language 2. Associate-official language 3. Global language 4. Foreign language

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32 In an English class, mother tongue influence can be effectively minimized by .......... 1. using the mother tongue more often 2. giving examples from the mother tongue 3. giving a lot of exposure to the target language 4. giving inputs from the target language in a simple graded manner

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31 Smriti, a class II teacher has been assigned the task of teaching English to her students. Which factors she should keep in mind? 1. All students are alike in their attitudes and aptitudes 2. All students come from same type of family backgrounds 3. All students are equally motivated to learn English language 4. All learners possess different abilities, personalities and belong to different backgrounds

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