quiz questions

The term PIO stands for 1. People of Indian Origin 2. Pensioners of Indian Office 3. F'opulation of Indian Origin 4. Parents of Indian Origin

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The full form of DOS is 1. Disk Offset System 2. Direct Offset System 3. Disk Operating System 4. None of these

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NRSA refers to 1. National Rural Service Agency 2. National Remote Sensing Agency 3. Non-Residents in South Africa 4. National Remote Sensing Area

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SAFTA stands for South Asian Free Trade 1. Area 2. Association 3. Agreement 4. Agency

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NJC Stand for 1. National Judicial Committee 2. National Judicial Commission 3. National Judicial Conference 4. National Judicial Corporation

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HDI means 1. Human Development Index 2. Humanrights Direction Index 3. Hyderabad Development Information 4. None of the above

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Which of the following are correctly matched? 1. TRYSEM - Training of Rural Youth of Self employ ment 2. UAV - Unmanned Aerial Vehicle 3. UNI - United News India 4. All the above

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VRS stands for 1. Voluntary Recruit School 2. Voluntary Retirement Scheme 3. V-Rays 4. Vegetarian Refreshment School

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VAT refers to 1. Value Added Tax 2. Value Added Trust 3. Value Amount Total 4. None of the above

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