Work Power and Energy Class 11 NEET Questions

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Work Power and Energy Class 11 NEET Questions for Students

A body of mass 2 kg is dropped from a height of 1 m. Its kinetic energy as it touches the ground is

(a) 19.6N

(b) 19.6J

(c) 19.6 kg

(d) 19.6m

Option b – 19.6J

The negative value of work done indicates that

(a) force and displacement are in the same direction

(b) more than one force is acting on the object

(c) displacement and force are in opposite directions

(d) Both (b) and (c)

Option d – Both (b) and (c)

Work done is zero/when

(a) force and displacement of the body are in the same direction

(b) force and displacement of the body are in the opposite direction

(c) the force acting on the body is perpendicular to the direction of the displacement of the body

(d) None of these

Option c – the force acting on the body is perpendicular to the direction of the displacement of the body

When a stone is thrown upward to a certain height, it possesses

(a) potential energy

(b) kinetic energy

(c) wind energy

(d) sound energy

Option a – potential energy

The capacity of doing work is termed as

(a) pressure

(b) energy

(c) force

(d) displacement

Option b – energy

A fast wind can turn the blades of a windmill because it possesses

(a) potential energy

(b) kinetic energy

(c) chemical energy

(d) heat energy

Option a – potential energy

If a stone of mass m falls a vertical distance d, the decrease in gravitational potential energy is

(a) mg/d

(b) md²/2

(c) mgd

(d) md/g

Option c – mgd

A block of weight W has pulled a distance along a horizontal table. The work done by the weight is

(a) Wl

(b) 0

(c) Wgl

(d) Wl/g

Option b – 0

The unit of energy is

(a) same as the unit of work

(b) joule

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) Neither (a) nor (b)

Option c – Both (a) and (b)

Work done by a force can be

(a) only positive

(b) only negative

(c) both positive and negative

(d) None of these

Option c – both positive and negative

The potential energy of your body is minimum when

(a) you are standing

(b) you are sitting on a chair

(c) you are sitting on the ground

(d) you lie down on the ground

Option d – you lie down on the ground

For a body falling freely under gravity from a height

(a) only the potential energy goes on increasing

(b) only the kinetic energy goes on increasing

(c) both kinetic energy as well as potential energy go on increasing

(d) the kinetic energy goes on increasing while potential energy goes on decreasing

Option d – the kinetic energy goes on increasing while potential energy goes on decreasing

Work done is defined as

(a) the product of force and displacement

(b) the distance through which the object is moved

(c) the mass of the object getting displaced

(d) the product of force and mass

Option a – the product of force and displacement

If a force F is applied on a body and it moves with velocity v, the power will be

(a) Fv

(b) F/v

(c) Fv²

(d) F/v²

Option a – Fv

The unit of work done is

(a) Joule

(b) Newton meter

(c) Calorie

(d) Both (a) and (b)

Option d – Both (a) and (b)

The kinetic energy of a body moving with a speed of 10 m/s is 30J. If its speed becomes 30 m/s, its kinetic energy will be

(a) 10 J

(b) 90 J

(c) 180 J

(d) 270J

Option d – 270J

When you compress a coil spring you do work on it. The elastic potential energy

(a) increases

(b) decreases

(c) disappears

(d) remains the same

Option a – increases

No work is done when

(a) a nail is plugged into a wooden board

(b) a box is pushed along a horizontal floor

(c) there is no component of force parallel to the direction of motion

(d) there is no component of force normal to the direction of force

Option d – there is no component of force normal to the direction of force

Which is not a unit of energy?

(a) Watt’s second

(b) Kilowatt hour

(c) Watt

(d) Joule

Option c – Watt

1-kilowatt hour is equal to

(a) 1 joule

(b) 100 joules

(c) 36 joule

(d) 3.6 × 10³ kilojoule

Option d – 3.6 × 10³ kilojoule

A stone of mass 1 kg is raised through 1m height.

(a) The loss of gravitational potential energy by the stone is 1 joule

(b) The gain of gravitational potential energy by the stone is 1 joule

(c) The loss of gravitational potential energy is 9.8 joule

(d) The gain of gravitational potential energy is 9.8 joule

Option d – The gain of gravitational potential energy is 9.8 joule

The scientific concept of work suggests that work is said to be done if

(a) a force acts on an object

(b) the object must be displaced

(c) energy must be consumed

(d) Both (a) and (b)

Option d – Both (a) and (b)

The kinetic energy of a body will become eight times if

(a) its mass is made four times

(b) its velocity is made four times.

(c) both the mass and velocity are doubled

(d) both the mass and velocity are made four times

Option c – both the mass and velocity are doubled

A body is falling freely under the action of gravity alone in a vacuum. Which one of the following remains constant during the fall?

(a) Potential energy

(b) Kinetic energy

(c) Total linear momentum

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(d) Total mechanical energy

Option d – Total mechanical energy

Consider the following statements. Work is not done, when: 1. a man is walking on a horizontal road. 2. a man is climbing up a hill. 3. a man with a load on his head is walking on a horizontal road. 4. the moon is revolving around the earth. Which of the statements given above is correct?

(a) 1 and 3 only

(b) 1 and 4 only

(c) 2, 3 and 4

(d) 1,3 and 4

Option d – 1,3 and 4

Consider the following statements : (1) A light and a heavy body, having equal momenta, have equal kinetic energies. (2) The total energy of a body in motion is equal to the work it can do in being brought to rest. (3) A body cannot have momentum when its energy is zero. Which of these statements is/are correct?

(a) (1) and (2)

(b) (2) and (3)

(c) Only (2)

(d) Only (3)

Option d – Only (3)

A body has a free fall from a height of 20 m. After falling through a distance of 5 m, the body would

(a) lose one-fourth of its total energy

(b) lose one-fourth of its potential energy

(c) gain one-fourth of its potential energy

(d) gain three-fourths of its total energy

Option b – lose one-fourth of its potential energy

An object is raised to a height of 3 m from the ground. It is then allowed to fall onto a table 1 m high from ground level. In this context, which one of the following statements is correct?

(a) Its potential energy decreases by two-thirds of its original value of total energy.

(b) Its potential energy decreases by one-third of its original value of total energy.

(c) Its kinetic energy increases by two-thirds, while potential energy increases by one-third.

(d) Its kinetic energy increases by one-third, while potential energy decreases by one-third.

Option a – Its potential energy decreases by two-thirds of its original value of total energy.

Two bodies A and B having masses of m and 4m respectively are moving with equal linear momentum. The ratio of kinetic energies between A and B is

(a) 1: 4

(b) 4: 1

(c) 1: 1

(d) 1: 2

Option b – 4: 1

A body is thrown vertically upwards and then falls back on the ground. Its potential energy is maximum

(a) on the ground

(b) at the maximum height

(c) during the return journey

(d) both on the ground and at the maximum height

Option b – at the maximum height

How is the kinetic energy of a moving object affected if the net work done on it is positive?

(a) Decrease

(b) Increases

(c) Remains constant

(d) Becomes zero

Option b – Increases

Two balls, A and B are thrown simultaneously, A vertically upward with a speed of 20 m/s from the ground and B vertically downward with a height of 40 m with the same speed and along the same line of motion. At what points do the two balls collide by taking acceleration due to gravity as 9.8 m/s²?

(a) The balls will collide after 3s at a height of 30.2 m from the ground

(b) The balls will collide after 2s at a height of 20.1 m from the ground.

(c) The balls will collide after Is at a height of 15.1 m from the ground

(d) The balls will collide after 5s at a height of 20m from the ground

Option c – The balls will collide after Is at a height of 15.1 m from the ground

A bullet is fired from a rifle. Ifrifle recoils freely, then K.E. of the rifle is

(a) less than that of the bullet

(b) more than that of the bullet

(c) same as that of the bullet

(d) equal or less than that of the bullet

Option a – less than that of the bullet

A light and a heavy body have equal momentum. Which one has greater K.E.?

(a) The light body

(b) Both have equal K.E.

(c) The heavy body

(d) Data given is incomplete

Option a – The light body

Johnny and his sister Jane race up a hill. Johnny weighs twice as much as jane and takes twice as long as jane to reach the top. Compared to Jane

(a) Johnny did more work and delivered more power.

(b) Johnny did more work and delivered the same amount of power.

(c) Johnny did more work and delivered less power

(d) Johnny did less work and johnny delivered less power.

Option b – Johnny did more work and delivered the same amount of power.

The engine of a vehicle delivers constant power. If the vehicle is moving up the inclined plane then, its velocity,

(a) must remain constant

(b) must increase

(c) must decrease

(d) may increase, decrease or remain same.

Option a – must remain constant

Sun is said to be the ultimate source of energy. Solar energy gets transformed into

(a) chemical energy during photosynthesis

(b) heat energy in drying food grains

(c) electrical energy in solar cells

(d) All of these

Option d – All of these

The potential energy of a freely falling object decreases progressively. ( Work and Energy Class 9 MCQ )

(a) The law of conservation of energy is violated

(b) Potential energy gets converted into kinetic energy progressively

(c) Sum of Potential Energy and Kinetic Energy at any point during the free fall remains constant

(d) Both (b) and (c)

Option d – Both (b) and (c)

If velocity of a body is twice of previous velocity, then kinetic energy will become

(a) 2 times

(b) 1/2 times

(c) 4 times

(d) 1 times

Option c – 4 times

Two springs have their force constant as k₁ and k₂ (k₁ > k₂). When they are stretched by the same force

(a) no work is done in case of both the springs.

(b) equal work is done in case of both the springs

(c) more work is done in case of second spring

(d) more work is done in case of first spring.

Option c – more work is done in case of second spring

What is the sign of the work done by gravity on a man standing on a platform?

(a) Zero

(b) Positive

(c) Negative

(d) Depends on the particular situation

Option a – Zero

A body at rest can have

(a) speed

(b) energy

(c) momentum

(d) velocity

Option b – energy

What is the sign of the work performed on an object in uniform circular motion?

(a) Zero

(b) Positive

(c) Negative

(d) Depends on the particular situation

Option a – Zero

An object of 2 kg is moving with a velocity of 5 m/s. If its velocity is doubled, the kinetic energy will become

(a) 100 J

(b) 25 J

(c) 200 J

(d) 2.5 J

Option a – 100 J

A mass is kept stationary by an external force. All of the following are true except

(a) the point of application of the force does not move

(b) no work is done on the mass

(c) there is no net force on the mass

(d) the external force may perform work on the mass

Option d – the external force may perform work on the mass

A bird flying in the sky has

(a) K.E. only

(b) P.E. only

(c) neither K.E. nor P.E.

(d) both K.E. and P.E.

Option d – both K.E. and P.E.

The sum of the change in kinetic and potential energy is always

(a) zero

(b) positive

(c) negative

(d) None of the above

Option a – zero

A lorry and a car moving with the same K.E. are brought to rest by applying the same retarding force, then

(a) the lorry will come to rest at a shorter distance

(b) the car will come to rest at a shorter distance

(c) both come to rest at the same distance

(d) None of the above

Option c – both come to rest at the same distance

The gravitational potential energy of an object will

(a) increase by increasing the path along which the object is moved

(b) decrease by increasing the path along which the object is moved

(c) not affected by changing the path, provided the overall height is the same

(d) None of these

Option c – not affected by changing the path, provided the overall height is the same

The rate of doing work is termed as

(a) force

(b) mechanical energy

(c) power

(d) momentum

Option c – power

Sun is said to be the ultimate source of energy. Solar energy gets transformed into

(a) chemical energy during photosynthesis

(b) heat energy in drying food grains

(c) electrical energy in solar cells

(d) All of these

Option d – All of these

The potential energy of a freely falling object decreases progressively.

(a) The law of conservation of energy is violated

(b) Potential energy gets converted into kinetic energy progressively

(c) Sum of Potential Energy and Kinetic Energy at any point during the free fall remains constant

(d) Both (b) and (c)

Option d – Both (b) and (c)

When a freely falling object hits the ground, its kinetic energy is

(a) Converted into heat energy

(b) Used to form a crater in the ground

(c) Collides and then rebounds

(d) Any of the three is possible

Option c – Collides and then rebounds

If the velocity of a body is twice the previous velocity, then kinetic energy will become

(a) 2 times

(b) 1/2 times

(c) 4 times

(d) 1 time

Option c – 4 times

An electrical appliance of 500 W is used for 5 hours per day. Energy consumed in 30 days will be

(a) 2.5 kWh

(b) 25 kWh

(c) 75 kWh

(d) None of these

Option c – 75 kWh

The proper care and maintenance of machines require

(a) to make them good looking

(b) preserving them for future

(c) for their efficient and longer use

(d) None of these

Option c – for their efficient and longer use

Solar cookers are used

(a) to cook our food

(b) in artificial satellites

(c) to convert into electrical energy

(d) in drying clothes and other materials

Option a – to cook our food

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