The Microbial World Class 8 MCQ
Study of bacteria is called
1. Virology
2. Bacteriology
3. Enamology
4. All
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Microoganisms with a definite nucleus are called
1. Prokar yotes
2. Eukaryotes
3. Both
4. None
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Mumps is caused by
1. Insect
2. Bacteria
3. Virus
4. All
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Fine thread like cells of bacterial cells are called
1. Cilia
2. Hair
3. Flagella
4. None
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What is the cell in which virus lives
1. Guest
2. Host
3. Both
4. None
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Saprophytic fungi are called
1. Colonies
2. Moulds
3. Both
4. None
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Microscopic green algae of oceans are called
1. Volvox
2. Diatoms
3. Spirogyra
4. All
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Plasmodium is a protozoan which causes
1. Diarrhoea
2. Malaria
3. Cholera
4. All
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Blue-green algae are similar to
1. Bacteria
2. Viruses
3. Green algae
4. All
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Bacterial disease among the following is
1. Typhoid
2. Mumps
3. Malaria
4. Dysentery
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