Food And Nutrition Pedagogy CTET MCQ

Food And Nutrition Pedagogy CTET MCQ

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01 Disease caused due to the lack of protein is

  1. malnutrition
  2. night blindness
  3. kwashiorkor
  4. pellagra

Option 3 – kwashiorkor

02 Deficiency of fats and carbohydrates cause

  1. rickets
  2. osteoporosis
  3. marasmus
  4. none of these
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Option 3 – marasmus

03 Deficiency of iron causes

  1. anemia
  2. kidney stone
  3. fever
  4. typhoid

Option 1 – anemia

04 Deficiency of minerals cause

  1. tetany
  2. kwashiorkor
  3. marasmus
  4. mental retardation

Option 4 – mental retardation

05 Iodine deficiency causes

  1. fever
  2. cholera
  3. goiter
  4. marasmus

Option 3 – goiter

06 Deficiency of vitamin C causes

  1. goiter
  2. fever
  3. scurvy
  4. none of these

Option 3 – scurvy

07 Night blindness is associated with which of the following?

  1. vitamin E
  2. vitamin A
  3. vitamin C
  4. vitamin D

Option 2 – vitamin A

08 Which of the following statements are incorrect regarding the disorders associated with deficiency of nutrients?

  1. deficiency of vitamin A causes night blindness
  2. deficiency of vitamin D causes rickets
  3. deficiency of proteins causes kwashiorkor
  4. deficiency of minerals causes marasmus

Option 4 – deficiency of minerals causes marasmus

09 Which of the following belongs to the seperate group?

  1. scurvy
  2. rickets
  3. night blindness
  4. rabies

Option 4 – rabies

10 Deficiency of which vitamin causes pellagra?

  1. vitamin D
  2. vitamin B2
  3. vitamin K
  4. vitamin B3

Option 4 – vitamin B3

11 Deficiency of vitamins causes

  1. kwashiorkor
  2. marasmus
  3. mental retardation
  4. rickets

Option 4 – rickets

12 If someone uses a coal-stove for three-four hours in a closed room. The fatal effect will be

  1. the temperature of room will increase abnormally
  2. the level of carbon dioxide will increase in the blood
  3. the level of carbon monoxide will increase in the blood
  4. the level of hemoglobin will increase in the blood

Option 3 – the level of carbon monoxide will increase in the blood

13 Food is directly cooked by utilising dry heat in

  1. roasting
  2. frying
  3. boiling
  4. none of the above

Option 1 – roasting

14 Weighing and measuring food products is an examples of applying which of the following to the diet?

  1. variety
  2. balance
  3. moderation
  4. nutrition fact

Option 2 – balance

15 Which diet can be termed as a balanced diet?

  1. a diet with all elements in sufficient quantity
  2. a diet which is cooked properly
  3. a diet which is full of flavour
  4. a diet with good aroma

Option 1 – a diet with all elements in sufficient quantity

16 Which of the following defines the term ‘ balanced diet ‘ correctly?

  1. it is a diet that has adequate spices for taste
  2. It is a diet that is cooked properly and has good aroma
  3. It is a diet containing all the essential nutrients in adequate amount
  4. It is a diet that is as per the weekly chart shared by a good cook

Option 3 – It is a diet containing all the essential nutrients in adequate amount

17 It is necessary for our body but it is not a nutrient

  1. water
  2. carbohydrate
  3. fat
  4. minerals

Option 1 – water

18 The indigestible material in the food is known as

  1. proteins
  2. fats
  3. carbohydrates
  4. roughage

Option 4 – roughage

19 Which of the following pairs is incorrect?

  1. spinach : iron
  2. orange : vitamin C
  3. milk : vitamin D, calcium and phosphorous
  4. banana : vitamin A

Option 4 – banana : vitamin A

20 Which of the following pairs is incorrect?

  1. carrot : vitamin A
  2. lemon : vitamin C
  3. banana : vitamin E
  4. turnip green : vitamin E

Option 3 – banana : vitamin E

21 Table salt provides which mineral?

  1. potassium
  2. magnesium
  3. phosphorous
  4. sodium

Option 4 – sodium

22 Which of the following salts is found in maximum quantity in the oceans?

  1. magnesium sulphate
  2. calcium sulphate
  3. magnesium chloride
  4. sodium chloride

Option 4 – sodium chloride

23 Which of the following is required for healthy bones?

  1. potassium and vitamin K
  2. calcium and vitamin E
  3. calcium and vitamin C
  4. calcium and vitamin D

Option 4 – calcium and vitamin D

24 The vitamin or a mineral content of a food compared to its nutritional contribution in total calories is referred as

  1. natural density
  2. caloric density
  3. nutrient density
  4. physical density

Option 3 – nutrient density

25 Which of the following is a source of protein?

  1. rice
  2. wheat
  3. sugar
  4. meat

Option 4 – meat

26 A biochemical compound that readily combines with oxygen and distributes it throughout the human body is

  1. urea
  2. hemoglobin
  3. water
  4. chlorine

Option 2 – hemoglobin

27 Which of the following statements about fat is not true?

  1. fat produces energy in the body
  2. fat gets stored in our body
  3. fat has more oxygen as compared to carbohydrate
  4. fat prevents rapid loss of heat

Option 3 – fat has more oxygen as compared to carbohydrate

28 Which of the following statements is incorrect? ( Food And Nutrition Pedagogy CTET MCQ )

  1. a food item that contain fat tends to leave an oily patch on a paper
  2. minerals are used to make hormones and to maintain normal heart beat
  3. vitamin D helps our body to use the calcium to maintain healthy bones and teeth
  4. minerals help in building and repairing of the body

Option 4 – minerals help in building and repairing of the body

29 Fruits are eaten to get

  1. vitamins
  2. sugars
  3. carbohydrates and minerals
  4. all of the above

Option 4 – all of the above

30 Cereals, sugar, fats, oils etc are examples of

  1. energy providing foods
  2. body building foods
  3. regulatory foods
  4. protective foods

Option 1 – energy providing foods

31 Food is essential

  1. to live
  2. for growth of the body
  3. for working
  4. all of the above

Option 4 – all of the above

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